Monday, 8 January 2024

Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Technology in Health Care









Artificial Intelligence


Blockchain Technology


 Health Care


Ensure Flawless Diagnosis & Conservative Treatment-Quick Full Recovery of Patients

Assessing Patient Doctor Conversation, Photo Analysis of Patients Body, Diagnostics

Provide Best Solution for Health Ailment among Various forms of Health Treatments

Contain Deliberate Irrational-Sabotaged Treatments in Hospitals-Doctors-Diagnostics

 Ensure Transparency & Accountability - Contain Frauds & Corruption in Health System















PradeepKumar Kunche

Think Social Engineering Think Me







This Work is Dedicated to People of India and World
























































Artificial Intelligence to Assess Symptoms, Diagnostic Reports, Suggest Best Treatment –

Food Based- Ayush -Allopathy- Surgery

Blockchain to provide Second Opinion on Surgeries All Surgeries only based on Second opinion

Standard format to Provide details of Life Style, Food Habits – a Must to Visit Doctor

AI based system to Analyse Early Prediction, Precautionary warnings for Future Diseases   

Web portal, App detailing All Diseases- with Body Pictures Symptoms - Effective Cure

 in All forms- Foods- Ayush-Allopathy - Public Awareness to Choose Treatment

Artificial Intelligence based Photo/ Video System-Primary Assessment of Diseases

Public Awareness of Preventive Health Cure Via Foods, Leaf decoctions, Supplements

Mandatory Pre-Registration to Visit Doctor, to Record Patient Doctor Conversation, Transcript

AI based system to analysis Patient Doctor Conversation to Assist Doctor in Treatment

Emergency Health Care Basic Training to All Home Care Givers  

National Emergency Health Support 24/7 Real Time Support- for patients in Emergency in Emergency Ambulance- Emergency Health in All Hospitals -Digital Monitoring-Guidance

Centralised Monitoring System for All Hospital Admissions

Centralised System for Hospital Admissions - 24/7 Centralised Monitoring of Intensive Care Ventilator Patients, Third Party Audit of All ICU-Ventilator Patients Treatment & Condition

AI CC cameras to Record-Monitor Patients in Rooms & Surgery (Operation Theatre) ICU- Data

Storage in E-health of Patients -AI CC Camera System to Assist, Advice Surgeons during Surgery AI based Video Record of Surgery & All Diagnostics Tests, Direct Storage in E health Records

Standardisation of AI Video & CC Cameras, Diagnostic Equipment, Treatment in All Hospitals     

Performance Audit of All Doctors and Hospitals based on Recovery Time, Side Effects, Fatality

Web Portal & App detailing for Creating Awareness on Working and Impact of All Medicines (Allopathy, AYUSH) -How they Work on Body, how they Cure Diseases, Possible Side Effects

Web Portal, App to Mandatory Report Side effects of Medicines by Patients, Doctors

Food Based-Vitamin Based Treatment as First Line of Treatment for all Health Disorders

Web Portal- App to identify Plants, Leafs, Detailing Methods of Preparing Decoctions, Foods

Ban on Fortification of Staple foods (Rice-Wheat-Grains) Ban Iron fortification to Prevent Genocide

24/7 Multi Lingual - Local Dialect Support System for Transition from one form of Treatment to other form of Treatment - Allopathy to Food/Ayush for Smooth Migration for Best Cure

Insurance Companies pay only for best form of treatment (Low cost- No side effects) among All 

Procurement of Medicines in All Hospitals- via Registered Suppliers in Govt- Online Real-Time Inventory of Stock position, Usage of Medicine in All Hospitals in Govt Portal

CC Camera Monitoring-Drugs given to Patients-Prevent Irrational-Sabotaged Treatment

Bar Coded- Colour Coded Single Pack Single Tablet- Capsules- for Use in Hospitals inpatients to prevent Sabotaged Treatment-for use by Elderly at Home- Prevent Confusion

Stringent Quality Control of Manufacture of Drugs, Supplements

Mandatory Online Review of Effectiveness - Efficacy of Drugs, Supplements, Health related Cosmetic Products by All Users- Public Data of all review for People’s Awareness and Regulation 

QR codes in packs on all Drugs-Supplements-Cosmetics on full details of Ingredients manufacturing process, how they work, side effects, public review, similar products data, Price

Central Pharmacy Network Authority to Sale Medicines- Supplements on Bar Coded Prescription by Registered Doctors – Quantity limited to Prescription - Limited period Validity of Prescription Drugs purchase Data to Doctor by Default - Uphold Doctors Authority - Prevent Self Medication

Uniform Service Charges in All Hospitals, All Diagnostic Centres - Fixed Salaries -Fees for All Doctors & All Hospital-Diagnostic Staff of Same Experience – Tax Free Income

All Doctors, Hospital & Diagnostic Staff Deemed Govt- Public Servant Applicability of Govt Rules 

Establishing Blood Testing facility in All Residential Welfare Associations for Early Detection

Nationalisation of Emergency Response, Critical Care, ICU System (All Private Hospital, Staff)

Nationalisation of Medical Education-Nationalisation of All Private Hospitals and Diagnostics





Information of Patient's Food habits, Lifestyle,  Living Environment


Symptoms for analysis, correlation to health ailments


1)     GOI creates a digital health system with digital data storage space for every citizen.


2)     GOI created a standard questionnaire for obtaining information from patients regarding their food habits, lifestyle, and general health, permanently stored, periodic updates in digital space


Recording Patient Doctor Conversation


Barcoded prescription


3)     Mandatory audio-video recording of patient-doctor conversation, automatic translation of Indian language, whether outpatient or inpatient in hospitals or doctor’s clinics or tele consultation in Govt digital App for record and better understanding of health ailments enabling better treatment


4)     Mandatory doctor must provide in voice & transcript/writing regarding the conclusion he/she came about regarding the patient's health issues, why the doctor thinks the suggested treatment is best or why he/ she is prescribing such medicines, and how to use medicines.


5)     AI-based system will suggest food-based, vitamin-based treatment solutions as the first conservative treatment and suggest only names of allopathy /AYUSH medicine. This AI-based analytical solution is accessible only to doctors, data stored in e-health records of patients, and data accessible to any doctor through authorization by the patient.


6)     Doctors’ exclusive authority to provide dosage of medicines and frequency of use of medicines, bar-coded prescription of doctor and pharmacy retailers (physical store/ online) sell medicines – supplements only on bar-coded prescription of doctor (paper, digital) to Preserve Doctors Authority, Safeguard Dignity of Doctors, to prevent happening of self-medication by people


Artificial Intelligence-Based Systems in Health Care


Artificial Intelligence  to Assist Patient-Doctor Conversation – Language Translation 


7)     Integration of Artificial Intelligence-based language translation with live support for ensuing any regional language, doctor and patient can understand any local dialect, help in better assessment of health ailments.



Analyses of Body Parts to Assess Health Issues via Photo - Video App


8)     GOI Develop a standard App for uploading certain visible body parts pictures/videos to correlate health disorders with patient narration and diagnostic reports for perfect assessment of health disorders 


9)     Mandatory to provide photos of hair, face, tong, and nails in the Govt AI photo App by people visiting haircut shops/barbers beauty parlors.


10)Mandatory that every student employee (organized or unorganized must get a haircut at least once every three months


11)All Accredited Social Health Activists (ASHA), Auxiliary Nurses, and midwives (ANM) go door to door once every three months to collect AI photos of women's hair, face, nails, tongue, and feet.


AI System for Assessing Patient Data (Patient – Doctor Conversation- Diagnostics)


AI System to advise/ assist doctors’ best treatment in all forms of medicine


12)AI-powered system to analyze essential patient and patient-doctor conversation data, details in photo/video of certain visible body parts of the patient to suggest needed diagnostic tests for ensuring correct diagnosis of health ailment, and best treatment.


13)Artificial Intelligence-based system to advise/ assist doctors in assessing Patient-specific best course of treatment through food / AYUSH /Allopathy in a conservative manner, surgery only as a last resort/ necessary/only in case of emergency.


Health Data Protection  and Preventing private profits from using patients' Data


14)Data of the patents belong to the nation; GOI must ban private hospitals or govt hospitals from asking for direct/voluntary consent from patients to use diagnostics/ treatment data. 


15)GOI makes it mandatory to provide data collected by gadgets like watches, rings, etc., tracking the details of heart rate, Respiration, Saturation, Walking, Sleep, Mensuration cycles, etc., should belong to the Nation


Standardization of Symptoms, Diseases


Available Cure in all forms of Medicines Treatment  Comparative Analysis  


16)Standardisation of symptoms in all forms of medical treatment with solutions in all forms of treatment i.e Naturopathy, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Allopathy, Unani, and Traditional Medicines, comparative analysis of recovery in public domain.


Information on Treatment Solutions for various Health Disorders - Experts - Hospitals


17)GOI create an information hub of exclusive unique treatments for various health disorders by various hospitals/doctors in various form of medicine across India.


Integrated treatment Allopathy – Ayush


Switching from one form of treatment to another form- Allopathy to Ayush


18)GOI Develop integrated medicines treatment protocol for mixed use of all medications (best medication in one form, for single/multiple symptoms multiple medication system) for effective fast recovery treatment with less / no side effects.


19)GOI Develop treatment protocol to switch from one form of treatment to another form i.e. from allopathy to naturopathy or Ayush to allopathy, etc., in the process of ensuring effective treatment with less / no side effects.


20)National Call center to assist the transition from one form of medication to another form, adjusting the dosage (allopathy to naturopathy), gradually reducing and zero after some time and using only chosen form of treatment – (no/fewer side effects) 


Registration of Medical Professionals – Doctors- Patients  


21)Govt creates a National APP for the registration of doctors (Allopathy, or AYUSH or hereditary or tribal medicine etc) to get a Unique ID in their discipline.


22)Govt create an App for recording Patient Details with Biometrics of Patient or Patient attendants (in case only consultation) and record voice details in case of telemedicine. All doctors must register each patient who visits for consolation in the government-created online App. 


Exclusive identity of healthcare providers


23)GOI makes it mandatory to provide clear identity to health care provider doctors, academic doctors, and health-related scientists through prefixing certain symbols, mandatory to use Symbol like + after Dr i.e DR+ for all health care doctors.


Seasonal Health Issues and communicable health disorders


24)GOI created an App, and web portal for seasonal diseases and communicable diseases and preventive measures





Performance Audit and Data of Hospitals and Doctors


25)GOI makes public performance data of all hospitals city-wise, town-wise with hospital admissions, age-wise, gender-wise, disease-wise, surgery-wise recovery time, the success rate of surgery, number of deaths taken during hospitalization, post-hospitalization numbers and charges for treatment in each hospital, hygiene, and sanitization rating   


26)GOI must ban celebrities endorsing private hospitals in advertisements, promoting pharmacy synthetic drugs/ chain stores


Regulation of Manufacture, Sale Use of Medicine, Supplements

27) Mandatory  Pharma manufacturers, AYUSH product manufacturers, and food-based supplements manufacturers to register in GOI, National Unique ID, and National database of licensed manufacturers of pharma drugs AYUSH products.


28)GOI make stringent Quality control system at manufacturers mandatory for pharmacy and supplement manufacturers (Allopathy and AYUSH) to adhere to standard manufacturing procedures under 24/7 AI-based standard CC camera recording, Periodic quality and efficacy testing by manufacturers association and GOI.


29)Mandatory all pharmacy retail (allopathy, ayush) sale will be through Central Pharmacy Network Authority - CPNA (digitalising, integrating all pharmacy retailers, monitor sale of medicines) Mandatory sale bill (paper and digital) provide details of licence to produce, batch, expiry, storage directions


30)GOI make it mandatory, validity of bar coded prescription, sale /issue of medicines by pharmacy retail; mandatory all pharmacy retail issue of medicine limited to the quantity prescribed by doctor in the prescription, mandatory details of purchase against prescription shared with doctor who prescribed by default 


31)Mandatory for patients to purchase and store as advised by a doctor in the prescription, use as advised by the doctor for chronic diseases (medicines that do not cause severe side effects on prolonged use), and report in the App after consuming the medicine.


32)GOI regulate the sale/purchase of supplements that are at present OTC or online sale, makes it mandatory to provide Health Care unique ID number of the buyer for purchasing any health care products, and Sale supplements based on doctor’s prescription, restricting quantity of purchase per person.






Health care in Travel Medicines- Foods


33)GOI must make it mandatory for patients on medications to inform the GOI in the travel app on health ailments before/during, or after travel. Mandatory public transport like bus/rail stations provide naturopathy foods/ patient foods.


34)Govt develop an APP for the availability of patient-specific food commercial outlets (foods like millet java, leaf decoctions, etc.) in various places in Cities and towns. 


35)Govt. create a standard App for the travel of patients, ban patients who are critically ill or using certain medications from traveling in personal vehicles


36) Govt. must create a national medicine delivery App to deliver medicines for patients traveling by road, rail, or fighting to order such medicines


Education on working and impact on body-health of all medicines


37)Mandatory to educate patients on how the drug works, the effects of each medicine, and how the medicine will work on the patient with apparent audio-visual effects; all doctors must undergo training in the effects/ side effects of medicines prescribed.  


38)GOI Develop a web portal and an app on how every drug works in allopathy, homeopathy naturopathy, and naturopathy in all regional languages in PPT form


39)Mandatory all hospitals, doctors’ clinics, diagnostic centers, and pharmacy retailers must display and provide free information in English and regional languages on how the scheduled pharma drugs work, how they interfere with the functioning of various body parts in animation / PPT, through kiosks and printed QR codes, Govt weblink.


Standard Protocols for Treatment


Measures to reduce side effects of Medications


40)GOI must create a standard protocol for doctors of Allopathy/ AYUSH (other than food-based treatment) while prescribing medications.


41)GOI develop a standard App to report side effects to a doctor who suggests medicines to patients for immediate assessment by the doctor who prescribed such medicines by default. A copy goes to the monitoring system and is recorded in the patient’s digital health records for future reference.


42)   GOI must make it mandatory for doctors to indicate to patients regarding needed observations of body changes when using medicines and advise them to report in the standard App immediately for further consultation. This is needed for withdrawing /altering some medication in case of side effects.


43)GOI create a standard AI-based app to record and analyse photos and videos of patients using specific medicines (as every medicine has different side effects)


44)GOI make a law making doctors and hospitals responsible for administering severe side effects medications, and in case of side effects, they will do free treatment until the patient recovers fully; if the patient succumbs, the license should be suspended.


45)GOI must create an app/ web portal with diseases and drugs in all forms of medicines whose usage in short-term or long-term causes side effects as a by-product / in the process of curing the primary disease.


46)GOI Develop an app indicating how much time any medicine (Allopathy or any other form of medicines in dosage) can be used.


47)GOI create a default setting to prevent the sale of certain medicines beyond a certain period to prevent side effects of overuse of medicines.


48)GOI make a standard medical protocol for medications that cause severe side effects due to usage (short period or prolonged usage). Such disease control should start with food/ naturopathy / Ayush


49)GOI must develop standard protocols for which type of health ailments the patient needs to revisit for physical examination in a standard period.


Measures ensuring Patients take Medicines correctly


Measures to contain Self-medication


50)GOI must create an App for patients / their attendants to record their daily intake of medicines in the video proof.


51)GOI ensure standard Colour code for medicines and strips for easy identification by elderly patients and caregivers


52)GOI ensure pharmacy companies make single pack single pill/capsule for hospital use (mandatory hospitals use single-use pills, injections) to ensure the correct issue of medicines for inpatients, to reduce sabotaged treatment, to contain the possibility of wrong medicine given from strips (un used from other patients), as the entire strip is not required for every patient.


