As we all knew that India is basically an
agrarian country with over 1.21 billion population (as per 2011 census) with over 115 million farm holding with an average farm holding of 1.47
hectors with total cultivated area of over 190 million hectors, contributing
substantially to gross domestic product (GDP) and providing a livelihood to
two-thirds of the population. But in the recent past there is a decline in
the contribution of agriculture sector to GDP as it contributed about 13.9 % of GDP in 2011-12 as compared to 16 %
of GDP in 2008-09, which clearly indicates agriculture’s share in the
country’s economy is progressively declining and indicating need to enhance the
efforts to increase the agriculture output. Even though India has world’s
largest cultivator of wheat, rice, and cotton, and is the world’s largest
producer of milk, pulses, and spices with a total agriculture production in
India is over 250 million tonnes of food
grains in 2011-12 with over 50 million metric tonnes of central stock for
supply needs of the PDS and the welfare schemes, but strangely India accounts
for 1/3 of the children in India are malnutrition, with over 45 % of countries
children are either underweight/ sub standard, which was described by our
Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh as “National Shame”, in
addition to these children, majority youth is is having body mass index (BMI)
below the standard and almost more than 50 % of the adolescence girl children
in India are mal-nutritional/under-nutritional/anaemic/under wait. All these
factors have terrible impact on the future of the country as the children and
youth account for over 70 % of the total population in India and these maladies
lead to under developed body, under developed brain, less intelligence, less
stamina, all resulting in less work output, resulting in reduction in the GDP
and again the repetition of vicious circle. It is mainly due to the fact that inequalities
in food distribution in India, cost of food is high as compared to production
cost due to high costs of inputs for cultivation and lack of proper pest
management and lack of proper storage facilities all these leading to over 45 %
of the agriculture output is getting wasted, in addition to lack of proper
marketing system leading to high cost of food grains which leading to majority
of the people in India are not able to have nutritious food. Even though there
is a considerable rise in the per capta income of people it is certainly not
the real purchase power of the majority people as it is fact that nearly over 70 % of India’s families dependent on rural incomes, all
these leading that 1/3
of the population living in poverty and over 1/3 of the population are low
income group and low middle income group, whose income not sufficient to have a
balanced diet (nutritional food). As such
agricultural productivity must grow along with new opportunities for non-farm
incomes, also to ensure that all sections in the society will get food at
affordable prices, which is possible only by government bring the agriculture
produce costs under control by controlling the supply of the agriculture
inputs, in addition to ensure producing more cereal crops, increase its production
of fruits, vegetables, and milk to meet the demands of a growing population, which
will enable to control food inflation to ensure the quality food with nutrient
values is available to all sections of the country at an affordable price.
The general climatic conditions in India
are very ideal for the production of numerous crops in abundance being a
tropical monsoon country with vide verities of soils. In India there are two main cropping seasons, namely “Kharif” (April–September) and
“Rabi” (October–March). The major Kharif crops include rice, sorghum, pearl
millet, maize, cotton, sugar cane, soybean and groundnut, and the Rabi crops
are wheat, barley, gram, linseed, rapeseed and mustard. Also due to good soils
being a tropical monsoon type climate, India has a good potential for growing a
wide range of horticultural crops such as fruits, vegetables, potato, tropical
tuber crops, mushrooms, ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic crops, spices
and plantation crops. The large acerage of cultivation is mainly due to regular
cycle of effective rains, moderate temperatures at almost all the places with
few exceptions, majority of the rivers are perennial rivers in India, having plenty
of plain land and delta areas are ideal for crop production. But unfortunately
due to lack of adequate planning in agriculture sector agriculture production output
is not taking place to the quantities it is supposed to be, coupled with lack
of adequate storage facilities for the agriculture produce and lack of proper distribution
mechanisms are the hindrance for food supply at affordable prices to the
masses. As such there should be an ideal plan to address various issues, like
the improvement of cost effective production of food grains, storage of food
grains to make it available at all times catering the demand at all times, proper
distribution mechanisms to ensure that prices are affordable &stable at all
The main stapled food in India is Rice
followed by wheat. Majority of the southern belt in India are Rice produces and
consumers where as majority of the Northern belt are consumers of Wheat. The
total Rice production in India is around 103 millon tonnes and the total wheat
production in India is around 88 million tonnes, where as cereals about 42
million tonnes and pulses are about 17 million tonnes (decline from the
previous year as far as pulses are concerned) In terms of cultivatable land the
cereals pulses and oil seeds account for near about 60 % followed by rice/paddy
around 24% then the cotton 5 % vegetable and fruits 3%, plantation crops 3% and
sugarcane 2% of the total cultivatable land in India. Various measures for
achieving the food for all in an organized, systematic manner of farming
through collective cultivation in villages, needed for constant coordination
between farmers and agriculture experts and through proper care by the
government for supply of inputs like water, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides
and also proper procurement and marketing of the agriculture produce and creation
of the back end infrastructure for agriculture produce to minimize the wastages
and maximize the availability of the food grains in the market and methods to
keeping the prices under control and uniform price throughout the year at all
places is discussed in the following for achieving ”Food for All”.
The first most important thing in the
process of agriculture reforms to bring the prices of agriculture produce under
control is the formation of Village Agriculture Co-operative Association (VACA)
for better cooperation and coordination in cultivation among the farmers. All
the VACA should possess various divisions as per major agriculture products
that can be cultivatable in the area. The VACA should comprise of all the
farmers in the village and all the farmers should mandatory be the members of
the VACA in order to perform cultivation for commercial sale of the agriculture
produce. The members should provide the details of the land holding; the
details of the owner, lease, the income source; the soil test reports and the
crops raid in the last 6 seasons, the source of water, the methods of
cultivation, the pest management, the average consumption of fertilizers etc.
All the farmers are provided with separate number of identity card with
separate number.
The second most important thing is to
obtain the data from all Gram Panchayats about the water bodies in the
villages, there condition of operation, the cultivatable area in the Gram
Panchayat. The cultivation methods, the process of cultivation, the soil
conditions, and the crops raised and the crop rotation system if any, the
consumption of fertilizers, the availability of chemical fertilizers, organic fertilizers
and bio fertilizers and supply the data for the agriculture experts for analysis
of the data for suggesting farmers.
Also the third most important thing is to
educate the farmers in the VACA about the suitable crop for the soil and area
and the verity of the seeds and the use of organic & bio fertilizers and
reduction of chemical NPK use to generate NPK naturally through organic manure
and crop rotation, optimal use of water, use of Bio pesticides, reduction in
use of chemical pesticides, application of integrated pest management and also no
pesticide management, soil conservation, rain water storage etc. Also should be
thought about the preparation of seeds for better yield and resistance from the
pests etc, thought about development of traditional seeds, rather than use of
Genetically Modified Seeds, safety measures while administering the fertilizers
and the pesticides and first aid in case of reactions due to chemical
pesticides and fertilizers.
The fourth most important thing is to
ensure the supply of inputs for agriculture; adequate water supply and adequate
power to have water and the availability of fertilizers and pesticides to all
farmers in the required quantities in quality in-time to have the best output.
The fifth most important thing is the creation
of storage and transport of the farm produce. The government must create
storage facilities in each mandal in the first phase and each GP in the second
phase the storage facilities for both the fertilizers as well as agriculture
The sixth most important thing is to have
markets for the agriculture produce and the minimum support price for the
agriculture produce, the minimum support price should not be fixed but it
should be as per the cost of inputs locally and also based soil conditions the
availability of agriculture inputs like water, fertilizers etc locally.
The seventh most important thing is computerisation
of storage and transport facilities with optimization of storage and
transportation costs, establishment of transparent supply chain management; in
order to possess the accurate information of the quantity of agriculture
production from each individual farmer to the quantity of stock at the storage
godowans and the stock in transit to the stock at the retailer. This will
ensure that control of artificial shortage creation to raise the prices of
agriculture produce.
The final thing is to ensure that the fair
price for the farmers and the consumers for the agriculture produce is
available by maximum eliminating the middle men in the system by fixing the
variable minimum support price depending up on the local conditions, with total
agriculture produce of the VACA is totally procured by the government at
minimum support price, also integrating the markets and government must put the
stock in market for traders to procure from the government to do retailing,
with fixing the maximum limit on the profit of the trader and the retailer as
far as the raw agriculture (including the segregation, removing the quality
less grains by sewing, polishing, removal of husk etc, other than converted
material such as grinding, baking etc) produce is concerned. Also government
must fix the minimum sale price for the agriculture produce at the retail
stores in order to ensure fair trade practices at all places in addition
indirectly making the traders to procure the raw agriculture produce from the
nearby market areas. This will ensure that all raw food prices are under
control all the times.
All the farmers who wish to avail the
social benefits along with price protection for the farm produce with minimum
support price for the agriculture produce and the crop risk management, the
compensation by the government directly for the failure of the crop are
possible only by registering in the VACA and in turn the VACA with the
government. This means all advice on the cultivation methods from the soil
testing to the seed supply to the fertilizer supply to the water supply to the
procurement of the agriculture produce output by the government at the minimum
support price in accordance to the local conditions can be availed by the
farmers only on becoming members in the VACA. This will ensure that farming is
more or less very ideal and smooth profession and attract many in addition to
retention of the existing farmers in the profession without migration for urban
areas leaving the agriculture cultivation, as all the drawbacks in agriculture
is covered by the government.
Since agriculture is a continuous process
and needs constant guidance from the experts, but due to the acute shortage of
experts in agriculture monitoring of all villages and all fields is not
possible as such there should be some persons who are trained in basic
agriculture procedures should exist in villages to coordinate between the
agriculture experts and the farmers in the village. As such government must
recruit and train people in agriculture related activities (in the lines of
ASHA of the health sector) the Accredited agriculture Coordinators (AACor) for
coordination and assisting the VACA. The AACor will collect the data from the
farmers regarding the farming, the soil samples for testing, observe the farms,
the procedures of the farming, guiding the farmers as per the advice of the
agriculture scientists and are basically act as the communicating link between
the Mandal agriculture centres and the VACA and the individual farmers. The
AACor’s are necessary as the advertisement regarding the agriculture procedure
etc in the television may not reach all the farmers as only 30 % of the rural
India has televisions and the programmes of the television will reach to 60 %
of the total rural population. The AACor Should be trained mostly the graduates
from the agriculture or micro biology or botany. Also the government must
provide special certification course for becoming AACor with minimum
qualification should be at least 10th standard or a farmer who left
the profession for their family members to cultivate their land or the land
less farmers who left cultivation previously done on the leased land. The
salaries for the AACor should dependent on the educational qualifications. The
degree holders should get more pay than the certified holders. But all the
AACor should mandatorily go through the same training procedure for getting the
better results.
As we all knew that seed is the primary
thing for the agriculture, quality and quantity of the agriculture output
depends up on the quality of the seed. Since there are many incidences that the
seed purchased in the market are not the quality seed to provide the desired
output resulting in huge loss to the farmer as well as the nation, as such government
should procure the seed from the seed producers and distribute it to the
farmers, banning direct sale of the seed in open market. It should be made
mandatory that all the supply of the seed should be done by the government. All
the private seed developers have to sell the entire seed developed to the
government with guarantee to the government for the quality of the seed. The
government should distribute the seed to the farmers (as in the case of fair
price shops). The seed developers need to provide guarantee to the government
regarding the output of the seed, in case of seed failure due to the defective
germination of seed, the government must invoke the bank guarantee provided by
the seed suppliers to pay the loss to the farmers.
The government must distribute the seed
through the GP for the VACA to be supplied to the individual farmers. This
method will ensure that the seed provided to each farmer in the required
quantity and quality which can absolutely deliver the quantity of output in all
normal circumstances. In case the seed is failed the farmer will get the
compensation from the government.
As we all knew that the majority of the
crops require plenty of fresh water
especially during the initial stages and once in the mid of the crop it is most ideal is to have controlled
condition of the water either through the storage in the tank and released as
and when required. In order to have more water through rivers for irrigation,
irrigation projects need to be constructed and the irrigation projects takes
lot of investment as such the government must prepare plan to construct the
irrigation projects under BOOT bases by the private construction companies to
construct the irrigation projects and supply water to the irrigation at a fixed
price. Similarly government must provide funds for every former to construct
the Rain water storage tanks near the farms individually or each village
adequate number of Rain water storage tanks. The data of the rain in the areas
(village wise/mandal wise) can be collected from the met-department of the
government and accordingly where ever the irrigation is dependent on the Rain
water, rain water pits should be digged in the villages at the suitable
location to collect maximum water in the slope and ideal connecting location in
the village in the initial stage and in each farm in the second stage. Also the
government must identify the water tables in the areas through the remote sensing
satellite mapping and guide the famers accordingly for cultivation under the
ground water irrigation. Also government must on war foot priority bases to
identify the lakes and water bodies in the villages and clean up the lakes and
removal of the silt formed over a period of time, to ensure maximum water is
stored in these fresh water bodies. Also government must completely ban the
fish and prawn cultivation through fresh water supply to the ponds. Also most
importantly all the water bodies near the industrial zones should be protected
from the untreated discharges of the industrial effluents, government must save
these water bodies from the pollutants for effective use of water for
cultivation. Also the cultivatable lands near the industrial zones should be
protected from the discharge of effluents to the ground that will pollute the
soil and change the neutral soils as well as ground water to alkaline/acidic.