53)         Ban self-medication GOI should make self-medication as criminal offence, especially for administering for aged people with chronic diseases


54)Mandatory self-deceleration by patients and their attendants that they are not using any self-medication.


Dosage Adjustments of medications 


55)GOI must educate patients and their attendants about dosage adjustments. If necessary, GOI establishes a National Call Center for Advising Drug Dosage Adjustment with expert doctors’ advice free of cost.


56)Mandatory for patients to record in the standard App dosage adjustments made by them at home every time based on the advise of expert doctor


Electrolytes Balancing Avoiding Emergencies 


57)Mandatory education of people on the importance and need for electrolyte balance in health care.


Online Health Dairy - Digital Health Dairy


58) GOI makes it mandatory for every person to maintain health dairy online in real-time in a designated App or by voice call from a primary phone or by ASHAS in their locality for aged people, people who do not have access to mobile phones, especially for people with chronic health issues and all aged above 60 years.


Identification of chronic disease patients


59)GOI make a health survey in India; GOI must map all chronic disease patients and provide them with the best solutions.


60)GOI developed a system (integrated with the Central Pharmacy Network Authority) to identify chronic patients when they are buying medicines


Elderly Health care


61)Mandatory all aged above 60 years the patients be given treatment that has no side effects /fewer side effects in all forms of medicine as the first choice


62)GOI gets data from all people aged above 60 years, people with a physical disability, and people with a mental disability; GOI provides a unique ID in each category


63)GOI make it mandatory caretakers/attendants for every elderly patient aged above 60 years and for every physically challenged person (who can’t walk on their own), one family member attending physically or virtually. Mandatory for every family to designate a caregiver attendant to such person, GOI provides training to caregivers/ attendants on simple ways to care them, GOI makes it mandatory uniform minimum pay for paid caregivers across India.


64)Need for the establishment of exclusive gyro care hospitals across India in every city/ town/Mandal as per the percentage of the population aged above 60 years


65)Need for exclusive care centers across India for palliative parent care


66)Mandatory qualified physiotherapy practitioners  in every hospital according to beds in the hospital; Establishment of National Counsel for physiotherapy and increase number of physiotherapy education seats; GOI increase the seats for physiotherapy education to match the aged population proportionately


Basic Physiotherapy training for ANM and SHG women; Mandatory training for home care for one of the family members with elderly patients and one physiotherapy trained person in every RWA or group of RWA


Birth and Death information –Ban Abortions 


67)GOI create An App for mandatory recoding of births/deaths by people at home and automatic allocation of birth/ death certificates. This App can be linked to mandatory registration of pregnancy, govt welfare schemes, property registrations.


68)GOI must impose a ban on abortions/ termination of pregnancy in the interest of the health of women and also following Religious dharmas.


Block Chain in Health Care


Second Opinion for Surgeries Treatment


69)GOI creates standard protocols to avoid surgeries and get treated with foods, lifestyle changes, or allopathy medications. Surgery is a last resort in accidental or totally emergency cases only.


70)GOI must Develop a BLOCKCHAIN based medical help online system exclusively meant for providing opinions (second) regarding the best treatment (to avoid surgery) and the need for surgical procedure


Emergency response system - Bock Chain 


Emergency Medical Care


71)GOI establish National Emergency Response System, emergency app with live video streaming with online emergency repose from a pool of doctors (across India dealing/ with general emergencies/ specialised in specific emergencies


72)GOI create the National Emergency Response app for mobile and desktops, laptops and this App should work on zero mobile voice/ data balance i.e. if a person has a basic mobile phone/smartphone or internet facility, the App should work live video streaming, even if mobile data balance is zero, or mobile voice call balance zero


73)Mandatory all emergency ambulance should have trained nursing staff possessing experience in emergency critical care in multiple types of emergencies


74)Mandatory every emergency ambulance must be equipped with mini CBC blood test machines /analyzers and reagents for Haematology, Biochemistry & Electrolytes.


75)Mandatory every RWA / group of RWA must have a blood test facility, mandatory periodic blood tests for all people, as and when required for patients 


76)National emergency medical calls must, by default, alert blood testing centers in all Residential Welfare Associations - RWA


77)GOI educates people mandatorily to use surgical spirit–rubbing spirit before using blood or self-home blood glucose tests.


78)GOI allocates separate mobile phone for doctors, nursing staff, and AMNs in all forms of Medicine; Geo Map track current location for use in emergencies.


79)All doctors must be trained in emergency medicine as curriculum all existing doctors must undergo midterm courses online or practice


80)Mandatory all hospitals and nursing homes possess at least one emergency medicine specialist doctor, all emergency medicine doctors systems should be linked to specialist


81)GOI must educate all people, especially caregivers, on indications of pre-emergency situations.


82)Mandatory training of all caregivers in every family, ambulance staff, ASHAS, and paramedical staff with simple home treatment with reflexology/ acupressure, etc., to control an emergency like high/low BP.


83)GOI makes it mandatory for every RWA to possess a First Aid and Emergency first aid system and medications


84)GOI must create an App/ web for National information on Accidents for recording the accident persons, linked to Emergency Health response; GOI makes it mandatory to inform GOI about their travel in any mode.







Nationalisation of Emergency Care- Critical Care -ICU Care 


Measures to Contain Sabotaged Treatment


85)GOI must do Nationalisation of Emergency Response and Care with All Emergency Care Teams and Ambulances and Emergency response centres and Critical Care and ICUs under GOI as a part of reduced fatality and contain Sabotaged – Commercial Treatment by Private Hospitals, using the gravely sick patients as conduits to extort money from their family using emotions.


86)GOI provide Free of cost Emergency Response care and Free of cost Critical Care and Free of Cost ICU care for all patients irrespective of Income group and Nationality This Humanity by Govt of India - One Earth - One Health and This is RAMA RAJYA


87)GOI Create Critical  care on wheels to avoid hospital Admissions by providing critical care at door step (at homes or on the  special ambulance trucks/bus) to do corrections of electrolytes and minerals) that will reduce hospital admissions greatly and also reduce hospital acquired infections


Measures to Contain Sabotaged Treatment


88)         Need for standard protocols for keeping patients in ICU; GOI creates a National ICU data system, with a National ICU monitoring system with details of all emergency and surgery admissions. Hospitals must record reasons for ICU admission and ICU discharge online in real time.


89)         GOI Establish a National Command Control Center for recording Admission, monitoring, and discharge of All ICU/ Ventilator patients across India.


90)         Mandatory CC cameras in every ICU, ICU Bed monitored by the Central Command control system to contain sabotaged treatments. ICUs are tuned into centers of manipulation and sabotage to get windfall profits from most private hospitals.


91)         Mandatory to provide AI based CC Cameras with voice record at every emergency bed and every ICU bed and every bed in every room


92)         GOI must make a law to allow one attended with the medical dress without a phone/ camera, electronic gadgets to assist kids below 18 years or elderly aged above 65 years to give confidence to them in the ICU 24/7, help speedy recovery


93)         Mandatory third-party physical audit (part of the medical ombudsman system) for all critical, ICU, and Ventilator cases.


94)         Mandatory second opinion for administering certain medications which cause severe side effects through blockchain and inform patient and patient attended recording audio video by the doctor and written consent from the patient


95)         Measures to reduce sabotaged treatment by hospitals through identifying possible ways of sabotaged treatments done by some private hospitals and educating nursing staff junior doctors to be vigilant and accountable.


96)         Use of Blockchain technology for second opinions on treatment, especially for surgeries and for all aged above 60 years


97)         GOI must ban the sale of certain medications in pharmacy retail used for intravenous or safe use only in hospitals under doctors’ supervision. GOI lists out medicines that manufacturers have to supply only to hospitals.


98)         Ban on the sale of injections in pharmacy retail. All injections are sold to hospitals, and any injection be administered in hospital only.


99)         Mandatory to use electronic automated (electric pump) flow rate adjustment equipment for infusing IV fluids, with a ban on manual speed IV fluid adjustment infusion to contain manual errors sabotaged treatment by hospitals.


100)     Mandatory for the nursing staff to record on the digital system online in real-time the starting time of IV fluid infusion, type of fluid, standard flow rate, and stopping time


101)     Mandatory online Digital System case sheet in every hospital from Emergency Response to critical care to ICU to Room treatment from admission to exit of the hospital. The digital case should be secured with single time entry and data stored at multiple locations including the unique digital space of every patient i.e e records of the patient directly online real-time. Use of books with page numbers replacing lose sheet case files till the digitisation to prevent sabotaged treatment to some extent.


102)     All nursing staff must administer any injection/ oral tablet given to the patient in the ICU or room only under CC camera watch after reading the injection or tablet capsule's bar code/QR code to avoid intentionally sabotaged/ irrational treatment by private hospitals.


103)     Ban on pre-loading injections/ saline bottles, blood transfusion bags in the nursing station etc., CC camera in patient room /ICU, enables video monitoring of patient attendants/family members.


104)     Mandatory every injection/ pill administered in patient in emergency/ in the ICU/ in the patient room must be recorded digitally via bar code and done under CC Camera/ body camera with a bar code scan.


105)     Mandatory to review the side effects of medicines continuously like electrolyte imbalances or depletion of nutrients, blisters, rashes, seizures etc continuously for all patients, especially in patients, more specifically critical care patients, ICU patients.


106)     Mandatory continuous monitoring of electrolytes and essential minerals (daily once or twice or more) and also mandatory patient be discharged from critical care, ICU only after confining their electrolytes and crucial minerals are in balance and in full range.  Mandatory every day once twice checking of electrolytes for every in-patient in rooms as a standard operating procedure, especially when giving medicines – anti biotics which cause depletions of electrolytes to avoid emergency. Mandatory to check electrolytes and minerals and ensure they are in full range before discharge from hospital to home, also advise patients to get home sample check for electrolytes and minerals in case the home use of dosages of antibiotics or other medicines that cause electrolyte or mineral imbalance to avoid emergency


107)     Mandatory to do PT-INR, NT-proBNP test before administering the Blood thinners and albumin to ensure patients are not subjected to sabotaged treatment; as many hospitals indulge in blood thinner injections for critical care, ICU and in patients to prevent blood clotting, but they are causing other issues.


108)     Mandatory standard protocols for all in patients to prevent blood clots, Mandatory Anti debacle beds, use of cushion patches (at toes, ankles and at buttocks)  in every hospital bed to prevent bed sores as a standard protocol


109)     GOI make it mandatory every patient is given a wet wipe dry bath with mint leaves, chamomile tea or cinnamon with tick towel cloth at certain hot temperature,  place the hot towel at the neck, elbows to reduce inflammation and reduce tightness of the joints due to prolonged bed stay in  the  hospitals, this  is in addition to standard physiotherapy ; GOI educate people, especially care takers of elders in every family, people with limited mobility on how to reduce inflammation of  joints through keeping mint, chamomile tea or cinnamon hoot towels and consumption of leaf decoctions like chamomile tea, guava leaves etc   


110)     Measures to prevent constipation- dehydration-electrolyte imbalance and mineral imbalance


111)     Mandatory Check list in the hospital treatment sheet regarding drug induced  depletion of electrolytes, minerals i.e on use of which drugs which mineral or which electrolytes gets deplete;  Mandatory checklist  of action of drugs i.e which drugs rise vital parameters like BP, Heart rate or serum creatinine – CRP etc, urine output , constipation  or thinning of blood, thickening of blood, mucus formation,  excess drooling or dry mouth or cause edema or cause dehydration etc; Mandatory conduct of certain teats to check the reaction of use of drugs like PT-INR, NT-proBNP etc  Mandatory information on use of drugs to the patients  along with necessary tests and up date them the reaction of drugs and update the reason for rise of diagnostic parameters or vitals due to use of drugs; this measure eliminate sabotaged treatment.


112)     Mandatory exclusive pharmacy with standard inventory of all emergency medicines in all Emergency Response, critical care, ICU system, measures to monitor and reduce pharmacy issues time in every hospital, all hospitals should follow less than 10 minutes grocery deliver system to supply medicines to critical care, ICU, inpatients.


113)     AI-based CC cameras in every hospital room/ patient room / focusing on every single patient, AI-based monitoring system to alert the nursing staff; AI CC cameras focus only on the patient and continuously monitor equipment monitoring the patient's vitals. AI CC camera can get a pause / automatic blur during dress change / clearing toilets on the bedside.


114)     Mandatory calibration of all diagnostic equipment, oxygen supply and electoral and plumbing system in every Hospital, ER, Critical care, ICU, OT, in Ro0oms and ambulances, 30% Inventory stand by equipment, and daily online reporting of testing and accuracy of biomedical equipment online real time. Mandatory every ER, ICU bed and rooms must possess certain equipment in every bed like BP monitors, Nebulisers, BP checking machines, Oxygen support through pipeline as well as Oxygen cylinders, Ventilator System (in Emergency, Critical care, ICU,  in certain Emergency ambulances, rather running for Equipment or rotating Equipment from patient to other patient


115)     Measures to reduce fluid over load to reduce the side effects on in patients


116)     Regulation of usage of Lasik’s, Diuretics and Albumin with stringent protocols and AI based, Block Chain based system monitoring to prevent sabotaged treatment in hospitals.


117)     Regulation of feed (nutrition) through ryles tube, mandatory AI based personalised feed and all protein feed or feed powders and kitchen feeds for patients be under AI based CC cameras and total quality control for measurement of proteins, carbohydrates, fibre, fats and  sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, etc  in each feed  to contain sabotaged treatment via feeds  by increasing  carbohydrates (for diabetic patients)  fats (for heart and BP patients for rise taking patient to heat issues, stents etc) , protein for  all patients  (to increase serum creatinine to  create kidney issues and take patient for dialysis)  etc


GOI make it mandatory single use packs for all synthetic pre packed feeds used in the RT feeding; GOI create a govt owned and controlled kitchens in every hospitals  by delinking hospitals owning or interfering in the kitchen feeds


118)     Regulation of indoor temperature and humidity in the Operation Theatres, critical care, ICU, Tracheostomy wards/ rooms and in the in patent rooms to reduce bacterial viral infections and reduce  air conditioner cool temperature induced health issues like excess mucus formation (excess  dry cool air without humidity increase mucus formation and other health issues, chest  x rays will be white patchy) to increase antibiotics and rise CRP and serum creatinine   and create kidney issue and electrolyte imbalance and go for dialysis and heart issues


119)     Standardisation of ventilation and air circulation system and standard online real-time monitoring  to ensure clean air persists in entire hospitals ; GOI ensure all ER, Critical care, ICU and  in patient rooms or toilets in the hospitals should have exhaust  to reduce stale air and bacteria’s virus growth  through bath rooms, especially in the Critical care, ICU, and tracheostomy wards and in in the inpatient rooms.


120)     GOI create a standard digital system for prescribing medications by doctors and administering by nursing staff , the system will provide details of how to administer the medications oral, IV, how to mix with other fluids and dosage of mixing with Ivand IV fluid quantity and the rate  of flow of the IV fluid for specific medications


121)     GOI make it mandatory to measure the amount of blood in every patient and maintain the standard units of 10.5 pints of blood for every in patient and mandatory online real time record  of blood  drawn from the body for various tests  to prevent sabotaged treatment of excess blood  drawing from the healthy patients to  show as internal bleeding and use antibiotics or to make the patient appear sick or use blood transfusion


Measures to Reduce Hospital Acquired Infections


122)        Mandatory Fermented millets diet (stained - thick juices)  to induce absolute probiotics and required fibre (soluble) and fresh fruits and  boiled vegetable diet (to provide the required phytonutrients) to all in patients to improve gut microbiota for reducing Multi Drug Resistance bacterial Infections and reduce usage of Anti Biotics and reduce the gut issues of diaherria lose motions and reduce loss of electrolytes and minerals and reduce the risk of electrolyte and mineral imbalance  and reduce the constipation issues and reduce usage of stool softeners and reduce electrolyte and mineral imbalance; aid in faster recovery


123)        Cross Contamination in hospitals measures to prevent ; Mandatory 1: 1 nursing staff (one patient one nurse in critical care, ICU, and in inpatient rooms) and mandatory exclusive staff for cleaning the Critical care, ICU and waste disposal with immediate removal of waste bins and no keeping of waste bins in Critical care, ICU,  Mandatory exclusive staff for  clearing patient stools and toilet clearing and clearing periodically with record,   Mandatory standard set up and staff to patient cleaning (Critical care, ICU, in patients) and the  staff is supervised by the Nursing staff who are assigned to the patient to prevent accidental removal of the cannulas probes etc that may cause fatality


124)        Mandatory creation of 100% sterile zones using UV photocatalytic sterile ionic air (that does not produce ozone at certain frequencies - above 254nm)  in the ER, Critical care, ICU and  OT and in the inpatient rooms to  contain cross contamination and contain multi drug resistant bacterial infections,  hospital acquired infections and reduced usage of anti-biotics and  ensure faster recovery


125)        Measures to reduce infections through avoiding  Canula IV system ; Mandatory use of arterial lines and as a last resort use peripheral lines and central lines and all cannula IV insertion under video recording and mandatory real time monitoring  of date and time of IV  insertion and  checking for leaks, infections, edema etc


126)        Standard protocols with stringent measures and monitoring for usage of sedatives and paralytic medications and Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) in Hospitals, in in Emergency response, Critical care, ICU and Operation Theatres and in inpatients, Mandatory official recording of usage of sedatives, paralytic agents, and Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) with information to patient attendants the reason for usage


127)        GOI ensure stringent monitoring of manufacture, sale and usage of sedatives, paralytic agents, and Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) with ban on sale on retail pharmacy stores, only supplied directly to the hospitals   with online real time data of demand / procurement  from hospitals and supply by manufacturers all through GOI  in the loop with ban on direct order / direct procurement from hospitals from manufacturers and ban on direct supply by the manufacturers to  the hospitals to prevent  abuse and sabotaged treatment by hospitals


Medical Tourism- Containing Frauds on Foreign Patient   


128)        Mandatory preregistration for all international patients for medical treatment with information about various kinds of treatments in all forms of treatment (Allopathy, AYUSH, Food based Treatment) their costs, hotel stays, transport costs food costs etc, Mandatory online information to GOI – MEA and to the foreign embassy regarding admission of foreign patient and daily up date of treatment progress to prevent sabotaged, extortion treatment


129)        Creation of Medical tourism call centre in international languages and also set up of centralised medical experts’ team/system to review the treatment in various forms to foreign patients, exclusive medical ombudsman system for grievances redressal of foreign patients treated in India.


130)        GOI do standardisation of service charges making unform charges for all diagnostics, all doctor consultation, surgery fee uniform charges for operation theatre etc only room charges may vary due to facility


131)        Creation of language translation system for communication with patients of different national and international languages; creation of voluntary online of in room services to help patients do not able to communicate or does not have patient attendants 


Measures for  Quick Recovery of Patients- Healing Touch


132)        Mandatory Integrated Approach- Food- Supplements-Medicine


133)        Measures for better health of the hospital staff (Doctors, Nursing Staff, Cleaning staff, Support Staff, administrative staff, security etc); through natural foods and beverages; ban on sale, serving of cold foods, beverages.


134)        Establishment of standard religious instrumental music in the Operation theatres, Critical Care and ICU’s of the religion of the patient  Also providing head phones with music or voice of  their family members to all patients for quicker recovery through activating their subconscious mind fully.


135)        Establishment of silent Prayer places in all Hospitals, especially near Operation Theatres and Critical care and ICU’s to facilitate the relatives of patients do silent prayers for success of surgery and for recovery of patients.


Medical Ombudsman System Blockchain 


136)        Block chain-based faceless medical ombudsman system to access the treatment.


Side Effects of Medicines


137)        Mandatory hospital nursing staff should be trained in the uses of each medicine and their effects on the body. It is mandatory for the “duty doctor” to explain to the “dedicated nurse” for each patient about the treatment procedure given to the patient in voice record and transcript.


138)        Mandatory to Educate people about side effects of treatment


Current Medicines


139)        Mandatory doctors allow current medications used by patients while in hospital or provide detailed reason for changing current/regular use medicines


QR  Code with  detailed information


Online Review of Efficacy of Drugs Supplements Cosmetics


140)        GOI make QR code mandatory for all pharma manufacturers on all pharmacy drugs and by all Ayush products that are packed and sold with details of product composition, manufacture date, expiry date and best use before date, dosage, directions of usage to make people able to read and follow.


141)        GOI must make it mandatory every user of pharmacy products and supplements must provide an online review in the GOI app and website to share the effectiveness of the pharmacy product/ supplements, detailing any side effects they faced, etc.


142)         GOI correlates with periodic blood tests, diagnostic reports, make reviews public and mandatory to provide the same by every product manufacturer through QR code of every batch of every product detail of effectiveness review by users.


143)        GOI must regulate the manufacture and sale of supplements, beauty, and healthy products. It is mandatory to provide a complete list of ingredients, the process of making, and the harmful effects of ingredients on using such products


144)        Mandatory to review all supplements and beauty products purchased online or in the physical store; Only certain types of products can be sold over the counter without needing a doctor’s prescription (moisturizes, hair oils, etc.)


145)        Mandatory for manufacturers to display a QR code generated by GOI detailing the side effects of the active compounds and chemical compounds used as similar products with fewer side effects and natural alternatives.


146)        GOI create a Similar products Data QR code to be printed on all pharmacies and supplements of similar active compounds




147)        GOI regulates the sale of steroids, be administered (injections) only in hospitals, under bar-coded prescription, and tablet steroids sold only under bar-coded doctor’s prescription in pharmacy retail in limited quantity.


148)        GOI created a monitoring system for steroid usage, the GOI App, for recording recommendations/prescriptions of steroids by doctors and administered in hospitals (injections)/ used by patients (pills) at home.


Antibiotics side effects of medicine


149)        GOI must educate people on the side effects of antibiotics. Doctors should recommend antibiotics as a last resort in the process of treatment.


150)        GOI must create a web portal, an App to record details of anti-biotics usage by patients on doctors' recommendation through obtaining details from bar-coded prescription forms from central pharmacy network authority - pharmacy retailers selling medicine against bar-coded prescriptions.


AI based  Photo App for Analysis of Body pictures for Early detection of diseases


Early detection of diseases through selfie pictures by Individuals


151)        GOI create a Self-care App for analyzing pictures of visible body parts, body fluids, and body conditions for early detection of health ailments


152)        GOI make it mandatory that every educational institute and every organized employer must use a photo identification app to take photos of students/ employee’s standard visible body parts for early detection of health disorders. 


Patient Safety – Hygene-  Sanitisation - Sterilisation


153)        GOI must make Patient safety a priority, with standard protocols to be followed by all doctors, nursing staff, and helpers working in all hospitals


154)        Standard preventive measures to be followed by  all (doctors, nurses, staff, patients attendants, visitors) to  reduce hospital acquired infections ; Ban on eating food or beverages in the Emergency area, Critical care Area, ICU area or wating halls


155)        Standard protocols and facilities for sanitization and sterilization of every hospital equipment and every area in the hospital.


156)        Standard protocols for sterilization of the hospital inpatient rooms, ICU,  operation theatres, Diagnostic rooms, lift, etc


157)        GOI must ban entry of patients near the Operation Theatre room/ flour. Mandatory to provide CC footage of the entry exit of the patient from the Operation Theatre to patient attendants', their immediate registered relative’s live feed.


Surgical Safety - Sterilisation of Operation Theatres, ICU, Inpatients Rooms  


158)        GOI ensure every Standard Surgical safety protocols are strictly followed by all Hospitals, nursing homes, for Operating Room Protocols and Infection Control


159)        GOI create standard AI based system (App) to report daily online real time sterilisation of Hospital areas, especially operation theatres, ICU, Inpatient Rooms


100%  Chemical Free – Safe Sterilisation of Emergency Care, Critical Care, ICU, Operation Theatres, Rooms


Photocatalytic oxidation (UV-PCO) Air Purification Technology


160)        GOI make it mandatory every Hospital and nursing home uses UV- Photocatalytic oxidation (PCO) air purification technology Or Air Ionisation Technology, especially in the operation theatres, Intensive Care units, in the first place and in all patient rooms and in the visitor’s place


Standard Ratio of Patient  to Rooms  to Hospital Staff


161)        Mandatory that every hospital maintain a 1:1 nursing staff ratio per bed for treating patients


162)        Mandatory exclusive staff for cleaning the floors, cleaning the bedside like urine, stools/cleaning patent etc.


Standard design, equipment for All new Hospitals, and Existing should be modified.


163)        All hospitals should have standard design, mandatory proper ventilation and air circulation and air quality in all hospitals/ doctor clinics


164)        Mandatory that every hospital must have anti debacle beds/ bed sours to ensure no in-patient develops bed sores, especially elderly patients with limited mobility and extended hospital stay. 


AI Cameras to Record Video of Surgery


Biometric Entry into Operation Theatres


165)        GOI must keep high-end AI-powered High-resolution Video cameras and CC cameras in the operation theatres live recording of operations in GOI-created cloud database system record of patients, along with video recording for future reference and to ensure Standard operating procedures are followed and ensure absolute care is taken while performing surgery.


166)        Only authorized Surgeons perform surgery, preventing senior doctors from allowing freshly passed out kin kith junior doctors from performing surgery for experience risking patients’ lives, especially elderly patients and government-funded surgeries.


167)        Mandatory entry to Operation Theatre through biometrics of doctors and nursing staff (eye pupil) to Prevent Unauthorised Entry into Operation Theatre


168)        GOI create AI-based surgery software to assess the live surgery and assist the live surgery by analyzing the previously stored video data of surgeries


Review of Experience at Hospital- Doctor by patients


169)        Mandatory review by patients about hospital/ doctor what they feel after treatment in writing/ voice, not yes/no or rating etc. 


170)        Mandatory to mention the reason for the change of doctor/ hospital by the patient to be recorded in GOI-created medical Gravedances 



Measures to contain sabotaged treatment hospitals - pharmacy


Hospital Pharmacy procurement through Govt, online real-time inventory


171)        GOI create an online central hospital pharmacy procurement system exclusively for hospitals to purchase medicines and stock with hospitals and use medicines


172)        GOI developed a network system for inventory of medicines in hospitals online in real-time,


173)        GOI create National online real-time data of sourcing, stocking, issuing, and administering of medicine in all hospitals in all forms  of treatment


Single-use Single tablets, Capsules for  Hospital use, Elderly use


174)        GOI make it mandatory for pharmacy manufacturers to make single-pack/double-pack tablets/ capsules along with the bulk making of a strip of 6, 10, 12, etc., for convenient use in hospitals and for convenient use by elderly patients.


Unique Bar Code QR Code on Pharmacy Products- drugs- supplements- cosmetics 


175)        GOI must make it mandatory for every pharm product or Ayush product to provide a unique ID bar code to provide details of licensing, manufacturing date, expiry date, and QR code to provide details of ingredients and directions of use, side effects, how to notice side effects, how to adjust dosages, what to do when the dosage is missed, etc.


176)        Govt must ban bulk manufacture/ sale/ use of any drugs; all drugs should be one-time use with different dosages, injections, saline bottles or medicines.


Doctors on rounds must get information on patient sensorium, activeness/alertness


177)        Mandatory doctors on rounds/ duty doctors must observe video CC camera footage/ play during visits of specialist doctors.


Standard procedures for calling Expert doctors surgeons for consolation


178)        GOI must ban calling /referring to surgeons/interventionists for general/ common syndromes of Inpatients to avoid sabotaged treatment in private hospitals, even for simple health issues.


179)        Ban the use of personal mobile phones in hospitals by hospital staff while on duty; all communication must go through a designated wireless phone to be used by nursing staff by doctors for all internal communication regarding patient treatment, with voice recorded and transcript of communication,


180)        All doctors be given special Mobile phones to communicate in an emergency in case out of the hospital/home


181)        GOI develop an awareness system that can be circulated in the entire medical fraternity and nursing staff about how hospitals indulge in possible sabotaging / irrational treatment 


182)        GOI create an informal network to reward people for identifying and informing them about corrupt / fraudster “ringmaster doctors” / “ringmaster administrative staff”, ring master nursing staff  in every hospital, who are designers, operators, and coordinators of sabotaged treatment.


183)        GOI make liability of hospital owners, doctors, and nursing staff for sabotaged treatment, with confiscation of assets of all involved 


184)        GOI make life imprisonment for hospital owners, administration, doctors, or nurses who indulge in irrational treatment or sabotaged treatment who are part of the team.

185)        Standard pledgee and slogans to be handwritten /read daily on arrival to duty in the hospital or clinic by doctors and nursing staff


Periodic testing and periodic calibration of hospital equipment


186)        Mandatory periodic calibration of all hospital equipment, especially Continuous BP, heart rate, saturation monitoring systems, and diagnostic equipment like dopplers, ultrasound, and all other bedside equipment; every hospital must get their staff to check every continuous monitoring system on them daily.


187)        GOI create an online real-time monitoring system regarding information and video proof of calibration and checking of hospital equipment for accuracy


188)        Create an inspection team in every district (random selection) to check the accuracy of the machines in every hospital.


Doctor - Streamlining doctor Consultation appointments- hospital admissions


189)        GOI must make a standard online consultation appointment system (for consultancy) for every doctor in India (working in Govt or private hospitals or working independently privately) in all forms


190)        Mandatory doctor fees can be paid online via e-payment or deducted through a bank account via biometrics at a hospital in standard fees. Ban on cash payments to doctors, ban on cash deposits by doctors. Tax Free professional Income


Streamlining – Monitoring  Hospital  Admissions -  ICU Admissions


191)        GOI must develop a Central Hospital administration software system (patient admission, discharge, ICU patients) to be mandatorily followed by all hospitals (Govt, Pvt, PSU) across India.


192)        GOI create a standard procedure for admission in patients; Only patients who need emergency surgical procedure or treatment like critical correction of electrolytes/blood etc., or treatment based on Blockchain second opinion/AI-based opinion patients should be admitted as inpatient.


Regulation  - Streamlining  Surgeries


193)        GOI created an AI system to advise patients on which cases they should go for surgery immediately and which cases can be delayed (to use foods / other therapies to cure), in general, and advise every patient to follow the AI-based system suggestion, and first try with foods and vitamins


194)        Govt must have a Management Information System - MIS for surgeries across India, both in Govt and private hospitals, and an automated system to allocate patients to various hospitals.


195)        Govt must fix number of surgeries per day by the surgeon and fixed fees for surgery for all category patients (Govt. Referred , Private,  International )


196)        GOI must make it mandatory that online registration of all transplant surgeries focuses on online real-time data of patient donors, from where organs are sourced, mandatory online review of surgeries by the medical ombudsman, especially all failed surgeries, in transplant cases.