Also it should be ideal that all the thermal power stations should be far away
from the cultivation zones as it has terrible impact on the cultivation due to
the acidic rains arises in the vicinity of the thermal plants due to the
emission of gases as well the emission of ash dust of the burnt coal i.e the
ashes and the transportation of the ashes. As such there should be ancillaries
within the compound or the zone of the thermal plants to covert the ash
residues in to fly ash bricks etc. Also government must not allocate the
cultivatable land or the land near the cultivatable zone for the industries which
cause severe pollution threat to agriculture like power, chemicals etc and also
for the SEZ’s for industrial production.
Also the government must ensure the
adequate and uniform water supply to all the VACA in the mandal either through
the ground water, or through the cannel water or through the cloud seeding in
case of the cultivation in dependent on the rain water. The government must
make a plan after collecting the data of the water tables where cultivation is
made on the ground water or completely on the rain, to dig the bore wells and
lift the water through the solar power where ever the water table is available
at lower heads (heights from the ground of the field) Also it will be ideal
that government must ensure the water supply to the irrigation to the private
players to dig the large bore wells and install power generators to lift the
water and supply in the required quantities at an appropriate cost and the government
must pay the cost of water supply and
the cost will be added by the government before agriculture produce is procured from
the farmers to determine the minimum support price to the farmer produce. Also similarly
government must allow the private players to construct irrigation dams and the
water for irrigation can be played by the government also the government must
allow the private players to do the cloud seeding at the instance of the
agriculture and the weather experts from the government and the private jointly
and the government must pay to the private cloud seed developer as per the rain
water collected the This will ensure the
cost of production of the agriculture at uniform price and the sale of
the agriculture product at uniform price. Also the government must provide the
funds for the Gram Pnchayats in the first phase and to the VACA in the second
phase for digging of the large pits for collecting the rain water in the
villages, the pit location should be designed scientifically by having the data
of the topography of the GP and the Village and most ideally the place where
maximum water can be collected based on the slop of the village and ideal
location for transport to all the individual farms. This will certainly save
lot of expenditure on the power motors and power to lift the water from the
bore wells as well as from long distances. Also the government must provide the
mobile Diesel pump sets to all VACA to lift the water from the water bodies.
Also government must encourage the bio ethanol plantation in the rural waste
lands and the Bio ethanol is used to run the power generators and the lift
pumps are operated in the Villages.
As we all knew that electric power supply
is necessary for the cultivation for the supply of water pumping either from
the underground or from the sum or from the tank. Since almost all the states
in India are suffering with acute shortage of power due to less production of
power due to several reasons and huge demand due to rapid urbanization, as such
majority of the state governments are not able to supply for the farmers even
for three hours in a day during the peak agriculture season especially during
the kariff season, As such government must make a plan that based the
requirement of power should be assed as per the cropping of the cultivation
land as per the village and transformer wise; advise the VACA to operate the
motors on different allotted timings within the members of the VACA to ensure
there will not be much load at a time. Also this variable timings for set of
farmers within the VACA and variable timings among the VACA’s in the GP and and
the variable timings among the GP’s in the mandal will certainly improve the
power situation (will prevent overdrawing of power and not lead to blackout as
was happened recently). Also all the motors should be of standard companies
with economic power consumption which are fitted with energy saving devices
available , also it is more ideal that government must built separate dedicated
transmission lines for the agriculture to ensure the minimum power supply
(quality power without any load fluctuations ) is assured for all the farmers.
Also government must encourage having solar power operated community power
pumps for the lifting of water from the rain water pits and the low ground
water available areas. But since majority of the states are supplying power for
agriculture either free or at concessional rate, it will be more ideal that
government must provide the contract to the private investors to supply water
to the farmers at a fixed rate through the their own source of power generated
either through solar, wind or bio mass or through generators operated through
ethanol or diesel.
As fertilizer is essential for the growth
of the plant, it is the energy booster in the process of production of the
output as it provides the required nutrients for the plant for the growth. As
we all knew that every year majority of
the farmers are facing the acute shortage of the fertilizers and are buying the
fertilizers at a higher price in the black market which is mainly due to the
artificial blockage of the supply of the material by the vested interests, all
these leading to scope for sub standard fertilizers, high cost of fertilizers
etc leading the raise in the cost of production and government fixing the
minimum support price on the average actual cost of agriculture inputs mostly
the fertilizer cost, which will be far less than the actual spent by the farmer
for purchasing the fertilizer at much higher price than the normal price and
also most of the times fertilizers are sub standard resulting in less output in
addition to high cost resulting in loss for the farmers. In order to overcome
this situation government must make it mandatory that all the fertilizer produced
by the manufactures in India and the imported fertilizers should be procured by
the government and government distribute the fertilizers to the farmers through
the VACA. The government must ban the open market sale of the fertilizers (may
permit small quantities for the horticulture in the individual homes and
private nurseries in very small quantities). It is more appropriate and ideal
and necessary that the distribution of fertilizers should be made through Gram
In order to ensure that the proper supply
of the fertilizers is made the government must construct fertilizer storage
godwans in each mandal (Mandal Fertilizer Storage Centres - MFSC) and procure
adequate stock of the fertilizers material and store for future as buffer stock
in the lines of FCA procuring the agriculture outputs and stores for future
requirement. The stock of the fertilizers should be sufficient for at least one
crop season (storage of stock for two seasons is ideal) in case of failure of
the physical supply of the stock during that period.
The supply of the stock should be fully
computerised and the farmers are should mandatorily to plan for the next crop
in advance and inform to the VACA the
requirement of the fertilizers during the next season at least 100 days before
the start of next season. Accordingly the VACA’s will inform the Gram Panchayat
regarding the same as per the requirement as per the individual, as per the
village the total requirement of different fertilizers 95 days before the start
of the season. The GP will put forward there intend to the Mandal level
Fertilizer Stock Centre (MFSC) authority for the release of the stock to the GP
at the particular date. The Mandal level Fertilizer stock godowands should feed
into the system that will automatically up loaded to the system at the district
level as well as the state and national level. The state and national level
will start procuring the material as per the requirement from the external
agencies and suppliers. But will actually the fertilizers as per the intend is issue
from the stock which is already available in the fertilizer godowans at the
mandals. But should ensure that the stock issued is replaced before the start
of the second season to ensure that ready stock is available at all times. All
the VACA should clearly mention the contact number preferably the mobile number
of the farmer to ensure that soon the stock moved from the district fertilizer
godowan of the mandal fertilizer godowan to the GP intern inform to the farmers
that the stock is being dispatched and the stock will be arriving and will be
issued the same to them on so and so date and time. This will ensure that most
of the mal-practices can be prevented as people knew the vehicle number and the
stock number of the individual farmer the quantity of stock reaching the GP and
the time of reaching the GP and the unlocking of the electronic lock should be
in the presence of the GP or gram sabha to ensure that the stock is properly
distributed in quantity and quality.
As we all knew that fertilizers are
basically the chemicals and the also
mostly in short supply as such there is always possibility of sub standard and
quality less fertilisers are supplied either by the private manufactures are
being adulterated in the transit resulting in loss of agriculture production,
this can be prevented by having extensive quality checks at all stages. As such
apart from having stringent quality checks from the raw material stage to till
the package stage in the factory, in addition government must also establish
the quality check laboratories at each of the stock points, especially at the
mandal level fertilizer stock centers - MFSC to have random quality checks at
multiple levels to ensure the quality is same at all times. The quality
checking instruments and laboratories should be uniform throughout the country
to ensure all the parameters are almost equal as in the time of packing.
In order to ensure the fertilizers are in
quality and quantity all the fertilizer manufacturers should mandatorily adopt
the RFID tagging of the product of each bag, batch, quality certification data
of manufacture etc. This seal can be opened and read at the stock points from
the manufacturers end till it reaches the VACA. All the imported fertilizers
should be asked to provide BG which will be released only after the stock
quality checked at all places in addition only after the stock is consumed by
the farmers (in the next season) and after the satisfactory results ensuring
the quality and quantity checks.
Also it should be ideal that all the
fertilizer transport wagons and the lorries should be hard covered with a
locking system coupled with GPRS, electronic coded locking system should be
maintained from the factory, the unlocking code should be provided to the place
of un loading on the arrival of the wagon or the lorry to ensure the quality
and quantity is maintained. Also it should be mandatory that the manufacturing
points the loading and unloading at various stock points should be under the
surveillance of the cameras to ensure the electronic locks are made under the
surveillance system and the vehicle movements are monitored through GPRS. This will certainly ensure that standard
quality and quantity is maintained as far as possible. Also the government must
ask the importers to do the same i.e the same quality checks and RFID tagging of
the bags, the Indian government officials along traders and the local Indian embassy
officials in that country where the government is importing should be present
during the quality certifications, quantity certifications and during the
loading of the material in the ships with the ship insurance that will ensure
the breakage of the RFID seals is the responsibility of the transporter to bear
the loss. This will ensure that products
imported is as per the quality and quantity not repeating the famous “ UREA
scam” which majority of the urea
supplied is either second, third grade or the salt is supplied instead
of urea. Even now we cannot certify that all the urea and other fertilizers
imported are absolute quality, when the pharmacy products are duplicate and sub
standard which are manufactured in in India account for over 10 % of the total
supply which is endangering the life of the individuals, we cannot rule out the
sub standard quality of the fertilizers, especially the imported fertilizers as
quality checks are not made at every stage.
All the above method will have multiple advantages.
Since the requirement of the farmers
individually is known, can be easily identify and guide the individual farmer
or the farmers in the area collectively about the optimum quantity of the
fertilizer required for the crop based on the soil conditions in the area and
the size of the cultivation. This will certainly eliminate the excess/ waste of
the fertilizers.
Also since the stock is procured and stored
in advance the farmers has to pay the actual price of the fertiliser (instead
of paying as high as 100 % of the original cost in black market), the quality
and quantity of the stock of the farmers is guaranteed by the government.
Also since the management of issue of the
stock to the individual village and as per the individual farmer requirement is
the responsibility of the Gram Panchayat and the Gram Sabha. So the delivery of
the fertilizers to the individual in the required quality and quantity is the
duty of the Gram Panchayat.
In order to ensure the transparency in the
system, all the farmers should be provided with the farmer identity card with
bio metric data chip. All the Gram Panchayats should be provided with the
Biometric farm card readers which will ensure that the small and marginal
farmers are not neglected/ cheated by the elite sarpanches as it is a fact that
over 70 % of the farmers are small and marginal which holds less than 50 % of
the total land cultivated and the sarpanches usually the land lords have huge
land banks and are having greed to get more output in their farm, also has
lesser view to the small and marginal farmers majority of them belong to SC,ST
and other BC. The data of the fertilizer issue of each GP should be submitted
to the Mandal Fertiliser stock unit for record and verification. Also the stock should be issued to the farmers
in the presence of the Village Agriculture office or village revenue authority.
Also the data of the stock procurement indent
and the data of the stock issue must tally unless otherwise the stock left
without issue due to the non cultivation of the crop by any individual farmer
due to any personal reason, which should be authenticated by the farmer as well
as the GS and the GP. Any stock irregularities found in the MFSC should order the enquiry in the presence
of the MRO and ensure that stock issues are settled else the GP should be
barred to issue the fertilizers in the next season.
Also it will be ideal that while planning
the intended about the required stock by the village cooperative federation of
agriculture the same should be made through bio metric manner. As such all the
VCCA should be supplied with smart card readers and the bio metric readers which
will enable them to place as intend the computerised way. Reflecting the
details of the farmer, the extend of land, the soil condition data, the crop
planning to rise, the extent of crop, the seed likely to procure, the quantity
of the fertilizer likely to procure all will be reflected in the requisite form
of the fertilizer that was submitted to the GP, which will be forwarded to the
MFSC. This will ensure that the MFSC have the information of the end user. The
delivery of the stock to the end user can be ascertained by the delivery note
supplied by the GP to the MFSC.
In order to ensure the godowans are
constructed at the earliest cost effective way the government must provide
appropriate standard designs of the MFSC in each mandal based on the geographical
conditions. The godowans construction should be made on BOOT bases with the
land supplied by the government and the construction and maintenance of the godowan
by the private investor with Bank Guarantee for over 30 years till the life
time of the godowan in a dimishing rate as per the depreciation value of the
godown (to prevent sub standard construction of the godowan), this will ensure
that financial burden on the government is almost zero as plenty of land is
available with the government and the initial maintenance is done by the
private operator. Also it is ideal that government must allow FDI in this
back-end infrastructure development of the agriculture sector, with provides
guaranteed recovery of the investment. Also the MFSC should be constructed in a
very strategic location in the mandal that should be ideally near the railway
lines and also strategically located that can be ideal for the optimal/ equidistance
to almost all the villages in the mandal. Also it should be ideal that the
private godown operator should be made it mandatory the distribution of fertilizers
to each GP as per the requirement as approved & authorised by concerned
authority from the government based on the request of the each GP in the
Also government should construct the storage
facilities for agriculture produce in every mandal i.e Mandal agriculture
produce storage centers (MAPSC) based on the the quantity of the agriculture
produce by the VACA’s in that mandal. The MAPSC should be preferably near the
railway lines for minimizing the transport by constructing the railway sidings.
This will ensure the transport and handling can be minimized. Also it should more ideal to construct the
silos (modern gogowans) with direct loading to the wagons will be more ideal.
Also there should be market yards attached
to the MAPSC as it will be of great use. All the agriculture produce should be
brought to each GP head quarters by the VACA’s and the quality and quantity of the
product will be certified at the GP by the Village Agriculture Official, the
same data should be forwarded by the GP to MAPSC for procurement and storage by
the government the entire agriculture produce of the VACA. All the mandal
agriculture produce collection centres should collect the data of the total
agriculture output in the mandal as per the statistics and ensure the auction
takes place appropriate manner in the markets.