197)        Mandatory that every patient undergoing any surgery (patient is alive or dead after surgery) must get a full body scan done before discharge (of life or dead body) to prevent hospitals from indulging in illegal removal/ theft of organs of patients, especially poor patients for organ transplant of wealthy patient. Also, to ensure no body part is destroyed or tampered with internally while doing surgery


198)        Standard tests (blood/ diagnostic) before discharge to ascertain parameters after surgery, to assess rate of recovery, recovery time


199)        GOI regulates Bariatric surgeries; GOI makes standard guidelines for persons who qualify for bariatric surgery. People must register in the app/Web to check whether they qualify for bariatric surgery.


200)        GOI must make it mandatory that all dental transplants, surgeries, fixing temporary teeth etc. must be recorded


Uninterrupted 24/7, 366 days Power in All Hospitals, All Pharmacy Retail 


201)        GOI ensures 100% power 24/7 and 365 days with backup from alternative power for the entire hospital, especially blood banks, operation theatres, ICU, drugs storage in refrigerators, and All diagnostics and all CC cameras






Doctors; Measures ensuring Ethical Practice by Doctors


Performance Evaluation of Doctors 


202)        Mandatory family doctors must get registered. GOI creates an online registration for family doctors. 


203)        Mandatory upgrading of the skills/ knowledge of doctors every three years/ five years and testing of upgraded knowledge of doctors


204)        GOI provide free online periodicals to doctors, ensure doctors aware latest developments and latest medicines/ procedures etc


205)        Mandatory trained doctors must continue their practice in their trained specialization; if they wish to take a break in practice (medicine/ surgery), they should undergo a midterm course to refresh their knowledge.


206)        Mandatory responsibility of the doctor to follow up /find out the progress and recovery of the patient after being prescribed some medicines for treating any illness.


207)        Mandatory video consultation for all patient who returned home to close the case/ ticket of patient, end validity of that barcoded prescription digitally;


208)        Ban pharma companies giving gifts to doctors to ensure ethical medical treatment by doctors.  Ban on free samples to doctors by pharmacy manufacturers needs accountability for every single tablet manufactured, sold, and used by people.


209)        GOI fixed the retirement age for all doctors, nursing staff, and all hospital staff (Private & Govt) at 60 years and provided free housing for all hospital staff, nurses, and doctors.


210)        GOI makes mandatory self-declaration by doctors and nursing staff about their matrimonial status live in relation status. GOI verifies matrimonial status of doctors with National Marriage Registration data, National Live in Relation data 


211)        GOI links this data with Residential Welfare Associations (RWA) data (who owns the house, who is on rent, who is staying, who are regular visitors, details of vehicle parking, details of vehicles visiting) for cross-checking.


212)        GOI made Law to debar from practice as a doctor, nursing staff, and health care staff for having extra matrimonial affairs.


213)        GOI create an App to register and record every doctor and nursing staff movement and inform their family members.


214)        Need for evaluation of doctors’ performance and putting it in the public domain to make sure doctors discharge duty perfectly


215)        AI-based system to analyse and rank the doctors; Standard parameters for evaluation of doctor’s performance


216)        Measure to relieve nursing staff (enforced by hospital administration)  from being part of sabotaged treatment colluding with doctors


All Health Care Staff as Deemed Government Servants


217)        Mandatory fixed salary and working hours for all health care professionals – doctors, nursing staff, hospital administrative and account and service staff, and diagnostic and lab testing staff.


218)        Centralized Government agency for recruitment, training, posting, transfer, and promotion of health care staff to work in Govt or private hospitals


219)        All private hospital and diagnostic centers must source staff as per standards (based on the number of beds/footfalls)


220)        GOI creates Centralised inspection/quality control of the health care system to monitor remotely and physically all hospital diagnostic centers for their functioning, like administration, the accuracy of testing equipment, calibration of equipment, sanitation, hygiene, biomedical waste storing, disposal etc.


221)        GOI bans Doctors from doing administrative roles in the hospitals; the only role of the doctor is the treatment of patients


222)        Doctors or their immediate family members are barred from becoming shareholders or establishing private hospitals; GOI ban share of income generated by doctor as fees/ perk in private hospitals


223)        Ban doctors (working doctors getting bar code prescription forms from Govt) from political affiliations. Doctors should be politically neutral and ban Doctors, hospitals, and hospital owners  from donating to political parties via electoral bonds


224)        Ban doctors sharing irrelevant things on social media/WhatsApp etc. to patients, especially by family doctors.


225)        Mandatory every doctor must get trained in yoga and meditation to make them behave calmly and composed while dealing with patients.





Transparency and accountability in all forms of treatment by doctors


226)        GOI makes it mandatory to disclose the ingredients of medicine and the name and dosage of all medicines provided to the patient by doctors in all forms of treatment. 


227)        GOI regulates hereditary/ secret medicines, and it is mandatory to disclose the ingredients and composition of secret wonder medicines to Govt, GOI protect their innovation and regulates cost, making sure they are available in India and World


New definition of Terminally ill patients in allopathy 


228)        GOI provides a new definition to terminally ill patients/ diseases, with all diseases that require lifelong usage of allopathy medicines being termed as terminally ill diseases, as long-term usage causes side effects, and not using medicines causes life threats.


229)        All terminally ill diseases should be treated with food and nature-based cure only as the first line of treatment, however, in exceptional cases, they may use allopathy medications.


230)        Allopathy medications have no cure for terminally ill diseases, and they cause side effects only to further pain to patients already suffering.


Clinical Trail -  Ethical Medicine


231)        Mandatory proportionate recruitment with income group and gender and caste and religions and no more than 4% people from any single state or single district and clinical trials participants should be across India covering all states with a minimum of 1,000 participants only public volunteers be allowed to participate in clinical trials, lifelong monthly compensation in case of side effects.


232)        Mandatory Public advertisement for recruitment for clinical trials with product details, for which the product is valuable, and what are possible side effects


Diagnostic centres ; Nationalisation of all diagnostics centres


233)        Diagnostic centers- role in sabotaged treatment, need to separate diagnostics from private hospital administration for all in-house diagnostics.


234)        GOI takes over all (independent/hospital in-house) diagnostic centers from private hospitals; the independent body of GOI owns and operates all diagnostics across India and standardization of operating procedures for diagnostics.


235)        Nationalization of all private diagnostic centers, 100% owned and operated by Govt. 


236)        GOI establish mobile blood testing and mobile diagnostic on wheels to cover all manuals, blocks, and villages for early detection of health issues in remote places and for elderly people in urban areas  


237)        Nationalization of Diagnostic Services in India: GOI takes over all privately-operated diagnostic centers in India, which operate as Govt diagnostic centers.


238)        GOI create a system that all doctors  must source the diagnostic reports and  all earlier hospital treatment records  from E-health records ( blood tests or diagnostics like ECG, EEG, X-ray MRI, CT scan, Doppler, Etc  and discharge summery and reports from earlier hospitalisation )and there should be only details of patient, not the details of doctors or hospital or diagnostics to ensure faceless unbiased best analysis


239)        Mandatory all blood sample collection under CC camera/body camera and standard containers and automatic seal to be opened at the diagnostic centers


240)        Standardisation of blood sample collection and processing, needle use/method and area to be pricked be used for persons / aged/ children/ sick etc.


241)        GOI must make it mandatory that every RWA/ group of RWA possess a blood test center (simple blood tests)


242)        GOI regulated blood donation with mandatory prechecking of chronic diseases


243)        GOI create a National Blood donation exchange facility to donate blood anywhere in India, which can be used locally by the local hospital


244)        GOI must build a community network with every Residential Welfare Associations-RWA or nearby RWA for blood donation in case any patient needs blood .


Micronutrient Test 


245)        GOI make it mandatory by default every hospital and every diagnostic ceter possess the facility for serum and intracellular micronutrient testing facility


246)        Mandatory Micronutrient Test  by default for all in patients, mandatory every doctor Prescribe micronutrient intracellular testing  for all chronic patients.


Serum vs Intracellular Nutritional Testing


247)        Serum vs Intracellular Nutritional Testing: The Difference Matters





Preventing Sabotage diagnostics


248)        Mandatory to video record the 2D echo, Doppler tests, etc of all diagnostic tests and reports to the patients, be kept in the blockchain for getting a second opinion, and a copy of the same be given to patients as and when done.


249)        Mandatory monitoring of need for Ventilator support, oxygen support, type of ventilator (non-invasive, invasive) and mode of ventilator (Pressure mode or machine mode) and how  to reduce  dependence on Ventilator to reduce sabotaged treatment in the ICU Critical care 


Research in Medical Devices 


250)        GOI must encourage research in home bedside diagnostics and also use existing home mini/nano bed care devices like 2D Echo for heart, ECG, X-Ray, and even Doppler-like machines, and in future CT/MRI on wheels in closed container vans, also research in liquid biopsy etc


251)        Mandatory bedside diagnostic equipment in all hospitals, mandatory for all inpatients, especially children, elderly, and physically challenged inpatients


252)        GOI promotes research in home testing/ self-testing kits for electrolytes.


253)        Research in cost-effective, simple Blood Pressure testing devices which is wearable like a watch. 


Un earthing  Black money, Corruption Control measures in the Health sector


254)        GOI must make hospital staff deemed Govt servants, and it is mandatory for every doctor; hospital staff must disclose their family's bank accounts and explain earnings


255)        Unique ID for persons related to the health sector (hospital owners, pharmacy manufacturers, distributors, retailers, medical college owners, diagnostic center owners) and their immediate family members


256)        GOI makes it mandatory that persons related to the health sector reveal their income and assets to Govt on the exclusive website for information only. GOI creates a reward system for information on assets /properties of people belonging to the healthcare sector


257)        Mandatory that every doctor disclose their family tree, and GOI reward & honor all righteous doctors serving people with humanity and penalize those indulging in criminal, corrupt acts of extortion of money from patients by sabotaged treatment. 





258)        GIGANTIC Medical Corruption during Pandemic – COVID-19


259)        GOI should initiate immediate measures to unearth black money, illegitimately / fraudulently earned by people in the healthcare sector, hospital ownership, doctors, pharmacy manufacturers, retailers, and in Govt the COVID-19 pandemic Preventive and Cure treatment.


260)        COVID-19 Vaccines the Gigantic Pharmacy Scandal of the World and India




261)        Grading of hospitals and nursing homes, fixed rates for treatment and consultation, and separate rates for stay.


Exclusive Payment system - Payment card-App for All Health care payments


262)        GOI create a Special Health Care Payment card and wallet, an app exclusively to make payments to Hospitals, diagnostics, doctors, and purchases of medicines.


263)        Mandatory online real time inventory of pharmacy supply and medical consumables in ER, Critical care, ICU, OT and in patient rooms to ensure Accurate, judicious use of the medications and medical consumables, reduce inflated billings


Unearthing Black Money in Health Sector


264)        GOI must announce a voluntary disclosure scheme (VDS) for Health Sector medical college owners, hospital owners, pharmacy manufacturers, retailers, doctors, and their immediate family members


Nationalisation of Medical Education


265)        Need for Nationalisation of Medical Education: GOI takes over all private medical colleges and hospitals in India. GOI must make it mandatory for every employer to provide health care to their employees, and businesses with 100 Crore turnover must have their hospital set up. Diagnostic setup for their employees


Insurance companies pay only for the best treatment in among all forms of medicine.


266)        GOI must allow health insurance companies to pay for treatment costs only for the best treatment suggested by AI-based systems (Allopathy/Ayush/naturopathy) or optimal cost treatment in the case chosen by the patient, whichever is lower cost.


267)        Establishment of 10 minutes door delivery of raw food/leaves used in food-based treatment for people


268)        Insurance companies provide incentives for people who maintain standard health care parameters within range like HbA1c test (three months blood sugar average),   height to weight ratio, standard belly diameter/ circumference (no visceral fat), daily 30 minutes walking, etc all are measurable parameters.


269)        Insurance Companies provide data to Govt regarding persons who failed to get health insurance coverage due to severe existing health disorders. GOI advises food-based treatment for such persons to eliminate chronic health issues.


Why Food should be First line of treatment over Allopathy Medicine


Drug Induced Nutrition Depletion - Health Risks


270)        Why Food as medicine is aways the best rather than depending upon Allopathy medications; A Practical Guide to Avoiding Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion


271)        Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion- DIND– Correct the Deficiency and Improve Your Life! Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions: What Pharmacists Need to Know


272)        Hepatotoxicity by Drugs: The Most Common Implicated Agents


Fortification of STAPLE FOOD – IRON  Fortification of Rice, Wheat flour  - GENOCIDE


273)     Why does Fortification of Foods pose health risks, why does fortification of staple food, especially Staple food like Rice, cause GENOCIDE 


Phyto pharma


274)        GOI promotes research in Phyto pharma / Bio molecular medicine to replace Allopathy

Low Carbohydrate High Fibre Staple Food – Palm Sugars- Leaf Decoctions for Health


275)        How Food and Leaf decoctions help in achieving good health, preventive treatment and cure for all Diseases


276)        The five Siri dhaanya– Their Significance and Benefits; Amazing power to regulate release of glucose into the blood

a.      Unique Structure of the Siri dhaanya grains

b.     Classified various food grains into three categories.

                          i.                  Positive Grains (Sakaaratmaka dhaanya)

                        ii.                  Neutral Grains (Tatastha dhaanya)

                      iii.                  Negative Grains (Nakaaratmaka dhaanya)

c.      The Carbohydrate to Fibre Ratio (C : F ratio)

d.     Water Conservation & Environmental Protection with Siri dhaanya

e.      Siri dhaanya – The Panacea for all diseases. Ensuring our Overall Health

f.       Importance of Lignans in Siri dhaanya:

g.      Prevention of Glucose – Hormonal – Microbial Imbalances with Siri dhaanya:

h.     Cooking methods of Siri dhaanya

i.        How to cook these Siri dhaanya in an Earthen pot/Steel vessel?

j.        Significance and Benefits of Porridge (Ganji) and Fermented Gruel (Ambali)

1.                 Porridge (Ganji) -

2.                 Fermented Gruel (Ambali)

k.      Drinking water- Usage of Copper Vessel / plate

l.         Kashaaya (Herbal Decoctions) – How to Prepare them

m.   Sapta-pathra Kashaaya – (Seven Leaf Decoctions) Increase your Immunity with  the Seven-Leaf Kashaaya


Health Problems - Remedy Protocols with Siri dhaanya - Kashaaya - Oils - Juices


277)         Various Diseases – Treatment- Cure through Millets and Leaf Decoctions


Cancers - Remedy Protocols through Millets and Leaf Decoctions


278)         Cancers cure with food,  leaf decoctions without chemotherapy or radiation


Food and leaf decoctions based health care should be the first line of treatment.


279)        GOI educate people on the importance of foods in health care and food-based treatments in all local languages and dialects


280)        All insurance companies must educate people on the importance of foods in health care. Insurance companies must pay incentives for people adopting food as preventive health care through reduced insurance premiums and rewards people who cured through food-based treatment.



















Health is Wealth, as per Indian Traditions Doctor is Considered as God (Vaidyo Narayana Hari” which means “Doctor is God”) and the noble profession of Nursing  - considered as Angelic, which is supposed to maintain the pristine purity unfortunately  became a nightmare, the profession of vulturism for common people in India; the prime quality of doctors, nursing staff i.e., compassion and humanity, got sublimated in most doctors, nursing staff  working in private hospitals, some in Govt hospitals. It is an open secret that most private hospitals indulge in unethical practices, are moral-less, and have no Humanity. The majority of the private hospital ownership, administration, and even doctors working in private hospitals work with an only motto to make maximum money out of the ailing helpless sick patients, encash helplessness and sentiments of family members of Patients, especially if the patient is elderly (mother, father, grandparents) or children, all this when common people consider Doctors are equivalent to God/Almighty when people visit the hospitals/ doctors with great hope by praying the Religious Gods they believe in and but only to return their home in despair; thus, the majority of Doctors working in Private hospitals not only tarnish the hopes of common people but also tarnish entire universal Religious systems (Hindu, Islam, Christianity), as God Created “Doctors’ to do service to humanity as Gods representatives, by helping sick and ailing to recover from sufferings,  command respect through love from common people, unfortunately, most of the doctors are deviating from the purpose they were created by God, causing fear and pain in people.


It is an open secret that most hospitals think if any elderly person comes, they feel that the elderly patient is living beyond the average life in India. Every single day the elderly patient lives is a bonus. Most of the private hospitals are of the view that the almighty send such elderly patients to their hospital only to make the hospital/doctor get enriched, to make the hospital get windfall gain out of such elderly sick patients; it is an open secret that most of the private hospitals indulge in irrational treatment and certain percentage of cases sabotaged treatment.


Also, most doctors (private independent consultants working in private hospitals/ clinics) feel that all patients should be their “regular customers,” i.e. if any patient once visited them. The same patient should visit them frequently with some or other health disorder either at their clinic on their own or by reference of some other doctor known to them, all this with the only intention of getting income perennially from patients and additional income from pharmacy companies for recommending their pharmacy drugs, in addition, percentage of cut or fixed sum from the diagnostic centers for referring the patient to the diagnostics. 


In the process of making a patient a “permeant customer” most of the private doctors (mostly allopathy) treat the patient for that symptom for which they visited and ensure patient get some other long term complications due to medicines they suggest based on age and  comorbidities, (by default most of the allopathy medications has some or other side effects, the more the longer period of use of allopathy medicines, more the health compilations for people) and once patient with comorbidities feel the complications, of side effects of medicines they suggest and these doctors  refer  the patients to  specialist expert doctors within their inner circle  or same hospital who are having expertise only in that area of specialisation and most unfortunate is thar the specialists/ experts  do not bother to think holistically regarding the issue of the patient and only think in very narrow way  give medicines in their area of specialisation, and this vicious circle go on for decades and the more the patient ages the more the complications.


Unfortunately, in so-called allopathy, there is no holistic diagnostics/ treatment / integrated treatment in India. 


The most painful is most of the doctors don’t even listen to the patient properly /patiently (as they are busy taking more patients, of course, the number of patients is on the rise day by day due to the failure of people to follow/ adopt simple health protocols and food protocols in their day-to-day life) most doctors do not try to understand why the patient got sickness, most of the doctors don’t want to go to the root cause/ bottom of the issue. Instead, most doctors come to instant conclusions based on primary symptoms narrated by the patient / observed, some thumb rules they learned in academic medicine studies or diagnostics reports.


Unfortunately, there is no system in India for mandatory records of patient-doctor conversations and mandatory transcripts of the conversation between patient and doctor for a clear understanding of issues and symptoms and review.


Unfortunately, there is no system/ protocol to record the physical appearance/parameters of the patient when visiting the doctor/hospital to correlate the symptoms/health ailment the patient is suffering in general with what the patient is narrating and


Unfortunately, there is no system to ask for standard probable questions based on the narration of the patient to come to the probable conclusion of health ailment, why the patient got such a health disorder, only go by a generalization of primary symptoms (similar to what astrology generalized predictions of weekly/ monthly for such and such signs and no individual person-centric)


Unfortunately, there is no system to record the patient's food habits to understand the reason for the health ailment better and assess whether changing food habits can contain/control health ailments without medications with homegrown solutions or minimal medications.


Most unfortunate is there are no standards to assess the accuracy of diagnosis as different diagnostic centers follow different ways of collection, storage, and processing samples and no standard for collection (containers are not fool-proof sterilized). The person collecting blood samples does not follow standard protocols of hygiene and sanitization. Moreover, there is no standard system of storage in temperature/containers or standard time limit within which the samples should reach the processing center and samples get processed.


There is no guarantee in India the diagnostics reports or even radiology reports are perfect, accurate, and not flawed, but most doctors believe and blindly follow the radiology reports and name sake they view the films, only in case they get some doubt, but by and large they go by the radiology report and if the blood diagnostic report or rabdology report is flawed then the patient suffers) lack of standardization of diagnostics in diagnostic centers, mostly in private diagnostic centers, which are the majority in India. And most unfortunately, most private hospitals have in-house diagnostics. Most private diagnostic centers have a tie-up/ understanding with doctors, nursing homes, and other small hospitals where they do not have in-house diagnostics and manipulate the diagnostic reports, blood reports, and radiology reports (based on x-ray, MRI, doppler tests, etc.). If there is no symptom found, they create confusion by writing that occlusion / possible, etc., which is an indication by and large to use the patient for “take it granted treatment” to swindle money with irrational and sabotaged treatment, and this is done for primarily elderly patients and patients with co-morbidities. Most patients getting treatment in private hospitals use Govt health cards as Govt has tied up with private hospitals, and Govt hospitals are fewer.


Also, there is no guarantee the diagnostic centers will give the correct reports if any patient goes and voluntarily checks the parameters as per the so-called packages given by the diagnostic centers. The diagnostic centers manipulate and provide references to their in-house doctors or their tie-up doctors to make the person their permanent customer.


The unholy nexus between doctors and diagnostic centers makes diagnostic centers to  give reports / results of diagnostics according to referral doctors will and wish and very sad part is most of the people do not go for second diagnostics on their own, as the diagnostic centres ask for reference or without reference they will manipulate results on their own and, so most of the patients and most of the doctors take decisions of treatment simply based on one single diagnostic report, (whose accuracy is not known) people start using medicines and even going for surgical procedures, all this when the diagnostic centres situated in corporate hospitals (which are otherwise presumed to possess state art of equipment and results are more accurate) give immediate reports for the in patients give deliberately “wrong reports” as per the hospital doctors who are treating inpatients and sometimes doctors ask/ suggest for are collection of sample and “re-testing” for their in patients, to obtain accurate results.


This is an open secret; many inpatients experience this manipulation of readings, and all doctors know it. What is surprising is that the majority of the doctors take a call on single diagnostic reports, all this when there is no system in India to ascertain the accuracy of diagnostic reports and no mandatory checking of the accuracy of machines or no mandatory periodic calibration of diagnostic equipment, no system to ensure sample collection was accurate.


There is no system to ensure samples are processed within the stipulated standard time; it is indeed a NATIONAL SHAME to allow diagnostics centers to continue this heinous act of unregulated manipulation/ sabotage.


It is a universal truth that most health ailments can be treated with simple foods, nature-based food/leaf decoctions without going for Allopathy / English medicines, which cause some side effects.


Due to a lack of education and training for doctors in food and nutrition-based treatment and due to lack of Standard procedures making it mandatory food-based and nutrition-based treatment as the first line of treatment in all medical conditions (if needed to be mixed with allopathy wherever necessary in a conservative treatment protocol with exception to emergency cases,  most of the allopathy doctors prescribe/suggest, habitual drugs which need to continue for months, years, lifelong or some strong antibiotics for simple health ailment some due to ignorance or deliberately… this causes further side effects on people, most of the diseases are due to lifestyle effects.


Also, the failure of the Government to promote awareness and make people understand and adopt locally available/daily use simple food-based / plant leaf-based cost-effective no side effect health care solutions for prevention and curing various health ailments. 


Simple promotion of AYUSH is not the same, as people should adopt home treatment rather than going for an AYUSH doctor after getting health ailment with locally available material to improve their immunity and get rid of even severe health ailments linked to cancers with food material and plant leaf-based solutions.


There is no system in place to know / track who is using what type of medicines, whether allopathy or Ayush, who prescribed medicines, no system in place to contain self-medication, no system in place to make liability/ responsibility of doctor /hospital to tack/ know the condition of the patient who they prescribed the medicines. All these are the main reasons for the rise of health issues in all age groups and all genders in all income groups, people in all regions, and all religions.


Since India having 2/3 population is youth and most of them are in working age, aging population is on the rise, non-attention to heath care is a big hinderance for nation growth, as health care become burden with  allopathy treatment, due to lack of standard protocols for use of simple effective alternative treatment for health ailments, and no system to contain the criminal fraudulent treatments in private hospitals (which include private AYUSH hospitals), people are subjected to extortion leading to lifelong stressful life, as  they can’t ignore their family members, especially  children/ parents health at the same time they can’t  spend their time and their hard earned money for health care of their children / spouse/parents in private hospitals, as yearly earnings are not sufficient for most of the working class to spend any amount other than basic needs of shelter, food, education of their children, especially the middle class, and Health of their family, especially their elderly parent’s pushing most of the middle class / working class in debts, their children/ family in malnutrition, all these leading to stressed life, with stress they can’t provide dedicated-ness at work, as a result the GDP get effected and country progress is not at the pace, all this due to greed of private hospitals and greed of doctors. 


Even though GOI health care initiative covering their health expenditure, but due to lack of system private hospitals (2/3 of  health care providers for GOI initiated health care for poor  are in private sector) who are getting Govt money for service rendered to poor,  are indulgencing in  swindling of money with irrational treatment and by and large and the poor become poor as the govt provided Rs 5 lakhs get exhausted in no time once poor patient visits hospital in majority of cases, as simple treatment is shown as complex /complicated health issue and keep the poor patient  in the ICU even though absolutely no need to keep in ICU (only to get money from Govt for that patient) and  when the simple treatment whether outpatient or in patient with few days  hospital stay but they charge the ICU for maximum period and once Govt money gets exhausted most of the poor patients gets discharged (in most cases there is no big health issue) and if any further health issue after the initial hospital treatment that costed near to or over Rs 5 lack supported by Govt poor patients have to spend from their own pocked or  face health issues/ succumb.


This nasty act of inhuman, unethical sabotaged treatment by most of the private hospitals and some of the private doctors is undoubtedly anti-national, as their act is creating stress and reducing the ability of the youth of the country to deliver their best in nation-building, as such GOI must fix this Anti-national act immediately.


The following steps are needed to fix the medical frauds in India: to drastically reduce the need for hospitalization and fix health ailments in a conservative way, based on the health ailment, age, present condition, etc., and go for food-based home treatment as first preference, followed by AYUSH treatment followed by English medicine, and surgical procedures in allopathy as last option, in case possible severe side effects of allopathy medicine solution is food/nature based treatment. Hospitals should be there only to do emergency surgeries/ necessary surgeries, all through creating a default setting in the health care system in India.


To make an accurate assessment of health issues and provide food-based and plant leaf decoction-based health care as the first solution in the treatment, and to contain medical frauds and reduce the need for unnecessary surgeries, Artificial intelligence, and Blockchain are used in the health care system. This will bring more accountability and transparency in the health care system containing irrational and sabotaged treatment.


Also, in the process of containing medical frauds, GOI should induce some default settings in the health care system covering all hospital administration, admissions, accountancy, and payment and in working of doctors and nursing staff and diagnostic centers, and regulate pharmacy manufacture, retail,  which will ensure people are not subjected to cheating, fraud, sabotaged treatment and help patients recover faster and reduce stress in the family members in cost-effective manner, help in the well-being of patient, their family and Nation building.







In the process of ensuring better health and reducing health ailments/ disorders in the entire population of the country to the maximum extent, GOI educates and makes people understand the importance of foods in health care, foods as preventive health care, and foods in the treatment of diseases including chronic diseases like cancers, autoimmune health disorders, diabetics, BP, heart issues etc. and can avoid painful treatments like surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation, etc.


It is because any create, whether human beings or animals, need food for the body to convert into energy. This energy should be constant throughout the day and night, and the body adjusts according to the needs.


Science says carbohydrates provide energy for human beings. The issue is certain foods release energy quickly, certain foods release energy slowly, and since most of the energy is from staple foods (as they are eaten in large quantities to fill the stomach to provide required carbohydrates) the staple foods should release energy steadily, for this the staple food should be whole grain which should contain high fiber and carbohydrate to fiber ration should be low i.e. more fiber and less carbohydrate in every single brain, and most ideal is grains with complex carbohydrates, which has every alternative layer in grain in fiber i.e. one layer carbohydrate other layer fiber and again carbohydrate till the outer layer is fiber. What will happen with this is when these grains are consumed, the energy is released steadily.


Millets are top in this category, and few millets are complex carbohydrates with a low carbohydrate to fibre ratio, which means low carbohydrate and high fiber; these millets are useful for disease management and cure/treatment of diseases. In contrast, other milers are much better having a low carbohydrate to fiber ration are neutral millets, which are useful for preventive nature but not on their own, followed by unpolished rice like Navara rice, brown rice, and whole wheat, but most unfortunately, last several decades people are eating polished rice and refined wheat flour and forget to eat Millets, or Navara Rice/ brown rice/ whole wheat. And there are issues with rice and wheat; rice has a high carbohydrate-to-fiber ratio (all polished rice, and a little less for Navra rice and brown rice, but Navara rice and brown rice are much better than polished rice as Navara rice and brown rice have more phytonutrients like thiamine and selenium etc. which are essential for the body, whereas these essential phytonutrients are very less in polished rice as polishing will remove maximum nutrients, and make the rice only full of empty carbohydrates. 


The issue with wheat, including whole wheat, is it contains gluten, a sticky gum-like substance that will from lining the intestines when food starts digestion. This gluten layer formed in the small intestine walls will block the absorption of nutrients from eating various foods. Moreover, even whole wheat or whole wheat flour is used for making breads, chapattis, and rotis. Wheat is moderately high in carbohydrate to fiber-ratio. So, consuming polished rice and wheat causes the faster release of glucose to the blood as carbohydrates release glucose on the breakdown to provide energy to the body. But the body requires energy at a slow rate, so excess energy is released like a floodgate opening after eating polished rice and wheat flour or refined wheat flour i.e. all all-purpose flour will be stored in the body as fat, starting with excess fat stored in the stomach. All over the body, and in this process, it gets stuck to blood vessels as plaque. This causes BP and heart issues, and excess fat stored in the liver causes fatty liver, which slows down the liver processing work. As a result, more impurities like pesticides and chemical residues reduce the production of antibodies to fight infections. They are stored in the body, which causes several health issues.


Another issue is that the body makes vitamins from eating foods, and certain foods contain vitamins made in plants by consuming minerals from the earth. These vitamins are essential for body function. And most important vitamins are thiamine and mineral is Zinc, but unfortunately the more the carbohydrates (excess carbohydrates) people eat, the more the depletion of vitamin BI i.e thiamine and more depletion of mineral Zinc, they effect the function of body by reducing the activity of body, thiamine deficiency on account of depletion of thiamine due to excess consumption of carbohydrates effect the function of one vagus nerve and this vagus nerve has a primary role in the generation of HCL acid (stomach acid) and with weak function of vagus nerve due to low thymine level due to consuming high  carbohydrate foods causes low quality HCL / stomach acids,  and the HCL or stomach acids weak Ph level, the digestion become slow as a result blotting gas formation, and constipation arises, and with weak stomach acids whatever food one eats  the vitamins and nutrients absorption is low as digestion is low, as a result people are prone to several diseases, as their immunity is low and also body function is low.. and also the thiamine has role in over 300 body functions including insulin production,  from pancreas and once low quality insulin is produced due to low thiamine levels, the  cells do not open to store glucose, as a result excess glucose is present in the blood and this excess glucose is converted to plaque in the blood vessels causing  BP, hear issues; also low thiamine result in brain issues, as nerves system get effected,  as a result people get irritated and get short temper and also depression, and as a result of excess anger dopamine levels drop and as dopamine levels drop it result in depression  and slowdown of the body activity, with short temper more anger due to depleted thiamine result in excess release of cortisol, which depletes zinc, and low zinc causes various health issues, low zinc result in low quality insulin, as a result insulin resistance, and excess fat deposited in body due to excess carbohydrates causes rise of visceral fat (fat in the mod section of the body/ stomach) which will compress other body internal organs, excess fat causes weight gain, with weight gain several health issues occur.