As it is a fact that labours for
agriculture is scarcity during the seasons and the farmers are getting the
labour at much higher rates than the normal from faraway places. Also it is
most important and ideal that the government must fix the labour rates for the
agriculture at a fixed rate for the labour contractors. The supply of labour to
the agriculture should be the responsibility of the government (like dockyard
labour boards supplying the hamalies for the harbour shipment loading and un
loading) the government must use the MREGA registered workers in the respective
areas. In order to ensure the registered workers utilised optimally the
government must make it mandatory that all the VACA should submit the near date
of harvest to ensure the labour supply in different dates of harvest as well as
seeding for different members based on the extent cultivatable and cultivated
land. Also the government will maintain the coordination of labour of MNREGA
from the nearby villages to ensure that all VACA will get adequate number of
labour in time, in addition should supply labour to all VACA are in the mandal
in the specified time of say 10 days. Also the government must ask the labour
organisations to register themselves for the supply of labour to the
agriculture purpose as it is very seasonal, to get supplied to the VACA through
the government. This will ensure labour will be supplied to all the individual
farmers at a fixed cost to ensure the uniform costs for all farmers in the VACA
to produce the agriculture output. Also it is ideal that banks will release the
loan amount only after the confirmation of the labour supply the part either
for seeding or harvesting and the remaining payments for the seed, the
fertilizers and the pesticides water,
electricity bank will directly pay the supplier on the advice of the government
since government is procuring/routing
the supply through it.
Also the government should establish the
markets at the appropriate locations, most ideal is adjacent to the MAPSC. The
total VACA produce should be sold in consolidation rather than the individual
farmer wise. The government must procure the entire agriculture produce at the
minimum support price mostly non perishable produce and store it in the MAPSC,
also the government must trade the produce for the traders with fixing the
maximum profit limit for the traders as well as the retail sale. Also
government must ensure that the markets are integrated and the Video Conference
of the online market facility with the larger markets should be made to have
the appropriate price for the agriculture product, the government will supply
the stock to all the traders as the government mandatorily procure the entire
agriculture produce from the VACA. The government must fix the maximum profit
margin for all the different agriculture products produced by the VACA ( the
ideal profit should be 20 % of the total cost of production after the addition
of all the input costs), at the same time the markets should be fixed to have a
profit margin not more than 30 % (on the price sold by the government which is
the slightly above the minimum support price for investment & storage by
the government which should not exceed 3% of the cost of the minimum support
price) including the addition of actual transport and handling charges when it
reaches the individual customer through the retailers i.e the retail price of
the agriculture produce should not have the margin of more than 35 % of the minimum
support price paid to the farmers. Also the government while fixing the minimum
support price should ensure that the farmers will get at least 20 % margin on
the cost of production for his hardship on the average. Also government must
provide incentives to VACA for excessive production than average and also for
maintain the quality from the profit margin earned by the government from the
trading. This method of government procuring the entire produce of the
agriculture output can be justified as the maximum amount that will be paid
back to the bank will be only book entries and the burden on the farmer as well
as the government will be minimal. Since the profit margins are fixed which
will enable more procurement from the local MAPSC as the maximum cost of profit
is fixed at 30 % as such there will be stock movement from all the points in
all mandals by traders, as in case of long distance transport cost will be
increases substantially, this will ensure that priority for the nearby VACA
when procuring the stock by the market, which will minimizing the middle men
margin, which will enable the commodities available at the cheaper price to the
consumers. In addition
Also the government must make it mandatory
that all the purchase of the agriculture product by the private parties should
be from the government only and traders or millers should be restricted not to
buy from the VACA directly. This will ensure that private traders will not
cheat the farmers. Also the government must sell the product to the traders with
a condition that the end product is sold to the individual customer not more
than 35 % of the total cost of the agriculture product paid to the VACA. To
ensure this government must fix the profit margins for the agriculture products
like in the case of essential pharmacy products like the margin for the
packaging and transport, the margin for the dealer, the margin for the retailer
etc. This will ensure that all the agriculture raw products as well as the
finished products are available at constant prices throughout the year at all
places appropriately based on the local conditions.
Also the government must make it mandatory
that the procurement of the agriculture output for export should be through the
government only delivery through MAPSC and the difference of the cost of
procurement by government at minimum support price and the cost of the sale for
the purpose of export by the government should be shared with the VACA.
Since the government is supplying the
agriculture inputs the costs of the agriculture output at all places are known
to the government. In this case government also ensuring fair margin for the
farmers (20 % of the minimum sale
price from the farmers on the bases of quantity of the output, so the farmers
naturally try to produce more output to get more profit, in addition government
must provide incentives for production on more than average production), the
procurement of entire produce by the government will ensure no losses to the
farmers on farmers side due to the cheating of the middle men, traders and
retail giants through “contract farming”. Also the government is marketing the
stock it was procured from the farmers the government will get more sales tax,
as not even a single kilogram of the raw agriculture produce is not able to
sold in the market without governments concerned. The sales collection alone will
be more than 50 % of the present collection, which means lot of revenue to the
government, as it completely eliminate the “zero bill” sale & “under
invoice” sale which is a common practice in the agriculture produce trade &
retailing. Which means more revenues for development activities like
agriculture related back end infrastructure creation, more other infrastructure
creation like roads, power etc. The advantages for the people are that not only
get the commodities at economic rates, but also almost uniform throughout the
year, no fear of cheating from the traders or retailers.
Also the government must fix the minimum
support price for the vegetables and procure it mandatorily from the VACA and
sell it to the trades with fixed margins and fixing the maximum retail price
from depending up on the shelf life (fast perishable goods like tomato, leafy
vegetables some verities of fruits like bananas etc have more margins, while
long shelf life products like onions, potato, etc will have shorter margins) and
the distance of transport. In case the VACA wishes to sell the products
directly to the consumer’s government must create the facilities for doing so.
Also the government must have the storage
facilities for the fruits and vegetables
in case of excess crop through the cold storage by encouraging the
private investment in the PPP mode by providing the minimum storage price for
the cold storage facility and government must procure the produce of the
vegetables and fruits from the VACA and store it in the Cold storage and pay
the minimum price to ensure the investment of the cold storage is recovered,
the government must add the cost of storage when it is fixing the maximum
retail price for the vegetables and fruits when selling through the traders.
Also the government must encourage the Food
processing industries near the bulk agriculture produce areas of the fruits and
vegetables and government must supply the vegetables and fruits to these
processing units at the fixed price
Since many times due to the excess crop of
the fruits and vegetables, due to lack of storage facilities like clod storages
to increase their shelf life are getting wasted, as even the the transport
costs are not getting to the farmers. The wastage is as high as over 30 % on
the average. As such it is most ideal that the government must provide the
training and loan facilities for the SHG i.e the self help groups and other
farmers etc. This will not only useful in saving the wastage but also provide
substantial income for the SHG and the farmers. The food processing like making
dry onion flakes, dry potato chips, dry mango, dry tomato etc made through the
solar dryers, mango pulp making, pickle making (in hygienic conditions) etc
etc. for this government must provide the solar dryers and other equipment without any bank
Also the government should possess the data of the general soil
conditions, the water table, the rain fall etc all the village wise the same should be analysed to advise the
VACA to rise the suitable crops in accordance to the climatic conditions and
the verity of the crop that suits the particular climate condition.
Also the government must make the VACA data
analysed from time to time for testing
the soil conditions in each farm holding, general climatic conditions and
advice the VACA members to have the suitable crop the verity of the crop and
also the crop rotation based on the soil conditions to improve the fertility
soil for better yield of the crops. The crop rotation, suitable verity of crop
and the suitable seed verity is based on the local conditions as it may vary from
one VACA to other VACA, which is not universal, all this is to ensure balance
of the agriculture output products in the mandals thus the country.
Also the government must make it mandatory
that all the VACA members should mandatory rise ¼ of their individual land
holding for the fruits and vegetables. As of now only vegetable and fruit in
India is only 3 % of the total cultivatable land in India. By this method the
cultivatable area of the vegetables and fruits will be enhanced substantially.
Also the VACA’s are advised to grow all possible verities that suits the soil
and the climate in that area with different VACA’s will plant different verities
to ensure balanced output of all verities of vegetables and fruits in the
mandal. The mandatory cultivation of V
& F will not only provide the adequate supporting income for the farmers
but also ensure the maximum availability of the products in the market, leading
to availability at affordable cost to all sections of the people. This method
will certainly benefit all the small and marginal farmers as they account for
near about 70 % of the total farmers in the country. Similarly the fruits and
vegetables should be shared among the VACA in the mandal to ensure the
availability of all verities of vegetables and fruits at the basic costs in the
villages, which will enable over 70 % of population will certainly have
nutritional food.
Also the government must provide all small
and marginal farmers with appropriate number of cattle for the purpose of milk,
which will certainly enhance the income for the farmers for the day to day
needs as the statistics of the milk production in India shoes that over 30 % of
the total milk produced is consumed locally either by the families or the in
the village only, this will certainly provide the family of the farmers with
adequate nutritional suppliant through the consumption of the milk.
In this method of government supplying the
seeds, fertilizer and pesticides and the agriculture labour which will lead to
a great reduction of the burden on the farmers as quality and quantity of
supply in the required time will reach the farmers, also due to the directly
credit of the amount equivalent to the supplies to the banks by the government
on behalf of farmer through the VACA. Also most important thing is government
must make it mandatory that all insurance companies provide crop insurance and
the crop insurance is the mandatory for the farmers to perform agriculture by
paying an appropriate amount to the insurance company. The crop insurance
should only cover the crop failure due to natural calamities alone. In the case
of crop failure due to the seed failure or sub standard pesticides or crop
output reduction due to sub standard fertilizers, the farmers will be
compensated by the government fully and the loans availed by the farmers from
the banks should be paid by the government on behalf of the farmer as the
government is supplying it to the farmers on obtaining the guarantee from the
supplier to the quality (by invoking the BG provided by the bulk supplier).
Also since the government is procuring the crop for minimum support price from
the farmer the government should repay the loan availed by the farmer to the
bank before paying to the farmer. The government must pay incentives for
farmers for producing the farm output more than the standard output to ensure
all farmers will work more dedicatedly by applying all the techniques as
suggested by the agriculture experts for obtaining maximum production. This
method will certainly reduce the farmer’s committing suicides as majority of
the burdens are nullified by the government. The condition of the farmer’s
family and the children will improve due to less tension; the children can go
for education, better health care for the family through the farmer family
health care card provided by the government a true justice to the provider of
the food for country.
As we all knew that every day new methods
of agriculture is being developed in the world, but some methods are tested and
proved successful over. Since India is basically agrarian country and being a
tropical climate majority of the methods of agriculture yields good in India.
As such the methods like SIRI rice cultivation, the Hydro phonics methods of
the fruits and vegetables growing in controlled conditions should be adopted in
India and should expand this methods throughout the country for better results
and high yields in low cost using less water and fertilizers. Also in order to reduce the use of pesticides
and for more production of the agriculture, the ideal solution to encourage
“Hydroponics” (soil less culture) which uses the less water, less space more
output as all the process is done in a controlled atmosphere especially for the
vegetables and other spices production, may be initial capital expenditure is
slightly on the upper side but has enormous benefits and most cost effective
agriculture techniques which is a grand success in the countries like “Israel” and other places. Also to
extensively promote the production of paddy in (SRI) System Of Rice
Intensification method of cultivation which the paddy is grown in with 90 %
less seeds, 50 % less water, higher yields, less labour, more income to the
tune of 60 % more than conventional yield income. Also should encourage drip
irrigation for all plantation crops. The food produced from SRI, drip
irrigation, hydroponics and the use of bio fertilizers and bio pesticides is
really good yields.
Also the government
must make a plan to set up seed development centres for production of seed in
large scale by the government itself by making a separate department of
cultivation in the agriculture ministry primarily the production of seeds is
for supply to the VACA. The government must encourage the indigenously produced
seeds and the traditional seeds over the genetically modified (GM) seeds. As
the genetically modified seeds need to be purchased every time of harvest, as
the GM seeds are terminator seeds which cannot be used for reproduction. The
farmer is losing the seed production on his own due to change of
characteristics in the seed to reproduce. This will be additional burden on the
farmer and also the farmer is entirely depended on the seed availability as all
the GM Seeds are completely imported which leaves our agriculture is slowly
going in the hands of the developed nations, if they enhance the seed cost, or
if they don’t supply the seed for the season or they modify the seed which will
develop certain pest in certain stage of growth of the plant to promote their
manufactured pesticides to terminate the pest (that particular pests will be
controlled only through the particular form of pesticide which will be patented
and monopoly of the foreign nations and the cost of the pesticide is very high;
the ideal example is the computer printers as the cost of the particular make
of the printer is only certain amount but the printers need to purchase
original refill from the manufacturers of the printers to suit the printers and
the cost of the printer cartridges is much more compared to local refill, if
used local refilled cartridges, over a period of time the printer develop
several issues) all this will make our country virtually a puppet in the hands
of the western seed suppliers, out 70 % of the population who are in the
agriculture sector is entirely on the mercy of the western countries, there are
lot of incidences that GM seeds are failed many times with no compensation for
the farmers , leaving the farmers to take extreme steps and committing the
suicides due to the acute debt that was due the failure of the crop due to the
failure of the GM seeds, especially seen in the cotton, maize, etc. This is totally due to the total failure of
the governments to curtail the GM entry into the Indian soil due to the vested
interests of the some top politicians, officials and agriculture scientists who
are acting more or less as the agents of these foreign Genetically modified
seeds subordinating the interest of over 120 crores for a few individuals,
which is more heinous crime than any other crime in the earth, as it the fact
that the select few individuals should think that after certain period the GM
seed suppliers act at their will & wish, as such the fate of the over 120
core people is the hands of the few select foreign companies, those companies who might be paying a penny (the
size of a mustered seed for the select few individuals to take away the pumkin
from the country being one of the largest agrarian country, as once the GM
seeds are used the soil become totally non fertile and not usable for
cultivation of other traditional seeds as the GM seeds, it is due to the fact
that while dying the GM plants will inject bacteria into the soil killing the
entire fertility of the soil) The best example for this system of GM/GE of the
foreign companies is almost similar the Black berry operations of the mobile
phone operated by the Research In Motion having the total control of the
operations in the abroad, (not providing the details of the callers and users
due the servers are located outside the purview of India, but government
ultimately got the access of the RIM data). In case government still wants to
promote the GM seeds for what so ever reason, the government must frame
stringent Quadra party agreement with the GM seed manufacturer (foreign company
in the foreign nation), the Indian supplier and the foreign government /
foreign bank of the seed manufacturer and the Indian government for the compensation
in case of the seed failure. The maximum quantities of pesticides are used by
the GM/GE crops. It is evident if we observe the cotton crop raised in India is
mainly Bt (genetically engineered to produce the
natural insecticide Bacillus
thuringiensis) which is witnessed maximum use of the total
pesticides volumes in India in the Bt cotton as compared to traditional
varieties of cotton. It is ideal to encourage the natural Indigenous verities
of crops and also the HT varieties (herbicide
tolerant). Recently the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture advised the
government to stop all field trials and sought a bar on GM food crops (such as
Bt. brinjal).
Also the government must ensure the VACA
should be given incentives for using the indigenously developed seeds, the
traditional seeds certified by the agriculture scientists and also using the
indigenously manufactured hybrid seeds supplied by the government and more
organic and bio fertilizers adopting the integrated nutrient supply system
(INSS) and also adopting the Integrated Pest Management (IPM), and No Pesticide
Management (NPM)
Also it should be ideal that government
must enhance the production of the fertilizers by setting up of the
manufacturing units in PPP mode and at strategic location as per the demand (as
of now over 85 % of the fertilizers are transported with distances more than
250 to 300 km, the cost of transport per tonne alone is over 600 Rs) for
consumption by reducing the transport costs of the fertilizers in next 5 years
to reduce the imports by at least 50 % in the coming 5 years. Also the
government must set up manufacturing of the bio fertilizers and organic
fertilizers indigenously in the mandals near the cities from the garbage (the
urban waste alone can produce near about 6 to 7 million tonnes of organic
fertilizers if properly managed to covert), from the forest waste collection,
from the waste of sugar cane pulp and mainly from the crop residues, and supply
to the VACA for increased use of organic fertilizers, and reduce the use of
chemical fertilizers. Also government must encourage villagers to use goober gas instead of firewood for
cooking purpose as the statistics shoes more than 85 % of the families, are
using fire wood for cooking, which resulting in respiratory problems and other
health issues. All these can be avoided by using the community goober gas
centres using the cow/buffalo manure and the slurry of the cow dung in the
villages should be used to reduce the fertilizer use considerable extent. Also
the VACA should be thought of enhancing the natural way of increasing the
fertility of the soil by crop rotation in the agriculture fields by raising
inter crops appropriately (mostly belong to the leguminous verity for
replenishing the nitrogen content and other micro nutrients in the soil
naturally) Also the government must fix a target for the VACA to reduce the
total chemical fertilizer use at least
30 % in five years by increasing use of the organic fertilizers and bio
fertilizer which will be the true spirit of Integrated
nutrient supply system (INSS) programme of government, which is mainly meant
for integration of use of chemical fertilizers, the organic fertilizers and the
bio fertilizers in appropriate ratio for enhancing the fertility of the soil as
well as providing the balanced nutritional supplement to the crop for full
growth and full yield.
Similarly government must provide the mandatory regulation for the VACA to
reduce the chemical pesticides use by 50 % in the five years by encouraging the
bio pesticides prepared with naturally available chemicals
The government must provide the incentives
for manufacturers of the bio fertilizers & organic fertilizers in the
country and the testing of the quality of the bio fertilizers should be tested
at the standard laboratories should be procured by the government and supplied
it the GP through the Mandal fertilizer stock centres.
Also government must make it mandatory that
select the food processing industries should have a captive power generation
from the processed waste. The industries include the rice mills and the sugar
crushing units and the pulses mills etc where the husk, the pulp is used to
generate power to the capacities ranging from 100 Kv to 2000 Kv i.e 0.10 MW to
2 Mw depending up on the capacity of the plant. This will certainly reduce the
power requirement in that village or mandal which can be used for the
lifting/pumping of water for cultivation. In case of excess power generated by
these units then than individual unit use the same should be able to supply t
the local power grid for better supply to the village. Also all other food
processing units should mandatorily use at least 5 % of their total energy in
the form of solar energy. Also based on the data of the wind in the villages government must advise investors to
install the high capacity wind mills which is of no disturbance to the
cultivation with long lease agreements from the VACA for installation of the
wind power generators as well the supply of the wind power to the VACA. This
will be more economical as the land costs are very minimal due to the lease
land for long run. The only investment is on the wind power generator and the
tower and the storage battery. Also to encourage the farmers provide the small
piece of land say 200 Sq Yards for on long lease at nominal price for the
construction of tower the farmer should also get the a concession in the power
Also as per the reports of the pesticides used
in India covers only 25 % of the arable
land, which means lot of scope for the government to develop and encourage Integrated
Pest Management (IPM) & No pesticide Management (NPM) and also lot of scope
for the bio pesticides in India to enhance the production. Since the average
estimates shows that the loss of agriculture due to lack of pest management is
as high as 30 to 35 % of the total agriculture output, which is a huge loss.
Also it is fact that the use of the
pesticides in India are as follows.
Cotton with a total area of cultivation in
India is 5 % of the total cultivated land in India accounts for near about 60 %
of the total consumption of the pesticides manufacture in India. Next highest
use of pesticides in India is paddy/rice which a cultivated area of 25 % of the
total cultivated area in India which accounts for near about 18 % of the total
pesticide consumption in India followed by the fruit and vegetable cultivation
to the extent of 14 percentage of the pesticide for a small cultivated land of
only 3 % of the total cultivated land in India. Whereas cereals/ pulses/ oil
seeds occupy near about 58 % of the cultivatable land in India with a
consumption of pesticides of about 8 % of the total pesticides consumed.
The “Integrated Pest Management (IPM) as it was defined
by FAO in 1968, means a pest management system that, in the context of the
associated environment and the population dynamics of the pest species,
utilizes all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible manner as
possible and maintains the pest populations at levels below those causing
economically unacceptable damage or loss” IPM is producing substantial results. The
IPM is basically crop rotation, crop trapping, inter cropping, resistant
varieties, etc. However the results of the IPM can be achieved to the fullest
extent only if there exists a collective and cooperative efforts of the
farmers, which is possible only if there exists an association of farmers in
the villeg like the VACA which will certainly act in accordance to the
principle if the IPM to the fullest extent as the cooperative team efforts of
all farmers is necessary for the success of IPM. Also IPM will save provide
substantial reduction in the use of pesticides which will not only improve the
quality of the agriculture product more naturally, but also increases the
revenues to the farmers due to saving the cost on the pesticides and the cost
of workers to spray. Also the farmers i.e the members of VACA should be well
thought about the safety measures to be practised while administering the
chemical pesticides and also the safe methods of cleaning after the administration
of the pesticides and safe disposal of the empty containers of the pesticides
and the necessary first aid required in case of any accidents that occur during
the administration of the pesticides. All the AACoAs should observe and monitor
and coordinate with farmers in VACA in this regard. Also government must integrate
the non pesticide management (NPM ) with IPM
to get better results, as NPM is more cost effective and also uses local
techniques and ensure non reach of the pest/ spread of the pest by identifying
the pest and pruning the pest in the initial stages, which saves lot of money
as well as agriculture output. Also the NPM will save most of the 30 million
farmers and the agriculture labour who are prone to the poison side effects on them
while administering the pesticides.
Also government must encourage the indigenous traditional seeds to
be continued for farming as the hybrid varieties are more costly and the
difference of output is marginal as compared to the initial costs. As it is
evident from the failure of the Bt Cotton cultivation the government without
proper procedure of tests allowed the Genetically Engineered/ Genetically
Modified seeds. (Bt cotton field trials were a sham. The GEAC (Genetic Engineering Approval
Committee, ministry of environment & forests) had approved the results just
in three years of research trials, the experiments were not conducted as per
scientific norms. In fact the government must issue the approvals for the
Bt/GE/GM seeds based on the local conditions only after extensive field trails
and experiments of near out 25 years before commercializing the GM Seeds as that was practiced by the
United States of America through US Recombinant
Advisory Committee (RCA) for genetically engineered drugs. RCA makes it
mandatory for companies to provide a list of negative and harmful impacts and
minimizes that impact before approving for commercial sale. As a result, the
approval process takes 25 years. As such GEAC should emphasize biological risk
assessment. GEAC should regulate genetic technology as was followed in USA.
Since the procedure of US RCA is not followed in India by the Genetic
Engineering Approval Committee of India (GEAC) of Ministry of Environment and
Forests, gave conditional clearance on the 26th of March 2002, to ‘Monsanto’
& ‘Mahyco’ for commercial planting of the genetically engineered Bacillus
thuringiensis (Bt.) cotton in four states of southern and central India. The Maharashtra
Hybrid Seeds Co. Ltd Mahyco is one of the largest and most trusted seed companies
in India. In 1998, Monsanto became a 50% shareholder in the company and
received approval to conduct countrywide field trials. The data compiled was
never made public. In June 2002, near about 55,000 cotton farmers decided to
grow Bt cotton as per the claims of the company which are very lucrative as the
claim says that the GE/GM Bt Cotton provides 4 times more yield and more pest
resistance, which was developed by inserting a gene of bacteria into the
plant's genome to enable it to resist bollworm, a major pest for cotton. As per
the reports in the first few months the farmers were delighted with the crop
since it grew fast and looked healthy. Most satisfying was that the leaves were
not being eaten by worms. Unfortunately, in the fourth month, the Bt cotton
stopped growing and producing new buds while the existing cotton bolls did not
get any bigger. The crop then wilted and dried up at the peak bolling stage. This
was accompanied by leaf drooping and shedding. There was also bursting of
immature bolls and heavy infestation of bollworm. Results have clearly shown
that the BT cotton crop was devastated by pest attacks. When the BT toxin in
the crop proved ineffective in 90 days the farmers used pesticides bought from
Monsanto only. The spraying of these expensive pesticides had an adverse affect
on the crop. The plants developed the leaf curl virus and the root rot disease
and were destroyed. Monsanto took no responsibility.
As a result of failure of the Bt Cotton seeds of In the state of Andhra
Pradesh over 3/4 of the crop was lost. In Madhya Pradesh almost the entire crop
was lost. In Maharastra, the Bt crop has failed across 30,000 hectares. In
Gujarat, it was completely destroyed by the bollworm. Subsequently, near about
three hundred farmers committed suicide. The Bt. cotton failure has cost the
farming industry heavily as the Bt crop was raided in over a lack of acers in
one cropping season which lead several thousands of farmers in the Maharashtra,
Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat which shown that maximum of the crop failed
to yield even on par with the conventional seeds and also did not have the
potential for the pest resistant and the crops failed in at the fruit stage
which lead many hundreds of farmers commit suicide. The very surprising fact is
that the seed company declined to pay the compensation for the failure of the
seeds. In this circumstances the government must ensure that all the GM are
allowed in India only after following the standard procedure followed as
existence in the USA the largest Producer and Consumer of the GE/GM seeds and
also the government must Enter a Quadra party agreement with the GE/GM seed
producer/seller and the government of that country and the Indian partner of
the foreign company and the Indian government to ensure the compensation twice
the value of the output of the crop in case of crops failed due to faulty
Even though there are plenty of advantages of the GE/GM of seeds such as
improved agriculture yield with less labour due to less inputs, the pest
resistant and draught resistance verities can be developed which can sustain
the consequences of the global warming, soil salinity /alkalinity, more
nutritional values, reduced wastes but at the same time has terrible lot of disadvantages
But the studies carried out by various organisations, it has been found
that GM/GE crops transfer their genes to soil fungi and bacteria. The affected
fungi and bacteria then behave in abnormal ways and diminish their function in
breaking down organic material, which makes nutrients available to plants. The
soil will become progressively less fertile. After a few seasons of planting
the GM crop the soil will not be able to host any other conventional crop. If
farmers wish to switch back to conventional crops it could take a whole season
to rehabilitate the soil. The economic consequences of which are clearly
unfavourable. There is also the added cost of nutrients and fertilizers
necessary to regenerate the soil. However the most dangerous threat is that
after many seasons it could be impossible to revert back to the planting of any
conventional crop. It is because by then the soil could be completely
infertile. GM crops are genetically manipulated so that they die after one
season and cannot reproduce. This is referred to as the terminator gene in the
plant. Also causes un known allergies as the protein sequence in the product is
changed due to the addition of organisms that are resistant to pests, also
chances of intoxication is Prior to its inclusion in GE/GM crops, Bt has been
used as a biological insecticide, however residual toxins resulting from
introduced genes of bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis are
unlikely to harm humans as the toxin produced by the bacteria is highly
specific to certain types of insects.