Visceral fat is an indication of insulin resistance and insulin resistance occurs several health issues like PCOD and ovaries issues in women and ertictile dysfunction in male And visceral fat is an indication that the person must be suffering with insulin resistance or diabetics or with blood pressure or heart issues or with PCOD or ovaries issues in women and low in zinc by and large with low in zinc body system slow down, as zinc aids in function of pancreas and pancreas release  bile acids or stomach acids and with low quality stomach acids indigestion, low absorption of nutrients and constipation occurs, also Zinc is required for  heling process to fight the infection, when body gets wounds etc, also due to less zinc body function gets effected and zinc is vital for reproductive organs and with low zinc ertictile defunction occurs in male, and also as the age progress with low zinc prostate issues develop, and with prostate issue UTI develops and also prostate issue causes rise in BP and kidney issues.


So like this, several health issues occur with not eating the right carbohydrates, So people must eat the correct type of carbohydrates which are complex carbohydrates with layered fibers, over lapping carbohydrates one after the other in each grain, enabling slow breakdown in the stomach after consuming such cooked food, enables steady glucose to the blood and sustained energy release.


So changing staple food from polished rice / any rice and whole wheat and refined wheat flour to whole millet will reduce the majority of the health issues and also cure the majority of the health issues, including cancers and autoimmune disorders, as most forms of cancers are on the rise due to excesses carbohydrates as cancer-causing cells thrive on excess carbohydrates.


Likewise  eating excess sugars causes empty carbohydrase to the body cane sugar or cane jaggery is considered full of empty carbohydrates, and cane sugar additionally contains chemical traces which are used in the process of making cane sugar,  So eating sugars or processed food (like biscuits, beads, cakes, ice creams etc ) mainly made of refined four and sugars causes spikes in sugar levels and will leads to development of bad cholesterol LDL due to excess fats as a result of excess glucose due to eating excess sugars like cane sugar and processed refined flour made foods.


So stop eating cane sugar and processed foods (occasionally once a month for any festival eating moderately is considered alright, but if eaten, then they should do more exercises to spend/regulate the excess sugars the body receives or do water fasting for at least next 24 hours will help in burning the excess sugars consumed.


Likewise, people take coffee, tea, cola, chocolates that contain caffeine, and cakes made of chocolates contain caffeine, which causes thiamine – vitamin B1 depletion and malabsorption of iron from foods. So, people should stop taking coffee, tea, and chocolates regularly. However, healthy people can occasionally take coffee, tea, and chocolates once or twice a month, which causes no big harm. 


Also another issue with caffeine is that it activates the nervous system. As a result, people get alert in the mind as it stimulates mind function when taking coffee/tea, and this stays for a shorter period once the caffeine depletes in a few hours; people feel less energy and people feel like having one more coffee, tea, or they feel depressed, the case is same with chocolates, and this caffeine depletes thiamine i.e vitamin B1 due to excess consumption i.e daily consumption of tea/ coffee, chocolates, or colas, this causes stress and depression due to depleted / low dopamine levels, and in general people add cane sugar with coffee, tea and sugar is added in chocolates and colas,  this causes excess empty carbohydrates additionally to the body, and this case energy spikes and lows and also excess sugars get converted into fats due to regular consumption of tea coffee, chocolates, colas.


Also one of the main draw back with caffeine is stimulates nerves when present in body (when consumed  for few hours)  and becomes normal after some times, and regular consumption of caffeine containing beverages, foods weakens the nervus system function as sudden activation for brief period  regularly, and this one of the main reason for nauctoria i.e people lose bladder control over a period of time, as a result when urge for urine comes people can’t control the urine and they have to rush to the toilet to pass the urine or urine gets leaked in the underwear or where the person is standing or sitting and this caffeine and most unfortunate is people including aged in twenties (youth 20’ year +  onwards to aged people in all genders) has to get up in the mid of the night for once or twice to pass  urine causing sleep disturbance and in adequate sleep causes stress and causes nervus issues and issues of circadian rhythm that  causes disturbance in production of melatonin and melatonin is important for many body functions, and low levels of melatonin leads to high blood pressure, insulin resistance, obesity increased risk of diabetics, breast cancers, prostate cancers.


All these can be avoided by cutting down on foods and beverages like coffee, tea, colas, chocolates, chocolate cakes, and energy drinks. However, only tea, coffee, and chocolates can be taken occasionally.  But colas and energy drinks should be cut entirely, and GOI must ban the manufacture, import, sale, and use of colas in India.


So, people change their diet from rice and wheat to millet, and cutting down on cane sugars and caffeine and refined flour-made foods will prevent the occurrence of most health disorders and cure several health disorders in all age groups within three months to two years with just changing staple diet.


Also most of the people suffer with hormonal imbalance, this is due consuming animal based products like meat, milk, panner, cheese butter etc, and this hormonal imbalance is effective young children to adults  and the infant formula milk contains milk derived from animals, and majority of the milk produce (barring very few percentage of country cows) are through animals which are given hormonal injections for quick growth and more milk production during its milk  producing period, as a result the milk contains growth hormones in it and whoever consuming milk, milk bared products their hormonal imbalance is occurring as these growth hormones in milk and milk  based products rise estrogen levels, and children on formula milk especially girlchild are subjected to early onset of puberty, as a result they face lot of health issues in growth period and adult age, and women who are in adult age consuming animal based products whether milk (considered as vegetarian not vegan so many vegetarians consume milk, yogurt, panner, cheese, milk based products like ice creams etc)and many nonvegetarians in eat meat of different animals in addition to milk based products) are facing hormonal issues like delayed mensuration cycles, infertility, obesity, ovaries, PCOS etc., and male persons in young adults are facing estrogen dominance, resulting in less sperm count, erectile dysfunction, and older adults' prostate issues.


The most unfortunate thing is people consume animal-based products like milk, yogurt, paneer, cheese etc., for calcium and meats for proteins and iron, when the reality of science is what one glass of milk gives, the same amount of calcium is just 30 gm of sesame seeds provide (soak 30 gm of sesame seeds and grinding it and add water, filter and drink its milk or simply little roast and add to any food preparation, or make bars by adding some palm jaggery which contains fructose as well as phytonutrients (not cane jaggery or cane sugar which are empty carbohydrates), many people are under the misconception that meats are only alternative to get protein when protein is best sourced from lentils and dals. Sprouts, which are easier to digest than meats and lentils, possess more vitamins and phytonutrients with zero fats. In contrast, meats contain fats added up in the body, as fats from oils consumed in cooking and various other sources.


Excess fats lead to fatty liver, and plaque builds up in arteries due to triglycerides formation, and excess proteins than daily RDA the kidneys get effects to process them. Regular meat consumption is one of the reasons for kidney issues like proteinuria, failure, and dialysis. All these health issues can be avoided by taking animal-based products like milk, yogurt, paneer, cheese, etc.,


These products can be consumed once in a while, a month occasionally, but meats should be cut completely; people can make milk from plant-based products like coconut milk, sesame seed milk, almond milk, pumpkin seed milk, groundnut milk, etc., and people can make curd from these plant-based milk. Also, people can make tofu/panner from these plant-based milks and people, and all plant-based milks are full of nutrients and suitable for all age groups and all patients.


Many people are getting cancers due to free  radicals that are produced in the body due to damage done to the DNA, these free radicals are due to the way of cooking like deep fried foods, as oils after specific temperature (once the oil reaches smoke point) starts generating free radicals, and also foods when roasted or burnt will form free radicals and eating such foods  leads to cancers, also people exposure to chemicals, pesticides leads to damage of DNA and this leads to cancers and cancers are developed if there exist enough antioxidants in the body, then the cell damage could be minimised, to get more anti-oxidants people need to eat lot of fruits and vegetable, and also  people should cut down deep fries and roasting of foods in every day eating, however they can eat once in month or so in limited quantity, as far as pesticides and exposure to chemicals are concerned GOI make sure natural farming, organic farming and biopesticides in place of chemical pesticides in cultivation, and also people can use tamarind water to soak the vegetables for 20 minutes to cleanse the pesticides, and people should avoid  chemical surface cleaners, chemical sprays, and deodorants, hair colours etc to reduce the chemical effects on the body.


Also, people should eat vegetables, fruits,  seeds, nuts, and fats from slow RPM extracted oils from seeds (complete cut down of refined oils, and cut deep fries and discard once used oils) will help in getting all required vitamins, minerals, nutrients to the body and help in health and help in faster recovery from health disorders and prevent the occurrence of several health issues like BP, heart, cancers, etc as excess fat cause rise in triglycerides which cases BP and heart issues, and reused oils and deep fries causes free radicals which are the prime root cause of cancers.


Also, the most unfortunate thing is nature has given abundant sun energy free of cost to get vitamin D; however, most people, especially the urban population, are not exposed to the sun, resulting in low vitamin D levels, which is the root cause of many health disorders, only a few percentages of people take vitamin D tablets, but that is also made of chemicals, and overexposure causes other health disorders. The liver has to work hard to get rid of chemical residues of the pharmacy drugs.  People staying in sunshine countries with at least 200+ days of sunshine (like India) can get vitamin D naturally by staying in the sun for just 20 minutes. However, they do not spend due to a lack of awareness regarding the importance of vitamin D and getting it naturally.


Simple lifestyle changes will make a big difference in health like taking water on an empty stomach, one to two liters early morning after getting from the bed will relieve constipation to a great extent, drinking water 30 minutes before eating food and not drinking water while eating food or at least two hours after eating food (in case after food medicine are required to take, take with minimum water like 100 ml or less, and taking  50 to 100 ml of boiled,  cooled to luck warm water after dinner, not to take cool water or cold fruit juices or cold foods, always water, juices, food be taken at room temperature (occasionally one may take ice creams once in a month), will help in better digestion as these measures enable correct PH of stomach acids, help in better absorption of nutrient, help in boosting immunity and energy.


Also, do not take any beverages like tea/coffee/colas, etc., along with foods, breakfast, meals, or snacks (to prevent blocking iron abruption from foods as caffeine blocks iron absorption). Also, eating food within 8 to 10 hours, completing dinner before 6 pm evening, and not eating anything till the next day morning at 8 am (12 to 14 hours of intermittent fasting) will help in better digestion and self-cleansing of the body better function of the liver, help in removing toxins, pesticides, chemicals etc. from the body.


Also, many people suffer with urinary tract infections UTI’s especially older male and women of all ages (especially students and working women are more suffers as they consume limited water  from morning to evening 8 to 12 hours from going from home eo educational institute or employment and till they return home, they hold urine for longer periods due to lack of hygienic toilets  in educational institutes or public toilets  and hygienic toilets at work place, holding urine for longer periods causes UTI’s and other health issues) and  UTI’s are bacterial infections and can be treated by consuming at least 2 to 3 litres of water at room temperature (especially in morning Empty stomach) when they are initial stages and the UTI’s should  be contained in initial stages only, else they cause severe infections and  are reoccurring for majority people if they use allopathy medicine,  but people neglect to take sufficient water, especially women as a result UTI infections become severe and people use Anti Biotics and they get temporary relief, as  some other bacteria  surfaces and then again use Another set of Anti biotics (usually  days to 21 days for UTI’s) and once anti biotics are used their gut health will  affect badly, and liver function is effected, and people become weak, and depletion of other vitamins and nutrients, all this can be avoided if people take enough water daily, as the bacteria  gets washed away when it is limited in number. 


Also taking leaf decoctions like coriander, punernava (bohervia diffusia), Ranapala etc will help in relive the UTI’s without need for strong Anti-Biotics, also in case of UTI is severe and that bacteria causing severe infection, pus formation, thick mucus formation blocking the Urinary tract and blocking the urine flow and urine flow got restricted coming drop by drop or blocked entirely and in case of men the pennis is swollen,  there are excellent medicine in Homeopathy that can be  relive the symptoms quickly by eliminating the bacteria’s and clearing urine tract,  enabling urine flow, and infection, inflammation get subside in few days and swelling on the pennis gets subside in few days; but still people due to ignorance use Anti Biotics on their own self-medication (after once they visit any allopathy doctor who suggest one type of Allopathy medicine, when one allopathy medicine for one type of bacteria and if another bacteria surfaces then another type of allopathy medicine) and most Allopathy Doctors only make people use Anti Biotics, as they are trained in Allopathy only, and people are sufferers, all this due to lack of system detailing best course of treatments in different forms of medicine (Allopathy, AYUSH) for different symptoms.


So, there should be public information on various forms of treatment for the same health disorder and let people choose what kind of treatment they want.  Also, there is a lack of Integrated treatment protocols, i.e. use of Allopathy and AYUSH simultaneously, as many elderly people who have comorbidities use mostly Allopathy (when there exist best no side effect solutions from foods and leaf decoctions and phyto-pharma due to lack of awareness on these forms of treatment, so they use Allopathy for UTI’s; Similarly there are some excellent medicines for specific health disorders every form of treatment (Allopathy, Ayush), example, there exist excellent medicine for varicose veins, but people are not aware.


People can use allopathy for other health issues if they wish, but can use  food and leaf decoctions or use homeopathy simultaneously but they are not aware of this,  also due to lack of system to guide how to  switch from one form of medicine to other from without  effecting their health,  even if people are aware that best solutions are available in other forms of treatment and want to switch to other form of treatment they are unable to do so, example from Allopathy to AYUSH and Homeopathy, there is no one to guid to reduce the dosage of existing allopathy medicines while taking simultaneously the other forms of treatment (food and leaf decoctions, or homeopathy or unani) reduce gradually dosage of allopathy and within few weeks completely switch to food based or homeopathy or unani, and had this kind of system exists people use effectively as some treatments are excellent in allopathy for quick relief, some treatments are excellent in homeopathy for quick relief and food based treatments relive gradually with few days to weeks or months based on severity  of  symptoms.


Many people has gut issues due to eating more carbohydrates and less fibre, when entire  good gut bacteria thrive on fibre, people who take anti biotics, and the gut needs to get fixed properly,  without proper gut bacteria people suffer with indigestion, bloating, constipation (no good gut bacteria) or diaheria (if excess bad bacteria); and gut issues can be fixed by changing staple food from rice, wheat, refined flours to Whole Millets (with low Carbohydrate to fibre ratio- means less carbohydrate more fibre)  and the complex carbohydrates and fibre will help in relive constipation, help thrive good gut bacteria, and also eating fermented millets and changing  every two to three days one verity  of millets and eating fermented millets will fix gut issues permanently as variety  of  microbiomes are induced into stomach, also good gut microbiota can be archived by  eating foods like fermented cabbage based foods like kimchi, saurakurt  (limitation is only certain verity of microbiota comes from saurakart/ kimchi of  course these too are super good , but people has to take extra effects in making such foods and care must be taken tenure they are not spilled, whereas cooking millets  by soaking them for 8 to 10 hours and string over night or for 8 to 10 hours after cooking will help in  fermentation and this is good enough and easy to get good gut microbiota and variety of millets give variety of microbiomes and without much efforts  or even people taking fermented rice  by cooking rice in evening and adding lactobacilli i.e curd or buttermilk and let it rest for overnight and consume in the morning will also help, but the rice consuming on regular eating will lead to excess carbohydrates, but unfortunately due to lack of information on importance of gut microbiota and people are using medications for constipation, bloating , digestion etc. all are synthetic drugs, when they can permanently without any side effects they can relive gas, bloating, indigestion and constipation  with just  changing the staple food from rice, wheat and refined wheat flour to whole millets, and fermented millets.