The above GE/GM experiment only showed that such products are not suitable
for Indian conditions. Also it clearly shows that Indian Agriculture should be
protected from being going into the control of foreign nations and looted by
the western seed companies which are introducing the GE/GM with characteristics
of the pests that will be nullified only by their own patented pesticides which
means that the there exists an huge danger of entire Agriculture in India as it
is totally controlled by the few select companies of the west and they will
ensure that the entire Indian economy will be at danger for the interest of the
few select foreign companies who are producing the GE/GM. As of now copies of
the gene of the spices of around 1,50,000 varieties of agriculture as already
in the possession of US Agriculture department
which means all the GE/GM and the Pesticides will be monopolised by the
western countries as per the patent acts. Hence the government of India should give utmost attention on sustainable
farming systems preserving our traditional seeding and farming techniques
rather than going after and promoting the GE/GM seeds (as of now most of the
bio tech companies are funded by the west to promote the GE/GM seeds or managed by vested interests), India would
be able to create its own model of agriculture where farmers are not forced to
commit suicide, where the land is not polluted, and where water is not
poisoned. GM crops experiments show that the country is fast moving into an
unforeseen era of biological pollution, which will be more unsustainable and
also destructive to human health and environment.
As we all knew that majority of the
agriculture in India is either irrigated or rain fed As we all knew that water
for irrigation, power generation drinking is coming from the water in the
nature in the visible form of water bodies, lakes, rivers and sea but the un
know fact to many people is that the water resource in the atmospheric clouds
which contain about 10 times more water than that contained in all the rivers
on earth (in more simple example if we observe the cloud bursts that will cause
the dispense massive water which will have terrible impact in the vicinity of
the cloud burst due to sudden downpour of enormous water from the clouds, more
recent cloud bursts in India can be observed in “Ladak” in Jammu & Kashmir
and also in the Uttarakand which substantiates the quantities of water stored).
But due to rapid urbanization, massive industrialization and extensive
deforestation lead to massive the environmental pollution and global warming, also
due to the el-nino effects causes the change in the climate are causing delay
in the monsoon and also all these factors are preventing the clouds from giving
the natural normal rainfall, resulting in short fall in the rain which lead to
shortfall of water in the rivers and less water, consequently drinking water
supply and agriculture production, hydro power generation adversely effected
all these lead to tremendous effect on the not only on agriculture and over all
food availability but also in industrial growth due to less hydro power
generation due to lack of water in reservoirs.
As the statistics shows that 30 % of
cultivation in India is done in dry areas with rain fall less than 750 mm and medium
rain fall areas 750 to 1150 mm has 42 % of the total cultivated area and high
medium 1150 to 2000 mm of rain fall near about 20 % of the cultivation is being
done where as only 8 % of the total cultivation in India done under assured
rain fall of over 2000 mm per year. This situation due to lack of water in the
rivers, water bodies can be improved to a great extent by “weather modification”
i.e “cloud seeding” to infuse the huge quantities of water from the nature.
Cloud seeding is nothing but converting the moisture in the clouds to rain
drops using the chemical spaying on the clouds (silver iodide is sprayed on the
clouds through aircrafts to precipitated to form water molecules to get
converted to droplets and fall to earth as rain). As India being a tropical
country with abundance of sun light which will ensure that water in the sea,
rivers and lakes are heated up and get evaporated and form the clouds. The
cloud seeding is more successful in the areas near the water bodies like rivers
and the irrigation projects. As such cloud seeding operations should be
conducted in areas of the catchment of the rivers and the reservoirs at higher
elevations for better results and best utilisation of the operation. As cloud
seeding will cause instant rain in that particular vicinity of the cloud only, this
can increase the rain fall up to 40 % of the total rain fall in that period in
that region, which is massive to fulfil all needs of irrigation as well as
power generation. Also cloud seeding can provide such water that the local
water disputes within the states of sharing of irrigation water (from upstream
to the downstream) and all interstate water disputes can be resolved. Also
cloud seeding enables the farmers to perform agriculture in all seasons as water
in the reservoirs is full most of the time and also this enables farmers either
owns the land or doing farming on lease from becoming labourers mainly due to
the non availability of water for irrigation due to draught. This will not only
provide lively hood for the farmers but also many other such as agriculture
labour and others involved in the agriculture sector.
Also cloud seeding is very economical and
the cost benefits are in the ratio of 1:25 i.e if Rs 1 is invested in the cloud
seeding the benefit that may occur due to the success of cloud seeding is Rs
25. In fact the cost of one cubic meter of water estimated at US $0.02 making
cloud seeding the most inexpensive method of making available more water. This
is very ideal and profitable than any other activity which has been practicing
in over 50 countries for the last 40 years and getting the benefits especially
in countries like most populated countries like China. But it is very
surprising to many water experts and weather experts that even though enormous
benefits are going to come with the “weather modification” i.e cloud seeding is
not done at the pace it is supposed to be done governments in India. As such
government must take urgent initiatives
to perform cloud seeding as a regular and routine continuous process
Also it is ideal cloud seeding should be done on commercial bases by tie up
with private operators with their private own investment in the areas which was
specified by the government, and government paying to the private operators on
the amount of rain fall received. This will certainly reduce the burden on the
government as well as it will boost the economy in many ways. First the
agriculture output will be more leading to affordable food for all leading to
healthy population, leading to healthy industrial output and increased GDP.
Also the water in the reservoirs will ensure that the hydro power plants
operate at full capacity on par with the thermal power plants (with the plant
load factor PF over 85 %) which means more power is generated and more power
available for the industry to provide more output, at the same time reduction
of coal burning in the thermal plants leading to reduction in environment
pollution and thus reduction in global warming to a considerable extent which
means the climatic changes are not adverse which means more natural rain fall
over a period of time. Which means more economy will grow faster, leading to
more better facilities for the people. Even though some state governments have
adopted the cloud seeding which did not have that encouraging results, the
success or failure of cloud seeding operations are not because of any lack of
scientific foundation for the cloud seeding but it is based on the commitment
and efficiency of the operators and the regional geographical, meteorological
& topographical feature in a given area.
Keeping in view of the benefits governments
must make it mandatory that cloud seeding is done in systematic and scientific
manner. In order to ensure more clarity on the benefits of cloud seeding
governments must send the technical teams & the ministerial teams of agriculture
and water resources for study and understating the benefits of cloud seeding to
the countries like China, Japan and other countries which are getting enormous benefits
from the cloud seeding. Government must prepare a 5 year plan to cover all the
areas in the country to be covered by weather modification. As the estimates of
the FAO says that Indian population will tough over 140 Billion by 2050 and the
food required is over 300 milion metric tonnes which is possible only through
water supply by weather modification i.e cloud seeding.
Also the government must provide the cloud
seeding for private parties to perform and the payments should be linked to the
output of the rain from the cloud seeding. Otherwise there is lot of criticism
that the cloud seeding is the money spinning activity for select politicians,
the operators and some of the bureaucrats and the hardly the real benefits are
not enjoyed by the farmers as the planning of the cloud seeding is done just
before the rain forecast and the count of the natural rain will go to the cloud
seed operator claiming that the rain fall is due to the cloud seeding. The
privatisation of the cloud seeding coupled with statutory conditions and linked
to the rain fall will certainly deliver best results in the places where the
natural rain fall is delayed the due to the change in climate conditions.
Soil conservation is the primary basic
requirement in Indian agriculture as in general our soils are moderately less
in Nitrogen nutrient content; Also most of the sail analysis reports indicate
majority of the soils in India are becoming pale due to excessive use mostly
due to excessive use of chemical fertilizers making the soil losing it ability
to hold the fertility resulting in less output requiring more inputs of
fertilizers to boost up the production output which increases the cost of the
output as well the danger of more chemicals present in the food products etc.
It is a basic fact that top two inches of the soil is the soil having the
fertility stored in it, but as per the geography to form 2 inches of the top
layer it takes more than 600 million years. Also the soil erosion is the main
cause which can be prevented by massive a forestation which will not only
conserve the soil but also increases the water table level in the ground. Even
through government is doing the IWDM Integrated waste land development to plant
more trees to conserve the soil erosion as well to enhance the water table, it
is the duty of the government and the people especially in the rural areas to
take up the issue very seriously and ensure the soil erosion is reduced and the
maximum water table is conserved. Also the soil management should focus on
enhancing the fertility of the soils by reducing the use of GM/GE seeds to be
used in the cultivation and enhancing the traditional seeds cultivation as
GM/GE seeds consume lot of water as well as it extracts the fertility of the
soil in much faster way and completely depleting the soil fertility over a
period and the soil needs more and more fertilizers year after year and also
the conventional seeds cannot be grown in the same soil after the GM/GE seeds
are used for more than two cycles of agriculture.
Also the government must do the preventive soil erosion management by
collecting the data of all the villages and plan to plant the trees and other
techniques in the up lands in the villages to ensure the soils are perfectly
protected from the erosion due to heavy down pour of rain. Also the government
must plan all the state and national highways and the roads in the villages
which were either passing through the cultivatable fields are adjacent to the
cultivatable fields (few lacks of acres fall under this category) to protect
the water logging in the fields and safe passage of the water in a pit. Also
the government must prepare the roads in such a manner that all the water will
pass down in a particular direction and rain water will be collected at a
particular point for a particular length of road say 500 mt. To have the water
pits government must dig the water collection pits with the capacity of the
pits to hold the rain water based on the average rain rain fall in that
particular area and the quantity in that particular length of the road. This
water can be used for irrigation; at the same time soil erosion can be
prevented to protect the fertility of the soil. Also the government must
provide the plants that should be planted along the road length of the road
inside the cultivatable farm to prevent the slippage of water, also to ensure
that the water is saved in the pit. Also the government must make a policy that
All the state and National High ways should construct along the road sides a concrete
passage either for the rain water to be collected at the pit which is
constructed at the slop or the low point in the area to ensure easy passage of
water due to natural gravity. All the existing highways must be up graded and
all the upcoming and future highway constructed should be constructed with
water passages. As the rain water collection by this method will be more easy
and cost effective, not only this advantage but it will be more advantageous to
the highways as the water logging may damage the section of road and to built
that particular section is additional cost and more inconvenience.
Since the entire agriculture output depends
on the soil condition it is necessary for all the farmers to obtain the soil
testing done soon after the harvest of the crop, to obtain the soil fertility
report and advice by the agriculture experts for the quantity of seed, verity
of seed and the treatment of the soil before seeding and also quantity of the
fertilizers need to be used based on the cultivatable area and the verity of
the crop. This is necessary to suggest the appropriate fertilizers that are
needed as per the soil condition in the required quantities which will
certainly optimize the use of the fertilizers and maximize the agriculture
output by providing the optimal nutrients to the plants. In order to ensure this there should be at
least one soil testing laboratory in each mandal in the first phase and at each
GP in the second phase. Also at the same time the government must introduce one
year/ six months certification course for becoming the soil testing technicians
for all the B.sc Graduates or at least intermediate with science subjects to
become a soil testing assistant. All the data of the each farmer as per the VAF
should be stored in the computer for future reference and analysis of the soil
condition. The analysis of the soil conditions and the suggestions will be
provided by the experts. To enhance the number of soil experts the government
must make make mandatory provision for the agriculture universities have
diploma/certificate course and all universities to have full course in the soil
As we all knew that India has a total area
of 320 million hectors with over 190 million hectors of area under cultivation.
If we look into the soil conditions almost all types of soils in the world are
present in India which can be classified into 8 major categories out of which 4
categories are more ideal for cultivation, are of
agricultural importance: alluvial soils, black soils, red soils and lateritic
soils. The four other broad soil groups that occur fairly extensively in India
are: saline and sodic soils, desert soils, forest and hill soils, and peaty and
marshy soils. If we analyze the soil for the nutrients
The alluvial soils cover about 75 million ha in the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP) and
Brahmaputra Valley and are distributed in the states of Punjab, Haryana,
Uttaranchal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal, Assam and the coastal regions
of India. These soils are deficient in nitrogen (N), phosphorus and organic
matter. Similarly Black soils are very dark and have very high clay content, a
vide verity of crops can be grown in these soils under proper soil management.
They have a high moisture retention capacity. These soils cover an area of
about 74 million ha, mainly in the central, western and southern states of
India. The black soils are inherently very fertile. Under rainfed conditions,
they are used for growing cotton, millets, soybean, sorghum, pigeon pea, etc.
Under irrigated conditions, they can be used for a variety of other crops, such
as sugar cane, wheat, tobacco and citrus crops. Similarly Red soils are found
predominantly in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Orissa, Goa and in the north eastern states. They have limitations
of soil depth, poor water and nutrient-holding capacity, excessive drainage,
runoff and are generally poor in N, P, zinc (Zn), sulphur (S) and humus. Under
good management, these soils can be used profitably for a variety of crops such
as millets, rice, groundnut, maize, soybean, pigeon pea, green gram, jute, tea,
cashew, cocoa, grapes, banana, papaya and mango. Lastly the ideal soil for
cultivation in India is Laterite and lateritic soils which are deeply weathered
soils with high clay content, having low base and silica owing to pronounced
leaching. They are generally found in Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra
Pradesh and the north eastern region, and occupy about 25 million ha.
The major limitations posed by these soils include deficiency of P, potassium
(K), calcium (Ca), Zn and boron (B), high acidity and toxicity of aluminium
(Al) and manganese (Ma). The important crops grown on these soils are rice,
banana, coconut, areca nut, cocoa, cashew, coffee, tea and rubber. All other
soils like saline and sodic soils can be cultivated by using gypsum and also
similarly peaty and marshy soils can be utilised by draining the water and proper
On observing all types of soils in India,
it is evident that Indian soils being a tropical,
the organic carbon (C) content is very low. The deficiency of Nitrogen (N) is
common in all soils throughout India. Most of the Indian soils are low to
medium in Phosphorus (P). Over time, Potassium (K) deficiency has also become
widespread. The deficiency of Sulphur (S) is increasing. Besides primary and
secondary nutrients, the increasing deficiency of micronutrients is becoming a
cause of concern. Among the micronutrients, the deficiency of Zn is the most
acute. In general, the deficiency of at least five nutrients (N, P, K, S &
Zn) has become fairly widespread. There is a need to promote the use of types
of fertilizers required to correct the deficiency of all these nutrients. To
improve the naturally low organic matter content of the soil, the application
of sufficient quantities of organic manures is essential.