Also, Majority of people especially women face yeast infections, / fungal infections, yeast infections are due to excess glucose due to excess carbohydrates and taking anti biotics and birth control pills, as fungal infections/ candida thrive on carbohydrates,  as Carbohydrates consumed in the diet are the primary and preferred nutrient sources for Candida albicans , the main pathogen related to Candida-associated denture stomatitis; So changing staple diet to millets which are low in carbohydrate and high in fibre, and cutting down sugar, sweets, processed foods will cure candida / yest infection , but people consume rice, wheat and refined wheat four, cane sugar, cane jaggery, sweets, coffee, tea, colas, chocolates, ice creams and  the candida  will persist, and they take allopathy medications, anti-biotics,  get relief temporarily and will resurface again after some time, and the cycle goes on, women suffer physically and mentally, as they  get itching, irritation, rashes, and also psychological stress, social shyness to touch that area in work places or public places or even at homes with other family members, and  also they feel pain while having sex, and all this can be avoided with just changing staple diet to millets and stop taking sugar, sweets, fruit juices (can consume whole fresh fruits not commercial juices as they contain sugar or corn syrup), stop taking colas stop taking coffee, tea,  stop taking chocolates, stop taking ice creams and stop taking milk, instead take probiotics like  yogurt, will help relive from yeast infections. The solution is the same for men with fungal infections on the skin, armpits, undergarment borders,  gorion in the area etc.


Likewise simple foods and simple leaf decoctions will relive of several health issues,  many women facing several health issues on account of hormonal issues and estrogen dominance and delayed menstrual cycles, or excess bleeding or prolonged menstrual cycles etc all these can be regulated to normal by just taking handful of red roselle / kenaf leafs and boil in 200 ml water for 3 minutes and drink the strained water for three weeks (21 days), and cutting down milk based products like milk, curd, pannier, cheese, ice creams;  many women in perimenopause and menopause experience hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats etc can be contained by consuming decoctions of Shajeera decoction and cutting down carbohydrates (eating complex carbohydrates like millets in place of rice and wheat) cutting down sweets, cutting down caffeine foods  like colas, coffee, tea, chocolates and eating at least 50% uncooked food/ semi cooked / steamed foods like  vegetable juices, vegetable salads,  and fresh fruits and  sprouts, soaked seeds and nuts will help in relive menopausal issues without need for any HRT hormonal replacement therapy, which bring in other health issues.


So, all sections of people, especially women and elderly people, if they change their staple diet from rice, wheat, and refined wheat flour to millet, will get tremendous health benefits. They get safeguarded from most of the health issues if all sections of people, especially children, women shed down animal-based products like meat, milk, paneer, and curd cheese and replace them with plant-based milk like coconut milk, sesame seed milk, groundnut milk, almond milk, etc. and curd from plant-based glasses of milk and tofu from seeds and nuts to get protein and other phytonutrients. Also, people cut down sugars, cane sugar, cane jaggery, and sweets and replaced with natural sweets plant-based like dates and palm jaggery. People cut down on caffeine like coffee, tea, colas, chocolates, etc. then they may not get any significant health issues in their life.


Many people due to consuming excess carbohydrates, sugars and excess fats, cholesterol by consuming excess refined oils, meat, eggs and milk based products  as a result they are getting fatty liver, and added to it the pesticides, chemicals, toxins etc from foods  etc and sedentary life style of eating till late night and regular eating throughout the day and not even giving 10 hours of rest in the night for the liver to cleanse the toxins  putting stress on liver, reduces the function of liver, and  since liver is one organ that can repair itself by people due to lack of awareness / knowledge they are depending up on chemical synthetic medicines to repair liver, giving 12 to 16 hours of rest for the liver i.e no  eating of food after 6 pm in evening and till 8 am next day morning except plain water at room temperature and sleeping before 10 pm night and till 6  am in the morning will help the liver heal by itself without any medications,  and faster results if once changes the staple diet from rice and wheat and refined wheat flour to millets, and also change of edible oils from refined oils (which are full of chemicals) to slow RPM extracted / bull driven/ cold pressed oils, and taking oils in appropriate quantity, also most ideal way to take fats from soaked seeds like soaked ground nuts, sesame seeds, almonds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, etc where fats are easy to get absorbed due to soaking and in the milk form (dry seeds/ nuts yield oil i.e fat, whereas soaked nuts/ seeds yield milk on pressing; however consuming freshly extracted unadulterated oils from groundnuts, sesame seeds safflower seeds, Niger oils seeds, etc.. on empty stomach will be of great help absorption, triggering bile juices and forming mucus lining, but most unfortunately people are using only refined oils as they are getting cheaper when the matter is any oil seeds will yield 40 to 50% oil from seeds  by weight, then 2 kg of seeds required to make one Kg of oil of one verity,  when at wholesale price of one kg oil seeds is twice the cost of one kg refined oil  how come refined oil is  sold  less than the cost of one Kg of seeds / nuts (pressing two Kg seeds yield one kg oil)! Still, people who consume refined oils get liver issues and take allopathy medicines or get admitted to hospitals


When there exists an excellent solution for all liver issues, including “acute liver cirrhosis” with simple fruit extract, i.e., wood apple, within three weeks, there is 40% improvement in liver parameters and liver function, proven scientifically, and people are unaware. They do not take such simple solution, and when the majority of the people who eat rice, wheat, refined wheat flour sugars, meat refined oils will have fatty liver and a simple change in lifestyle and foods, eating radish will protect the liver,  week eating whole lemon (with peel inner white and outer skin), or drinking juice made of a whole lemon, consuming wheat grass (7 days old), taking milk tassel leaf decoction/ tea will help protect/ improve liver parameters to average level.


Also, millions of people are suffering from kidney issues due to excessive protein consumption, especially animal proteins, and also due to excess consumption of colas, which contain phosphoric acid, and also caffeine, and other acidic foods. And millions of people are on dialysis, and many believe that a kidney with dialyses stage has to live with dialysis only, but what people are not aware of is just changing staple food from rice, wheat, and refined wheat flour, to millet which is low in carbohydrates and high in fiber and eating fermented millets porridge and cut down on animal proteins including ilk, cut down colas, cut down caffeine beverages and foods like coffee, tea chocolates, , ice creams, cakes, and all processed foods, and eating only vegetarian diet and plant-based proteins in limit will help relive from the dialysis stage to normal stage in 6 months to 2 years depending up the case to case.  


Also, due to eating more proteins especially animal proteins like meat, or soya protein, milk panner, eating excess lentils, pulses (daily eating in one or other form), and excess snacks & sweets made of lentils, and taking protein supplements (mainly without any prescription over the counter), consuming refined oils,  taking pain killers, eating too much sweets, processed foods (as they contain sodium and phosphorus), corn syrup based fruit juices, colas (contain prosperous)m lack of sleep, not drinking enough water, alcohol, smoking, and sitting for longer hours  people are facing kidney issues (albuminuria- excess protein in urine); the issue with proteins from animals (produce acids), are animals are grown on feed mostly from GMO based soya and GMO corn  and GMO soya and GMO corn  are exposed to glyphosate the danger chemical herbicide which causes kindly damage,, also eating GMO Wheat  which is exposed glyphosate people are prone to chronic kidney  diseases,  has to use allopathy medications, and in severe cases kidney dialyses, and as urine creatinine levels rises, people will have no option but to go for dialysis treatment in allopathy, but where as in food based treatment, consuming millets and leaf decoctions like Punarnava (bohervia diffusa), Ranapala, and Coriander etc for few weeks to months deepening on severity, people get recover  from kidney disorders “without need for dialysis” after few weeks to months, most of the existing dialysis patients too can get relief following food based treatment over a period of time and get relief from going for kidney dialysis. People can avoid all these by simple lifestyle changes and eating food naturally, avoiding excess salts, avoiding cane sugar and corn syrup colas and processed foods, and ensuring perfect health of Kidneys.


People are using indiscriminately over-the-counter medicines or supplements for indigestion, bloating, and gas when all this is due to low HCL / stomach acids, which is the result of low vitamin B1, which is the result of an excess carbohydrase (rice, wheat, refined wheat flour, cane sugars), and indigestion can corrected to some extent naturally by taking dried ginger power just before meals or as the first gallop of meals, that will activate the HCL production, also stop drinking water along with meals or after meals will help in better digestion, and taking probiotic foods and fermented foods, especially fermented staple diet (like fermented millets) will fix the gut issue and help in digestive health by getting ensuring good gut bacteria prevails. However, still people use only chemical made digestive syrups and enzymes.


People are of the notion that if there exist gall stones, then the only way to get rid of gall stones is the removal of the gall bladder through surgery when changing the staple diet from rice, wheat, and refined wheat four to millets and eating fermented millets and cut down on fats,  cane sugar, processed foods along with intermittent fasting and taking thiamine Vitamin B1 rich foods (to get better bile with correct PH)  will help relive from gall stones in few weeks to few months depending up the quantity and size of gall stones, as gallstones are cholesterol stones,  as the fiber in the staple food on digestion. 


Fiber reduces fat absorption and fat moving into the liver; so automatically, this reduces cholesterol production in the liver and, as a result, lowers cholesterol in the bile acids in the gallbladder; high carbohydrate foods with low fiber lead faster glucose into the lover and this excess glucose in a short period in the liver gets converted into fats in the liver,  So to reduce cholesterol production in liver fiber plays an important role, fiber on fermentation in the gut releases propionate, and propionate moves to liver and suppress the enzymes that convert fat into cholesterol in liver.


Also, fiber rich food prevents the liver from producing excess/overproduction of mucin gel; this helps reduce gallstone formation and sticking to the gall bladder (observations suggest that gallbladder mucins are overproduced and act as pronucleating factors in gallstone diseases). The higher amounts of mucin gel the liver produces lead to gall bladder stones. If the quantity of mucin is low, it will not support gallstone formation, and inflammation in the liver is caused by the overproduction of mucin. Fiber reduces inflammation in the liver, and fiber-produced SCFA propionate also acts on liver enzymes that produce cholesterol and reduce cholesterol formation in the liver. Short-chain fatty acids propionate has been shown to increase enzyme activity in the liver and muscle tissue, resulting in better blood sugar management, thus reducing fat and cholesterol formation by the liver.


Eating fiber-rich food, especially millet, helps cure BP and heart issues and helps control and cure diabetics, as fermented fiber-produced SCFA propionate helps reduce insulin resistance.


People who are suffering from autoimmune disorders like psoriasis mainly due to poor gut issues, and by fixing the gut issues, people get relief from psoriasis, eating fermented Milles and eating at least 50% of food intake raw vegetables (salad/ juices) and fruits and spouts/ microgreens and foods/nuts/ seeds rich in zinc and vitamin B1 along with some leaf decoctions will help in curing psoriasis, but people not aware of it suffer and take only allopathy.


Many people suffer from kidney issues, primarily due to eating excess carbohydrates (rice, wheat, cane sugars, processed foods), as excess carbohydrates with low fiber leads to insulin resistance and fat build. As a result, people suffer from diabetes and obesity, leading to kidney issues as blood becomes thick, and the kidney suffers from overload. Also, the excess fats deposited in the arteries will lead to kidney issues due to improper blood supply, and BP is another issue for kidney issues. Pain killers cause kidney issues, and animal meat, caffeine colas, and processed food chemicals are also root causes of kidney issues.


Kidney issue be fixed with taking low carbohydrate high fibre millets diet  in place of rice and wheat , and taking palm sugars in place of cane sugars and complete cut down of caffeine and caffeine containing foods and beverages like coffee, tea, colas chocolates, cakes, ice creams and complete cut down of animal milk and animal milk based products and  complete cut down of meats, replace with plant based milk and plant based proteins and take fats from soaked seeds and nuts like soaked pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, etc  and taking 4 to 5 liters of water and taking leaf decoctions like coriander leaf  or coriander pods, bohervia deffusa, RANAPLA, banana tree stem decoctions and banana stem food (core of the banana stem)  and eating low salt foods , ideal  to eat salts from foods like annatto seeds ( to replace  table salt) and Amarantha, cantaloupe/ musk-Mellon and  taking at least 50% of the foods uncooked fruits and vegetables and doing intermittent fasting completing dinner by 6 pm in evening (16 hours empty stomach, eating lunch breakfast dinner in 8 hours span ideal to eat two times) and sleeping in dark for at least 8 hours in the night, all these measures put together will help  relive from any kind of liver issues, even when on dialysis and people with severe kidney issues should take fermented millets gruel or porridge and  all dialysis patients can become normal in few months. 


Many people suffering from sciatica pain and carpal tunnel syndrome go for painkillers and physiotherapy (both can provide relief temporarily, and painkillers on regular use cause severe gut health issues when the issue of sciatica and carpal tunnel syndrome is due to deficiency in vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B1 as “sciatic” pain occurs due to issues of the myelin sheath, neurotransmitters,  nerve degeneration and blood flow and these issues, get fixed by ensuring adequate levels of the above B complex vitamins, and also lack of copper, but due to lack of knowledge and awareness people go for pain killers or physio is healthy, only to get temporary relief.


Majority of  men suffering with ertictile dysfunction, and people use various  pharmacy drugs and techniques to overcome them, but they may be useful  temporarily for one time, but they cause severe  life long side effects, when men can correct their  erectile dysfunction  by changing their staple food from high carbohydrate rice and wheat (in addition to carbohydrate wheat contain gluten the sticky substance which will   prevent stomach from absorption of  other essential nutrients   during digestion) to Millets,  the reason is the cholesterol from the carbohydras are forming a plaque in the arteries and blood vessels and the small blood vessels in the  male pennis gets narrowed, blocked as a result blood flow become low in the male penis as a result  majority of men suffer erectile dysfunction  and this can be rectified by changing to millets  which contain complex carbohydras and high fibre and low carbohydrates, and eating  excess refined  oils, eating animal fats – saturated fats (milk, meats, cheese, butter, ghee lard )  leads to formation of  LDL  cholesterol leading plaque formation in blood vessels; and avoiding animal products will help in reducing  Erectile dysfunction, also men with ertictile dysfunction are low in zinc as zinc plays major role in sexual  organ function, and prostate, and  secretion of sperm, and the more the carbohydrates one consume , the more the zinc depletion occurs, And people should take zinc rich foods like pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds (which not only provide zinc, but also provide  omega- 3 fats needed for formation of good cholesterol HDL, which is needed to remove bad cholesterol LDL. 


And millions of children are suffering from Autism and ADHD. There is no perfect medicine to cure, treating/reduce symptoms of ADHD in allopathy medication. In contrast, simple oils feeding on an empty stomach (for best and quick results), a couple of teaspoons of cold pressed or bull driven slow RPM extracted oils viz Niger seed oil, sesame seed oil, coconut oil (one oil two spoons daily for one weak, change oil and repeat the cycle) can make the normal child in few weeks. This is as simple as such, along with a few leaf decoctions for more effective results.  Taking on empty stomach oils will help people suffering from Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s diseases by reducing further progression; also, taking these oils on an empty stomach for all age group help in preventing dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson's diseases.