If we analyze
the plant biology apart from water all plants growth is dependent on the basic
nutrients that exists in the soil which are mainly constitute N, P, K, S &
Zn, since majority of the soils in India are primarily deficient in some of the
basic nutrients the use of fertilizers arises in India to ensure the crops are
grown as desired to provide the maximum output. Also since the extensive
agriculture cultivation is being performing continuously for over decades makes
the soil deplete in the nutrients as the crops has used the existing nutrients
in the soil, the use of fertilizers is become a basic necessity in the
agriculture. As such all farmers should administer fertilizers in appropriate
quantities at appropriate time, based on the soil analysis and advise by the
soil experts and agriculture experts only. The use of fertilizer quantities,
and verities of fertilizers varies in different places varies as different
plants extract the nutrients differently and also different soils have the
different capacity to hold the nutrients. In India farmers uses many types of
fertilizers, of which urea accounts for most of the consumption of Nitrogen (N)
and DAP for most of that of P2O5. Urea accounts for 82
percent of the total consumption of fertilizers. The share of N through DAP and
other complex fertilizers is about 16 percent. DAP accounts for 63 percent of
total P2O5 consumption
and other complex fertilizers for 27 percent. Single superphosphate (SSP)
accounts for 10 percent of total P2O5 consumption.
As we all knew that the use of fertilizers
become inevitable, become a primary substance in the cultivation, being the
deciding factor of the output of the agriculture, the prices of the agriculture
depends on the prices of the fertilizers. As such government must ensure that
all the fertilizers especially the basic five nutrient suppliers of N, P, K, S,
and Zn prices are under government control as
these products are under
government control till the decontrol of P, K in 1992 and decontrol of Urea
in 2003. After the decontrol there is steep rise in the prices of agriculture
output due to step rise in the fertilizer prices. As such government must bring
back permanently the 1973 “Fertilizer Movement Control
Order” to bring the distribution of fertilizers under government control
ensuring the entire 100 % of the manufactured fertilizer is totally controlled
by the government including the Urea (Which according to the New Fertilizer
Policy of 2003 Government allowed 50 % of the Urea to sell as per the wish of
the manufacturer). The government order can benefit only the private manufacturers
of the fertilizers and the middlemen in the distribution system and undoubtedly
this policy of the then government lead to rise in agriculture prices and rise
in Inflation. As such government must put the prices of agriculture inputs
under its control to ensure the food inflation is under control. Also the
government must ensure the fertilizers are distributed through the Gram Panchayat
from the existing distributors in the village or mandal (only the storage
facility of the distributor should be used for temporarily till the
construction of godowans in Mandals for storing the fertilizers and keeping the
buffer stock of the fertilizers in the (Mandal Fertilizer Stock Centres - MFSC)
on PPP bases either by group of fertilizer manufacturers or the private
investors) since there exists over 2.8 lacks of distributors spread across the
country of which ¾ are under the private distributors and the rest under the
Cooperatives and the Institutions. Also government must utilise the Hamalies/
labour who are working in the private distributors to work at the Mandal
Godowans of the fertilizers. This will ensure the balance of the
As per the traditional agriculture
practices before the wide spread manufacturing and distribution of the chemical
fertilizers the only fertilizer for the farmers to enhance the soil nutrients
is the organic manure made out of the farm residues and the cattle manure. It
is a fact before 1950 the majority of the agriculture in India is adopting the
same utilising the organic manure for agriculture. The studies reveal that unlike growth of chemical fertilizers use, the
use of organic material has not increased much in the last two to three
decades. The estimated annual available nutrient (NPK) contribution through
organic sources is about 5 million tonnes only. It is mainly due to the fact
that even
though the farm residues are as high as 300 milion tonnes of which 2/3 quantity
is being utilised by the farmers for the cattle feed and the cattle manure is
being used as fuel for cooking, which has drastically reduced the production of
organic manure leading use of organic manure per hector. The ideal use of
organic manure is 10 tonnes per hector but at present merely 2 tonnes/hector is
in use on an average which another 2.5 million
tonnes/year can be added on adding another 1/3 of the crop residues for recycling
which is possible only by increasing the green feed to the cattle to that
extent. The production of urban compost is around 6 million tonnes. In addition
to improving soil physico-chemical properties, the use of organic manure also
improves the efficiency of mineral fertilizer use. Also the bio fertilizers are
playing important role in replenishing the chemical fertilizers for soil
nutrition, Bio fertilizers consist of Nitrogen fixers (Rhizobium, Azotobacter,
blue green algae, Azolla), phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) and fungi
(lmycorrhizae). Even though Government is promoting the concept of the
integrated nutrient supply system (INSS), i.e. the combined use of mineral
fertilizers, organic manures and bio fertilizers the fruits of programme is achieved
if and only if the ratio of the chemical : organic: bio fertilizers is almost
equal to replenish the required nutrients then only farmers can be benefitted since
the soil improves the fertility and holding capacity of nutrients resulting in
high yield, Also since the organic fertilizer is manufactured locally and also
the bio fertilizers are not that expensive the enhancement of these two in the
INSS will be provide more benefit. Since farmers are aware of the advantage of
INSS in improving soil health and crop productivity government must take all
necessary measures to enhance the production of organic fertilizer and the bio
The government must have a proper plan
increase the farm residues use for the manufacture of organic fertilizers by
enhancing the natural fodder availability to the cattle by providing seeds and
other amenities for the growth of high yielding short duration varieties of
grass having maximum nutritional value for cattle feed. Also government must
ensure all the VACA should adopt the community goober gas plants to reduce the
use of cattle manure as a fuel for cooking, instead the goober gas should be
utilised and the cow manure slurry should be used to nitrate the soil. Also
government must provide more funds for the R&D in Bio technology for the
production of naturally possible bio fertilizers rather than developing the
GE/GM Bt crops. All this will ensure that INSS will be a successfully adopted
in India for better food production.
Since the agriculture is very laborious
process and very hard ship of the individuals is involved for providing food
for many, the government must ensure the agriculture inputs are available to
the farmers in absolute quality. As there is no quality checks and absolute
checks and balances are available in the system many agriculture input
providers are cheating the innocent farmers by selling the sub standard and
adulterated agriculture inputs such as seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. This
damage occurred to the farmers can be minimized since the government itself
procuring the agriculture input materials from the manufacturers with bank
guarantees for the quality and distributing them to the farmers with provision
for invoking the BG in case of failure of the crop. But the process is little combursm, even the government invoking
the BG to repay to the farmers the hard ship of the farmers cannot be taken way
and the reduction in the output leading to rise in the prices of the
commodities. As such the government must frame stringent laws making this
offence a non bail-able criminal offence to fix the sub standard manufacturers
and suppliers and the adulterated supplies with minimum punishments not less
than 5 years rigorous imprisonment. Also
the government must punish the same way the officials who provided approvals
for the quality and also the quality laboratory persons in case they provide
faulty information about the quality of the material. Also government must
ensure that the judgements in these cases will be delivered in a fixed time
most ideal within 90 days after the case has been registered. This will
certainly minimize such fraudulent activities by the agriculture input providers.
It is very said to know the truth that in
the period of India having people dying with hunger and as many as 45% of the
children are mal nutritional due to non availability of food grains, the
country is losing over 30 % of the food grains that were obtained hue to heavy
hard ship of the farmers and agriculture labour, only and only due to the lack
of adequate storage facilities. The warehousing capacity available in India, in
public, cooperative and private sector is about 108.75 million MTs. The Food
Corporation of India (FCI) 32.05 MMT, Central Warehousing Corporation
(CWC) 10.07 MMT, State Warehousing
Corporations (SWCs) 21.29 MMT, State Civil Supplies 11.30 MMT, Cooperative
Sector 15.07 MMT and Private Sector 18.97 MMT. The statistics clearly indicates
more private investment is required to invest to build the ware houses from
each mandal in every district according to total cultivated area and according
to total agriculture output. Also since
there exists most modern methods of storage of food grains are available which
are being use in the western countries which can save lot of wastage even in
the storage. The silo bins are the best solution. As Silo Bins provide the
advantage of over the conventional godowns like quicker handling of grain (The elevator is capable
of handing about 180 tonnes per hour, for both the operations (Storage and
Issue simultaneously), Simultaneous storage of different kinds of grain, such
as wheat, paddy, gram, bajra, maize in the different bins at the same time. Mechanical
Operation, All loading, unloading, weighing etc. are done mechanically, long
storage without deterioration or loss. There is no access to insects or
rodents. Aeration and fumigation can be done when necessary to preserve the
condition of grain. Grain can be stored as long as five years. Space
requirement is less. The area of land is required for Silo storage is only
about one fifth that of conventional storage godown. Silo bins are ful-proof
arrangement in respect of physical check of Food Grain stored silo in bins. Consumption
of fumigant is very nominal. Also silo bins saves lot of sacks (Gunni bags)
& also saving of Skilled handling labourers at the time of storage. As such
government must encourage private players in establishing the storage silo bins
by allowing FDI in the establishing the storage facilities for food grains.
The pulses are the protein providers to the
body to the extent of protein in the pulses range from 18% to 25 % which are
essential for the body growth and the stamina providers, but there is a gradual
decline in the per capta consumption of the pulses from 63 gm/day in 1960-61 to
just 29 gm/day in 2006-07, but as per the world health organisation
recommendations the average pulses consumption should be 88 gm/day, to achieve
this India should enhance the production of pulses from the present 17 million
tonnes to near about 35 million tonnes by 2017, but the pulses production in
India is far below the world average yield per hector, as the world average
yield of pulses stand at 800 kg/hector the Indian average is 622 kg/hector,
which indicates the need for induction of modern techniques in the pulses
production. The low yield is mainly due to cultivation of pulses in moisture
stress areas, low fertility soil areas, lack of irrigation apart from adverse
weathering and climatic changes and also due to non availability of high
yielding short duration varieties of pulses all resulting in only 60 to 65 % of
the capacity utilisation of the pluses processing units resulting in high costs
for the consumers due the variation in demand and supply. Once an exporter of pulses,
India is presently one of the largest importers of pulses. India has followed a
liberal policy towards the import of pulses during the last two decades. The
pulses import was placed under the Open General License in 1979, allowing
anyone to import pulses in to India without any approval or restrictions.
Because of our domestic production is short of demand, India is a regular
importer of pulses. All these factors resulting in steep rise in pulses prices,
is four folds increase in the pulses rates from 2005 to 2009, as in 2005 the
tur dal is 24-32 Rs per Kg was sold at Rs 100 per Kg in 2009. Also the GOI has brought pulses
cultivation under the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) brought all 437 districts
in the 14 major pulses producing States under the scheme which will certainly
useful in rise of pulses production in India. but government but encourage
pulses production in non stressed areas and the in fertile soils to enhance the
production to meet the deand over a period of time. Also government
must supply seeds which were proved success in high yield such as in Bidar
district of Karnataka State Krishi Vikas Kendra (KVK), Bidar has developed a
technology of transplanting in Arhar/Tur for higher production, which has a
yield potential of 12-14 quintals/acre under rain fed conditions and 16-18
quintals/acre under irrigated conditions. For higher yield this can be used by
the farmers on experimental basis.
The government must establish more number
of agriculture universities to produce more number of agriculture scientists. As the present ration of the acreage of
cultivation to the ratio of agriculture experts very minimum, the ration need
to be enhanced in order to get better output of the agriculture produce. As
such government must ensure that all the districts should have at least one Agriculture
University and one Vetarineity University operated by government with all
modern laboratory facilities. Also government must establish one soil engineering
training centres. The government must
ensure all agriculture universities will establish at least one research /
laboratory in each mandal comprising of agriculture scientists, Soil experts to
constantly monitor and advise the VACA.
Also the government must encourage the
R&D on the draught resistant verities of the seed and other inputs to
enhance the production. Also the government must advise the draught affected
areas to raise the draught resistant verities of crops that can be grown in the
draught conditions in the short period should be advised the farm to minimize
the damages due to draught, by advising them to adopt all other allied fields
of agriculture like sericulture, rising of the birds like emu for birds for
eggs, many other alternative income source to ensure that lively hood is not
The government must enhance the budget for
the agriculture sector especially for the R&D in the agriculture, and also
the infrastructure building for the storage of agriculture output such as clod
storages, godowans, silo bins etc, Rail sidings near the godowans and silo
bins, as the country is mostly agrarian even though only the value of the
agriculture output is 13.9% of the GDP but over 70 % of the population are
getting lively hood through the agriculture sector. The estimates urban studies
shows that near to the 50 % the people are going to migrate from rural to urban
areas by 2050 endangering the agriculture production due to shift of the people
from agriculture sector to non agriculture sector. As such government must encourage the agriculture by making
agriculture as a profession, and also enhancing the facility, training centres
for soil testing, R&D in agriculture, research in bio fertilizers, bio
pesticides etc.
As we all knew that seeing believes and
also the experienced peoples words are believable, the same should be applied
the cultivation also. Since some farmers who get better output of the
agriculture produce due to certain practices which are either universal
applicable or applicable to particular climatic and geographic conditions or
for a particular location, the agriculture scientists should analyse these
success stories and plan to make propaganda through the same farmers in the locations
where the methods adopted by the successful farmer can hold good in case the
methods have limited applicability in a particular situations, in case
universal application the same should be spread to all the farmers in India who
are growing the same crop. For this either the large screen television sets
installed in the vans or vehicles which can move from one VACA to other VACA in
the madal every day in the evening making the methods to be understood by the farmers and practice the same. For this
purpose the government must provide the large screen television or projectors
to every mandal agriculture office and a vehicle with appropriate staff to move
from one village to other village every day in the evening. This will certainly
ensure better education for the farmers about various new methods and
techniques in cultivation from the seeding to use of fertilizers to use of
water to pesticides to pest control methods etc. Also government must provide
every month farmers interactive programme in mandal head quarters on weekends
for better results.
As we all knew that over 30 % of the
population in India are living below poverty line (BPL) and over 1/3 of the
population belong to lower income group and low middle income group for these
sections to afford for the food at the market rate is very difficult. As such
government is providing the required essential food grains through the public
distribution system (PDS). But it is very fact that majority of the food grains
meant for the PDS are being diverted by vested interests to the open market,
the rotten food that was dis baneded by the FCI or other stoctists is being
supplied to the poor. This system can be improved by using the technology.
All the goods that are designated to supply
through the PDS need to be tagged with the Radio Frequency Identification
Device (RFID) tags which hardly costs only maximum of 10 to 20 Rs. All the
transport Lorries should be hard top like the containers, and on loading the
material in the transport Lorries the Lorries should be sealed with electronic
lock system and the Lorries should be fitted with GPRS system. And all the Lorries
should be provided with specific root maps to go for the designated places. All
the movement of the Lorries should be monitored automatically by the system and
on waiting for more than 5 minutes will alert the authorities as well as the
driver to find out the reason for non movement of the vehicle. Also the PDS
offices for unloading should be sent the unlocking code of the electronic
locking system on reaching the lorry to the designated location and on
conformation through the GPRS system as well the conformation from the driver
of the lorry as well as the PDS official at that location. On un-locking the
system the material should be unloaded. The PDS location should have a computer
system synchronise with the RFID decoder and all the bags should be read for
decoding of the RFID tags. This will ensure that all the material is reached
the PDS centre at that location. (alternatively in all mandals there should be
packaging units to pack in the transparent permitted microns polyethylene
covers in the designated quantities for each of the eligible beneficiary as per
the village and transported to the PDS centres just to hand over the same packs
to the beneficiaries) Also the the data will be automatically up loaded to the
next levels till the state levels. Also it should be ideal that all the PDS
beneficiaries should mandatorily provide the mobile phone numbers (majority of
them might possess mobile phones, also the recent proposal of government to
provide mobile phones to all the BPL families will certainly be of use). Soon
the stock is unloaded at the PDS centre the automatically sends the sms to all
the PDS beneficiaries of that centre about the arrival of the stock. Also the
arrival of the stock should be communicated at the post office to display, also
displayed the Village Revenue office and the GP office this will enable that
all those who do not possess the mobile phones can get communicated. Now coming
to the issue of the material all the PDS eligible family card people should be
provided with a bio metric operated card or bio metric operated system with a
pass book (like bank pass book, with printing in the regional language). The
issue of the goods should be recorded automatically as and when they issue the
martial to the individual PDS beneficiary and the same should be printed in the
pass book of the individual beneficiary. Also the same should be automatically
communicated to the next levels till the state level PDS system through the
internet. Also the issue of goods should be mandatorily on the bio metric
system linked to the computer system. Also it is ideal that CC cameras should
be fixed at the entrance of the PDS centre and record the issue of the material
to the individual PDS beneficiaries. All
the material should be issued in a fixed time and the martial weighing should
be electronic display, which should be clearly displayable to the individual
PDS beneficiaries as well as in the CC Camera recording. This will ensure
diversion of the PDS martial can be controlled to a maximum extent. Also the
government must frame stringent laws for adulteration of PDS martial or
otherwise diverting of the PDS material.
Since in the above said methods the
government itself is procuring the material at minimum procurement price from
the farmers with providing a minimum of 20 % profit for the farmers and fixing
the price for the traders and the retailers, in order to ensure fair trade
practices the government must fix the minimum sale price for all the
commodities in addition to fixing of maximum sale price. As otherwise since the
fixing of the maximum sale price is based on the minimum support price paid to
the farmer which is dependent up on the local conditions, the prices of the
commodities may vary from place to place. In this connection the traders may
procure in bulk from the other places or may sell adulterated food grains. To
prevent all these and make fair competition among the traders and retailers at
all the places the minimum sale price should be fixed in addition to the
maximum price. To ensure all traders will sell at minimum sale price and not
exceeding the maximum sale price all the traders and the all retailers should
mandatorily maintain the electronic billing system for the sale of non
processed raw agriculture products from kirana stores to hyper markets.
This system will ensure fair trade
practices even in supermarkets and other hypermarkets. Also this will certainly
eliminate the fears of many people as far as the retail food cost is concerned
(as many fear that multi brand retail giants will procure the materials from
the low cost production countries like China, Thailand, Indonesia and import in
bulk and sell it at cheaper price than the agriculture raw output of India,
killing many small retailers and many agriculture producers) in the light of
FDI in retail allowing the multi brand giant retail chains in India. As such in
order to prevent any such occurrences in future, it will be more ideal that
government should make it mandatory that all the multi brand retail stores
should procure at least 3/4 of the total raw agriculture produce sold in the
stores should be procured from the Indian agriculture produce as long as they
operate the store in Indian Territory, in addition the multi brand giant retail
stores should sell 100 % sale of the agriculture raw produce (like rice, wheat,
cereals, vegetables and fruits) at the minimum sale price fixed by the the
government for the respective commodities as per the area as government fixes
different rates for different areas of sale based on the local conditions. Also
all these giant multi brand retail stores should mandatorily sale within the
maximum price fixed by the government for the raw agriculture produce (even
though they do the cleaning, sieving packing etc of the raw agriculture
produce). This will certainly protect the sale of the agriculture produce as
majority of the consumers are in the urban and semi urban areas as many middle
class and upper class people live in these areas with more purchase power as
they certainly possess more per capta income compared to the rural areas. Since
the prices of the commodities for sale are fixed for minim sale price this will
certainly force all the multi brand retailer giants procure the raw agriculture
procure locally, otherwise there may be a danger of the damage to small
retailers, of course which can be minimized through minimum sale price
protection (even though it is a fact that majority of the small “kirana stores
are surviving and can servive due to the credit facility provided by them to
the purchasers, as majority of them are established for years in the same
locality and majority of the purchasers are purchasing from the same kirana
stores for several years, but still every individual purchaser look to save the
money when it comes much cheaper at some other place like in the multi brand
retail giant stores, as such it is very necessary to fix the minimum sale price
of all the raw agriculture produce to protect the interest of many sections). Also
this is necessary to protect the interest of the Indian farmers as well as the
Indian small retailers. (the best
& ideal example to understand the sensitivity of the issue is comparing
with telecom sector which also involves crores of people as India has over 85
crore mobile connections; Even though it is very hard to digest but it is a
fact that the some private telecom players literally made the BSNL got itself
killed which is once the profit making prestigious organisation of India in
Telecom and government, but the FDI in the telecom literally killed the BSNL
as the government PSU could not able to
compete with them in expanding the markets by pumping in the huge investments
in the sector as was done by the private players who are competitive till they
totally penetrated into the markets, this made
once having a profit of over Rs 10,000
crores was now in a stage of closure with over Rs 13,000 crores loss just in
less than a decade, this may certainly repeat in the FDI retail if stringent
safe guard laws are not framed, even though the FDI in retail is a positive
move in bring the standards in many areas, but there exists a danger that it
may be like the terminator seeds of agriculture promoted by the foreign
companies i.e the GM/GE genetically modified seeds which will have the long
term impact on the fertility of the soil once they are seeded and the crop is
raised, there is no other alternative that only the GM/GE seeds should be able
to be cultivated (forcibly) otherwise the once fertile land will remain as
barren wasteland, as the GE/GM seeds infuse the killer characteristics into the
soil soon after the yielding of the crop before dying, to destroy the fertility
and make the soil tune only to the GM/GE seeds in future, likewise also there
is danger that multi brand foreign retails will bring food products (especially
the cheap processed food) which do not have Indian FDA certification may have a
negative impact on the youth as youth are mostly attracted to the foreign foods,
with danger of every possibility to get addicted to those foods, as such
government must make a policy to ensure that each and every food product either
raw or processed which was imported or manufactured outside India should
certainly get tested and get approval for each and every batch of the each
product by the Indian FDA otherwise over a period of time India will become the
dumping yard of foreign un-standard & un healthy foods resulting in not
only killing the traditional foods but also there is every possibility of
health hazards of different natures (the majority of the children and youth in
the western countries who are being addicted to the junk foods like pizzas and
burgers and others foods, are suffering from obesity and many other health
complications as majority of the junk foods are manufactured from the
agriculture produce of the GE/GM seeds and crops, almost the same is happing in
urban India as even though there exits over 1/3 of the children are underweight
in India due under nutrition, surprisingly there is an alarmingly high, over
11% of the children are suffering with obesity due to over nutrition, majority
of them are urban middle class and high income group mainly due to addicted to
the junk foods, so there is every danger that the sub standard foreign foods
create an addiction in the children and youth which may have long term impact
if there doesn’t exist stringent Indian FDA laws to test and allow the foreign
processed foods), like the private telecom players provided much needed
expansion of the services to common man which is appretiable, but at the same time the private operators are
literally acting at their own whims & fancies even thought there exits
Hon’ble Supreme Court of India made the mandatory bar of the un-wanted
promotional calls, none of the private telecom operators followed even there
are repeated requests by the individual customers, in addition at the same time most of the
private operators are literally
squeezing the money of the many millions of innocent customers with forced&
un known to the customers offerings of unwanted offers of like caller tunes,
film news, astrology, chatting, dating, etc deducting the money from the
individual pre paid account holders without their knowledge in small amounts
ranging from 10 Rs to 50 Rs with at least they are squeezing not less than 50
Rs on average from the customers per month in addition to earning of regular
profits ( this additional income of all the private operators touches as high
as over 1 billion rupees a month, as near about 83 crors mobile connections
exist in India), the same kind of extortion in different manner may happen in
the multi brand giant retail stores in
case proper systems are not places at the initial stages with non application
of stringent implementation of laws, Also even though the private telecom
operators knew the consequences of radiation emission from the cell towers
causing serious health hazards they did not bother to follow the rules as was
followed in the western countries and installed high power cell towers
everywhere to save money with a single motto to earn profit and recover very
sppedy the investment at the earliest (instead of keeping many smaller
frequency towers as operation costs will increase in case of more number of
towers which reduces the profits marginally) as of now most of the private
telecom operators are acting more or less like the media (even though TRAI
telecom regulatory authority of India has full control over them), presuming
that they only have to frame the self regulations, this kind of situation may
arise in the case of multi brand giant retail stores, as they are big and
mighty and can influence any section of governance in India as always the same
government may not exists, unlike China which ever government in power the same
communist principles will be applicable with stringent implementation of laws
and stringent punishments, also the case is same with other western countries
where the law implementation is stringent and the culprits are brought to
justice very quickly, but the case is not the same is India being a socialist
democratic country and mostly run by collation governments at till next few
terms, and the laws implementations are not so stringent as compared to other
countries of course the laws are very stringent in most of the areas, also
there is certainly time taking activity as far as bring the culprits to
justice, best example the Bhopal gas incidence) As such only fixing the minimum
sale price and maximum sale price can ensure that fair trade practices occur in
India at all times coupled with mandatory Indian FDI approval for each batch of
each imported processed food sale in India as mandatory pre condition to sale
in India to protect Indians from having healthier foods & good foods at all
It is indeed a As we all knew in the
absence of the governments mandatory supply of the agriculture inputs, in the
absence of farm produce procured by government, in the absence of storage
facilities availability, and also due to the rise of the multi brand retail
chains, Government allowed in 2003 the culture of “ contract farming” by
amending the “Agriculture Produce Marketing Committee” (APMC) act in 2003, by
allowing farmers to directly sell the agriculture produce to any private buyer in a private market yard other than
government market yards, as such many farmers are showing interest to sell
their agriculture produce to the private parties in which “contract farming one
of the main methods of selling the entire agriculture produce to the private
markets. The “contract farming” is an agreement with the private buyer (multi
brand retailers or their suppliers) to have an agreement with farmers for continusally supply of the farm produce to them at a fixed
uniform price (mostly uniform throughout the contract period of say 3 years to
5 years irrespective of monsoon, or other natural calamities or pests etc., in
some instances the farmers are just providing the labour and the land and the
remaining inputs are supplied by the private party) by getting some advance
from the buyers for the purchase of the agriculture inputs. This will be only
advantages to the private parties i.e multi brand retailers only, in no ware it
will the helpful for the entire farm community as the retailers will have only
agreement with some farmers and also the same farmers need to undergo stress
over a period of time due to the pressures from the multi brand retailers or
their representatives for more agriculture produce as was agreed to supply,
Also the farmers use the seed and fertilizers as per the advice of the private
party during the period of contract , which the private parties use maximum
fertilizers and seeds like GE/GM Bt Seeds which for getting high yield, after
the contract period is completed they may leave the farmer and make the
contract with other farmer due to the need of excessive fertilizers due to over
extraction of nutrients in the soil to reduce their input costs to maximize
their produce and maximize their profits, with minimum fixed pay throughout to
the contract to the farmers, resulting in after the expiry of the contract the
farmer will left with no option to d farming with high use of fertilizers along
with only to use the high cost same GM/GE seeds (as conventional seeds will not
work in the GE/GM tuned soils) as a result the cost of production will
increase, which he cannot sell it in the completion leading him to undergo
loss, which may lead farmers to take extreme steps due to the debt recovery
from these funders. Since the profit margins of the multi brand retailers will
depend on the more agriculture output supplied by the contract farmers. Since
naturally the multi brand retailers try to make more profit they will torcher the
farmers to get more output.
Also it is a fact that due to contract
farming theoretically, farmers stand to gain from contractual agreements that
provide lower transaction costs, assured markets. On the other hand,
contracting firms have the advantage of more assured supplies, and reasonable
control over quality and other specifications. However, in practice, there are
practical problems that emerge in agricultural contracting that can result in
losses to both farmers and firms. Contracting agreements are often verbal or
informal in nature, and even written contracts often do not provide the legal
protection in India that may be observed other countries. Lack of
enforceability of contractual provisions can result in breach of contracts by
either party. In India, there have been instances of farmers refusing to sell
to contracting firms when market prices exceed the contract price, and of firms
refusing to purchase contracted quantities or pay contracted prices due to
market conditions. Neither the contracting firm nor the farmers are keen to
contest these issues in a court. Most often, it is mutual understanding and
faith that drives contractual relationships and it takes a long time to win
mutual trust and confidence, Also since still there exists the land lord system
indirectly in the villages, the elite village elders (mostly the sarpunches are
local elite belong to upper echelons) they will certainly come in between the
farmers and the contractors, naturally favouring the multi brand retail giant contractors, may
force the farmers to do agree for the terms of the contractors, also the
surpanches may force other farmers in the villages to go for contract farming
in accordance to the wish and will of the multi brand retail farmers, by acting
as the representatives of the multi brand retail contractors who pay the
mustards nut to them to take way pumpkin from the village farmers. Also there
is a danger from the financers in the village who financed the farmers will
force the farmers to go for contract farming for recovery of their money from
the farmers in case the farmers not able to repay in time due to natural
calamities or crop failure due to the seed failure or due to the pest attack
etc. Also all other farmers who do not sign the contract farming in that
village which is having a logistic, strategic location advantage for the multi
brand retail giants, will be forced to sign the contract by ensuring non
availability of buyers for their produce in the local market yards, ensuring
the loss for the farmers for their produce in the market through the middle
men, traders, as the village markets are mostly managed by the local
elite. All these lead the contract
farmers over a period of time literally like “slaves” / “bonded labour” of the
multi brand retailers. As such government must make it mandatory to prevent the
“contract farming” in Indian soil by scrapping the APMC Amendment Act of 2003
which is a “HISTORIC BLUNDER” done by the then government, as far as the
farmers welfare is concerned, it is in fact sinical & criminal on the our
part to make the food provider our country to be exploited by few select
‘capitalists” especially the foreign capitalists by making use of the farmers
as “ cogs in the oil mills” and reducing the farmers literally to live at their
mercy, reducing the farmers to be more or less like slaves / bonded labours to
the multi brand retailer giant stores. The same was found in the studies,
emphasized by various surveys conducted by many organisations like IIM
Ahmadabad etc, As such the government must scrap the contract farming in the
interest of the farmers of the country as well as the people of the country as
our UPA government under the congress leader ship is always advocates for the
welfare of the common man especially the farmers.
It is fact the Indian food processing
industry is over 250 billion currently and may touch 300 billion Rupees by 2015
as per the survey projections. In the event of the FDI in the retail allowing
the as the FDI in retail will certainly bring quality atmosphere in the retail
stores but also brings to certain extent the standard quality foods, as such
all Indian companies mainly SME food processing industries face tough period as
their quality of packing or other standards at present may not compete with the
foreign manufactured foods, since the multi brand retail stores are mainly in
the urban areas who are the maximum consumers for the proceed packaged foods,
as such in order to protect the SME by competing with the imported foreign
packaged food products government of India must provide appropriate training
for the SME to have the latest quality control and packaging and preserving
methods, in addition government must provide the total tax exemption for the
import of the machinery for the SME’s to improve the quality standards, in
addition government must provide the local Indian manufacturers of the
machineries for the food processing to upgrade their manufacturing to provide
the sophisticated quality machinery by providing tax concessions for them to
import the raw material as well as the technology for manufacturing of the
As we all knew that there exists a huge gap
in the agriculture output and the storage capacity, processing capacity and
also the inputs supply is not on par with the demand, as a result there is huge
loss to the agriculture output it is as high as over 30 % of the agriculture
produce is getting wasted and getting rotten without having the scope for use
due to lack of storage facility and being exposed to atmosphere with draining
in rains and cold winters making them to get rotten due to bacterial and fungal
formation and many fruits and vegetables are rotten during the excessive crop
yield due to lack of cold storages to enhance the shelf life and also lack of
food processing industries in the vicinity of the massive cropping areas, all
these leading to short supply in the food grains and vegetables leading to high
costs for the consumers; all these indicates huge
investments required to create the infrastructure for the agriculture sector like
the storage godwans for fertilizers, storage godowans for food grains, silo
storage bins (modern storage godowans), cold storages, rail sidings for the godowans,
market yards, etc. And also the agriculture inputs like the, water for
cultivation through irrigation projects, through cloud seeding, through solar
power operated bore wells and power generation in agriculture fields through
wind energy etc, fertilizers (both chemical and bio), bio pesticides etc
require huge investments to produce and supply to the farmers. To make
everything by the government investment as per the existing demand is next to
impossible to achieve in the at least next few decades; the only alternative is
to bring huge private investment, but it is not possible to bring such a huge
investments by Indian private investors, as such government must open up these
areas in the agriculture sector to foreign direct investment (FDI) up to 49 %
only to ensure that Indian partner has more say; since there will not be any
risk to the foreign investors in the agriculture sector once the government
makes it a policy that all agriculture inputs and outputs are routed through
government and government supplies the inputs by payment guarantees from the
government and the output is procured by the government from the farmers, as
such the government mandatorily store in
the storage facility, this will ensure that the payments for the storage is
paid by the governments. Also the the
cloud seeding payments as per the total rain water collected, also the FDI in
weather modification (cloud seeding) is more possible the ground was already
prepared by government indirectly; since the governments has made a great move
of allowing 49 % FDI in the aviation sector will boost the investors towards
cloud seeding if government opens the windows for FDI in this sector, since the
cloud seeding is mainly dependent on airplanes spilling the chemicals in the
clouds to covert the moisture in the cloud to become water droplets and fall as
rain water. Also similarly the ground
water lifting through solar powered motors with payment on the bases of
quantity of water dispensed will certainly the FDI as government is paying for
the water. As such the FDI in agriculture sector will certainly boost the
economy and economic growth are will certainly be in double digits; which means
more jobs, better lively hood for the people in India.
Since government is procuring the material
from the farmers and selling it to the traders by fixing the Maximum Retail
Price including the transport based on the location, it is ideal that
government must operate a web site in almost all the regional languages and
keep the data of the MRP as per the location. Also since almost all the urban,
semi urban and some rural population holds the mobile phones it is ideal that
government must provide the information of the prices of the commodities as per
the location based on the SMS request of the consumer. Also government must
make a provision for the consumers to register permanently to receive the
prices of the goods as and when it changes due to market fluctuations either
through mobile registration or through the web registration. This will ensure
that the traders and the retailers will not charge more for the material than
the fixed designated by the government based on the quality and the distance of
the procurement from the government and the marketing place etc. Also the same
should be with the vegetables and fruits also. This will ensure stable prices
of goods will be available to all sections of the people at all times.
Since the health statistics of India shows
that majority of the illness is due to lack of proper nutritious balanced diet
due to high cost of food grains and high cost of vegetables and fruits even
though India is one of the highest cultivators of RICE, WHEAT etc. The high
cost of food grains is mainly due to high cost of inputs for the cultivation,
lack of proper pest management even though government is implementing the IPM,
coupled with non availability of fertilizers with sub standard fertilizers due to lack of quality checks at grassroots,
lack of storage facilities resulting huge loss of the agriculture produce, and
also due the the extortion of the middle men, and lack of control over minimum
and maximum sale price of the commodities by government; all resulted in huge
costs of agriculture out puts and making the people to adjust with limited
nutritional value foods ; in spite the high costs the farmer continue to remain
in debts and even there are over two lacks of farmers committed suicide in last
20 years; while the middle men in the agriculture sector, also the input
supplier are cherishing with enjoying the joy of profits earned by them; in
order to improve the situation of the farmers and the ensuring the food sully
will be at affordable prices to all sections of people to have a nutritious
balanced diet which is the spirit of “FOOD FOR ALL” government must regulate
the prices of agriculture inputs and also should ensure the agriculture inputs
reach the farmers in time; to ensue this government must make it mandatory that
all the seeds, fertilizers and pesticides are procured by the government with
complete ban on the open market sale and supplied to farmers through the Gram
Panchayat in the presence of the Gram sabha. Also government must supply water
In order to achieve the better results in agriculture either through irrigation
cannels or through the lifting of the ground water; to ensure proper water
supply according to need of the crops the government must urgently implement
the “CLOUD SEEDING’” near the river catchment areas and to ensure plenty of
water supply in all seasons; coupled
with solar powered/ wind powered water lifting and supply system in the non
rain shadow areas where agriculture is purely on the rain water; also by
providing the rain water collecting pits in the villages at strategic locations
and also providing the soil conservation systems and also making the rain water
collecting pits in the agriculture lands along the State and National highway
roads; also advising the farmers about the better agriculture practices,
Integrated pest management, adopting the Integrated Nutrient supply system;
which is possible only through collective cooperation among the farmers in the
area; as such making it mandatory that all the farmers who wish to perform
cultivation for commercial purposes should mandatorily be a member of the village agriculture cooperative associations
(VACA) which is necessary to be formed
in each village to get proper guidance from the agriculture experts and success
of the agriculture, the experts will provide the advise to the farmers on
knowing the local conditions, as such government bust collect the data of the
each villages about the general soil conditions, the weather data, the rain
fall , the water tables, the general crops raised, their verity of seeds etc
and supplied to the agriculture experts to analyse and suggest the farmers in
the VACA, also government must encourage the traditional sees to raise the
crops over the Genetically Modified seeds; in order to ensure the better
communication between the farmers and the agriculture experts there should be a
village level agriculture coordinators also ideal to call Accredited
Agriculture Coordinators (AACor) who will be trained in basic agriculture
procedures in all areas of agriculture; which will certainly communicate the
farmers issues to the agriculture experts for better guidance for the better
yield; in order to ensure better yield the soil fertility is the prime thing ,
the AACor will collect the samples of the soil in the farms and get tested in
the soil laboratories; in order to ensure that testing take place in time with
the volumes the government must establish soil testing laboratories in every
mandal; likewise government must establish the fertilizer quality testing laboratories
in each mandal; the fertilizer storage and supply godowans in every mandal
Mandal Fertilizer Storage Centers MFSC; Also the government must go the
marketing for the agriculture produce by making it mandatory that all the
farmers to sell to the government at minimum support price (MSP) for the
agriculture produce, MSP fixed depending up on the costs of the inputs that
government supplying as different locations has different rates ensuring the
farmers get a fixed profit of 20 % on the cost of government purchased at the
MSP and government clearing the loans to the maximum extent as the supply of
inputs and purchase of output by the governments even for the crop failures due to bad seed
failure or sub standard fertilizers or
sun standard pesticides as the government itself supplying them and in addition to mandatory crop insurance
for all the crops for getting compensation in the case of natural calamities; which
enables that banks will liberally fund to the farmers as they are guaranteed
the repayment and chances of becoming NPA does not exist; in addition
government should construct the storage godowans in every mandal and government
do the marketing with the trades to do the bulk trading and the retail by
fixing the minimum and maximum retail price for the agriculture raw food grains
to ensure fair trade practices which
will enable that the traders will be mostly confined to the regions due to the
cost of transport in case of low price
in some areas due to low cost of production of the agriculture output, also
this minimum and maximum price ensure
that all traders and all retailers from the “kirana shops “ to the “multi brand
giant retailers” adopt and confined to the fair trade practices; to ensure
minimum sale price practiced it should be made mandatory that all the retailers
from “kirana stores to multi brand retail giants stores to provide the
electronic billing for the sale; with the advantages for the government for minimizing the “zero
bill trade” and maximizing the tax collection which again useful for the people
only for development activities; Also completely banning the “contract farming”
to protect the farmers as well as the land from over exploitation by the
contracting agencies mostly the multi brand retail stores or their suppliers;
communicating the prices of commodities as per location for minimum and maxium
sale price in a locality. Also government must set up food processing
industries in the areas of mass produce of the agriculture output and also make
it mandatory that all the food processing units like rice mills, dal mills,
sugar crushing units mandatorily have captive power generation and also all
other food processing units will have at least 10 % of the energy consumption
by what of alternative energy, all this ensure the reduced load on the
electricity in the villages which the saved energy can be used for better water
supply and also the government must set up agriculture universities in every
district and the soil engineering courses in every district to produce the
agriculture experts & soil experts to an appropriate proportionate ration as compared to the land
cultivation of over 190 million hectares of land with over 115 million land
holdings and the food production should be increased in such a way which
enables the food prices are in control at all times in all places ensuring the
nutritious food for all sections which makes people in India are more healthier
at all times which leads to more & better work output which means better
growth in the economy which leads to better lively hood for people of INDIA, in
addition the surplus food after the buffer stock in INDIA can be supplied to
the needy countries in the World which is the true spirit of “FOOD FOR ALL”.