Millions of people are suffering from depression due to low levels of dopamine and an imbalance of serotonin, and people use various anti-depressant medications from Allopathy (any medication from allopathy, especially one that works on brain neuro system has severe side effects, both short-term and long term) which cause serious side effects, when depression and stress can be reduced and cured with simple foods like spouts (all lentils) and micro greens (all lentils, grains 3 days to 10 day old)  eating daily (as sprouts and micro greens enhance GABA, the claiming hormone which ensures Dopamine  works) and also staying in sun  for 20 minutes and simple walking or exercises, and the issue of depression  is mainly due to depletion of  vitamin B1, and this is due to eating too many carbohydrates like rice, wheat, products made of  refined wheat flour and  cane sugars, colas, caffeine products like coffee, tea,  chocolate) and once vitamin B1 levels are abnormally low, and then they cannot withstand stress (stress is part of life, but not taking stress needs vitamin B1 in adequate quantities, and vitamin B1 plays a role in carbohydrate metabolism; as such, the more the carbohydrate intake, the more the depletion of vitamin B1 and the more the  vitamin B1  depletes one feels more stress and restless and anger and depression., So, changing the staple diet from rice, wheat, and refined wheat flour to millet will help prevent stress, anger, and depression to a great extent.


In spite  it is known that cane sugar and cane jaggery, corn syrup etc are root cause of almost all health disorders as they are empty carbohydrates, and contain lots of added chemicals in the processing, still people use them, as it is failure of the GOI to  provide alternatives like Palm Jaggery which  can be made in quantities on par with cane sugar  in India, all this when cane sugar is water guzzler requires 2500 litres of water, whereas for one kg of palm jaggery requires hardly  any water, they are grown in nature and over 100 million trees in India, and palm jaggery is full of phyto nutrients including vitamin B1, iron,  can be taken up to 25 gm per day, palm jaggery acts as mild laxative, relives constipation, Still due to lack of GOI support all this when palm jaggery can create millions of direct and indirect employment especially for poor back ward class sections of India, as palm jiggery tree owners and palm sap collection and making of palm jaggery is dome by poor and low income group back ward class people in India) and lack of awareness people are consuming cane sugar (as most of the cane sugar growers are elite and wealthy persons, and GOI supports these wealthy cane sugar growers and sugar processing mill owners to make them further rich all this when cane sugar is the root cause of all health disorders in India and world and case sugar eating, causes a situation that people has to use pharmacy medicines and visit hospitals, whereas the case with palm jaggery this (requirement for the use of medications and hospitalization) be marginalized to a great extent – over 90% reduction, but Still GOI does not extend much support to palm jaggery even when it is free from chemicals as it is made of palm sap heating and bringing it to the slurry and cool it, no much process. People suspect there is bigger lobbies of sugar, pharmacy, and hospitals are stopping Govt from promoting palm jaggery in place of cane sugar for domestic household usage and commercial food preparations, discouraging usage of cane sugar by imposing water cess on it and ensuring the cost of the cane sugar be doubled the existing market rate.


Millions of people suffering with constipation issue all due to lack of required fibre intake in the food, especially staple food, as people are eating polished rice, refined wheat flour and refined wheat as staple food, when at least 25 gm of fibre is required daily, and  this issue of constipation can be relived through eating whole millets which has low carbohydrate to fibre  ration i.e more fibre in each grain and less carbohydrate, as fibre in staple diet only can provide required quantity of fibre per day, and instead of eating millets to ensure daily smooth passage of stools, people are sticking to rice and refined flour based foods and processed foods like breads, bakery products, and suffering with constipation which causes toxins in body due to stale stools staying in intestine for longer periods and causes gas, bacterial over growth and hemimerids due to putting pressure to exert stools and also increases blood pressure, and it causes issues for pregnant women and people with heart issues if they face constipation,  people are using stool softeners /  chemical laxatives  which are designed only for short term  use but people are using irrationally  according their need as they are over the counter medicine and does not require  doctors perception  as a result  they are facing side effects Stool softener side effects may include: Stomach or intestinal pain or cramps. Nausea. Diarrhea. Throat irritation (from oral stool softeners). Some side effects can be more serious. If you have any of the following symptoms after taking a stool softener, call your healthcare provider immediately: Rash. Itching. Hives or swelling of your face, tongue, or throat. Dizziness. Difficulty swallowing or breathing. Fever. Rectal bleeding.


So simple advice for people facing constipation issues is to change their staple diet from existing rice/ wheat and refined wheat flour-based foods to millet, and people get relieved of constipation in a few weeks.


Also, people face diarrhea, mainly due to a lack of zinc and good gut bacteria, i.e., insufficient probiotics and prebiotics. Still, people take medications to control diarrhea when they can simply take fermented probiotics like fermented millet porridge and curd and zinc-rich foods or zinc supplements.


Due to a lack of awareness/education about the severe side effects of painkillers, millions of people use self-medicate painkillers by purchasing from all over the country due to the lack of mandatory prescription doctor when any inflammation, (even for hormonal imbalance caused menstruation cycle pains women are using pain killers every month, instead of correcting their hormonal imbalanced caused due to animal milk and animal milk-based foods and excess carbohydrates and cane sugars) especially inflammation in joins  can be relived with simple leaf decoction of guava leaves, and to relive arthritis pains people can use Athibala leaf decoction or seeds (abutilon indicium plant leaves and seeds)


Also, people use chemical-made synthetic drugs and supplements even for the seasonal common cold and colds when vitamin-C supplements are made of ascorbic acid from petroleum products. Some people are taking pharmacy medicines for common cold/flue without even thinking of improving their immunity, when just taking a Tulasi/ basil leaf decoction can contain common colds and flu (when raising Tulasi/ Basil plant is considered auspicious, especially in Hindu religious dharmas, which consider Tulasi plant as a mother goddess and touching the Tulasi plant will bring good luck, removes negative energy / evil energy. GOI must initiate distribution programs of Tulsi plants to every home in every RWA with schemes like “Ghar Ghar Me Tulasi Maa” to encourage people to raise Tulasi plants like this. GOI can provide other medicinal plants for homegrown, even in apartments in pots. 


Most unfortunate is taking vitamin B9 folic acid regularly, especially by women (even most allopathy doctors recommend, especially for pregnant women, to reduce neural tube defects in fetuses above 400 mcg to 800 mcg) when the natural form of B9 i.e. folate, which comes from abundant from foods like chickpea/ Kabuli chana, black-eyed beans, people use folic acid, and folic is acid one of the root cause of breast cancers and other cancers in women and people who take folic acid.

Unlike folate natural food-based B9, not all of the folic acid consumed is converted into the active form of vitamin B9 — 5-MTHF — in the digestive system, as many people have a problem with the gene 5-MTHF. Even a small dose, such as 200 to 400 mcg per day, may not be completely metabolized until the next dose is taken. As a result, unmetabolized folic acid is commonly detected in people’s bloodstreams; even in the fasted state, chronically elevated levels of unmetabolized folic acid may cause increased cancer risk. Millions of people with self-medication take B complex in high dosages (which contain B9 of more than 400 mcg), and some people, especially women, take exclusive folic acid and invite cancers too. GOI must regulate the use of supplements, and supplements be sold only on doctors' advice. Doctors must advise supplements only if there is an acute deficiency, and normal deficiencies should advise people to take foods to get vitamins.

Also when diseases  like precrisis  can be just like than brought into control with foods and gid rid of them in few months with foods and leaf decoctions and life style changes, eating low carbohydrate high fibre diet like millets only one time and eating uncooked raw food without no salt and all salt be naturally obtained from foods (like spinach, amaranth, sweet potatoes, musk melon/ cantaloup, coconut water, annatto seeds etc) and strictly no salt in any food under any circumstances will help start heeling psoriasis within a month and get healed with 6 months to one year, and to get heal fast taking fresh wheat grass will help purify the blood and even canners get cured through wheat grass and the lifestyle changes, and in the process of curing psoriasis or cancers etc strictly on pure vegetarian / vegan diet with no salt and cutting completely animal products, caffeine, sugars, processed foods, rice and wheat will help relive from any hard full body psoriasis within one year without any medications  allopathy, or AYUSH, but people ignore this and use allopathy steroids and they give some initial relief only to increase the disagree and frequency and after some period the steroids exhibit their side effects, and also stop working as the dosage reaches peak, and people are suffering. So, food-based treatment is the best option in autoimmune disorders like pyrolysis.

Also, people feel that cancers are not curable or require only surgery (when certain cancers surgery is not possible, like liver, pancreas, etc.). People have to go for chemotherapy or radiation therapy or high-dosage antibiotics instead of changing their food from a staple diet of rice-wheat to millets and eating fermented millets, cutting down on cane sugars and processed foods, cutting down caffeine beverages and foods like coffee, tea, colas, chocolates, and cakes and cut down animal milk and animal proteins like meats and taking cold pressed slow RPM extracted oils doing daily interment fasting strictly for 16 hours (eating breakfast lunch dinner in 8 hours span, completing dinner by 6 pm evening) and eating fruits like soursop and eating microgreens like broccoli and radish, etc. and sleep in the dark for 8 hours and staying in the sun for 20 minutes and waking for 20 minutes daily will help prevent cancer cell growth and remove cancers from the body over some time; instead, people get panic. They suffer from allopathy medications and reduce their life span. 

The majority of health issues are related to glucose in the blood (people are of the wrong notion that only diabetics are due to blood glucose, so they are carefree when the fact is even high blood glucose is one of the reasons for cancers, as blood glucose increases above normal limit 5 gm then the glucose build up and leads to inflammation, and inflammation leads to oxidative stress and oxidative stress leads to damage cell, DNA which leads to cancers!), which is related to foods, especially staple foods, procured foods, and sugars. People still eat foods that cause spikes in blood glucose, like rice wheat, refined wheat flour, corn flour, cane sugars, and all processed foods commercially sold,  when they are supposed to eat food like millet (Shree Anna- Siridhanaya) and palm sugars and low RPM fresh extracted oils foods like wood pressed Ghani oils (cut refined oils), and eating only pure vegetarian diets (cut all animal products including animal milk which causes hormonal imbalance) that can prevent occurring of majority of health disorders, and even cure existing health disorders including cancers by starting these foods along with existing medications and gradually reduce and drop the existing medications and get cured with only these foods within six months to 2 years.   

There is another perineal small plant which can be ground in open plots in every home which provide life, as it anti-bacterial anti viral, anti fungal, anti-histamine,  blood purification, kidney health, heart health, liver health and prevents kidney stone formation and dissolves existing kidney stones naturally  (no need for surgery) over a period of time, and has several health properties cures several health issues   it is  RANAPALA  PLANT,  it is called “Leaf of Life” in African countries and many countries its scientific name is “Bryophyllum Pinnatum” and the lead edges are considered roots and plants  grow from just  leaf  and  can service little water, grown in all soils and in pots, (best for apartments, can be grown in pots in balcony, where little sun exposure is enough or in the terrace) daily eating just one leaf is enough to take of health to a maximum extent; GOI ensure every house hold in India has at least 10 pots (2 pots and two plants per person) i.e roughly two plants per person in entire population.  In the absence of this, people are using several allopathic medicines, primarily for kidney, liver, UTI, etc., which are unnecessary in case people use this” leaf of life” decoction daily. Everyone can take one leaf irrespective of their current health disorders.


Like this, any health issue can be prevented, treated, and cured entirely with food and leaf decoctions. The list mentioned in this document was designed by a remove scientist  (Dr. Kadar Vali- Vali-SiriDhayanna) who invented millet-based preventive and cure for health issues as millet has low carbohydrates and high fiber in layered from this will help the formation of SCFA in the intestine and this  SCFA  and good gut bacteria are the one that cures any health issue only medical scientists have given name to the disease. Still, millets and fermented millets can cure all health issues/ diseases over a while entirely without any need for allopathy or AYUSH medications.


So, taking chemical supplements and medicines for every small thing, self-medication is due to a lack of education regarding the side effects of chemical residues of synthetic supplements medicines and lack of education/knowledge/ awareness regarding food and leaf decoctions use for immunity boosting and preventive health care and treatment.


Many simple foods-based and leaf decoction-based solutions can prevent and cure many health disorders without the need for synthetic medicines or supplements, as frequent synthetic makes cause issues to the liver and body.


So, the first step in ensuring a food-based health system is changing the staple diet for all people, especially those suffering from chronic diseases.


GOI must focus on educating people about changing the staple diet for all healthy people to prevent the occurrence of health disorders in the future and make it a must for all people suffering from any health disorders like pre-diabetics, insulin resistance, PCOD, ovaries, cancers, autoimmune disorder, and many more and no disease can’t be treated/ controlled/ cured with a change in staple diet.


Since WHO declared the year 2023 as the international year of millets, and GOI made millets as Sree Anna (all verities of millets which are over 6,000 verities worldwide and over 12 popular verities in India), however top five millets with low carbohydrate to fiber ration (less than 10, in single digits) and which are having the capacity to help in preventive health care and as a cure are called “SiriDhanya” (considered as positive millets) which include Foxtail Millets, Barnyard Millets, Little millets, Kodo Millets, Browntop Millets are having low glycaemic index and complex carbohydrates with carbohydrates and fiber in layered form, release energy i.e., glucose steadily as digestion will take place steadily, with no urge to take food for at least 6 to 8 hours after taking millets, no spikes in blood glucose.

GOI must promote millets as a staple diet and enhance millets production in a targeted manner. GOI provides incentives for millet cultivation. GOI provides millet for all people with chronic diseases at a subsidized rate or free of cost for poor and BPL families in the PDS and to all elderly people. GOI fixes minimum and maximum selling price of all raw agriculture produce, especially millets (in the event of millets becoming a staple diet and there will be a surge in demand and, at present, a gap of demand and supply for millets which has low carbohydrate to fiber ratio) to prevent middlemen and traders exploiting common public in the event of heavy demand for millets. Millers are the all-weather crop with hardly one spell of rain or one tanker of water sufficient for the one-acre crop. This will help people get relief from health issues but also help people get more drinking water, as millets require 1/10 of the water required to cultivate rice/ wheat. 

Since universal health insurance is need of the hour it is the duty and responsibility of the all insurance providers to educate people on  food and life style based health care and it is the duty and responsibility of the insurance companies to ensure people adopt the food based preventive health care through insurance companies linking the premium to certain parameters like HBA1C  i.e three months average sugar (through mandatory every three months blood test), and visceral fat (through diagnostics) , and maintenance of cholesterol, triglycerides (every three months through diagnostics)   height to weight ratio, eight hours sleep (measured through digital gadget),  twenty minutes  / two kilometres daily walk   with average15 kilometres per week (measured through electronic gadgets); also insurance companies  use block chain technology  for getting multiple right opinions  for need of surgery  , emergency for surgery, and Artificial intelligence based comparative treatment   of various health care treatments for various health issues in general and in every specific  person and mandatory record of digital dairy of food habits by every person who is employee and care givers for every adult and every aged and persons with limited mobility and linking daily digital dairy  with insurance premium and also linking cleanliness and hygene at inside home and out side home surroundings with insurance premium ( mandatory to take photos in Special App by every house hold or the RWA in case the individuals do not hold smart phone phots of bath rooms, toilets, kitchen  sinks, wash basins and surroundings of home and Apartments) and insurance premium made dynamic linked to locality / area  with5 kilometres radius  of the residential and commercial areas (where the person is employer or employee)  must be clean and hygene without garbage and without overflow of drains and without any stinky foul  small without any debris or water stagnation in that surroundings ( enforcing citizens to be responsible individually and collectively, enforcing the local municipal authorities to act swiftly) will help in  achieving best preventive health care and best natural health care through food based treatment and only in case of emergency hospitalisation (manageable emergences like electrolyte imbalances can be treated at door step with creation of critical  care on wheels or at door step by Govt  funding or insurance companies funding / owning the critical care on wheels or at door step ) and surgery based on multiple opinion  will help people over come health issues naturally and make them quick recovery  without any scope for sabotaged treatment which is prevalent and repent at present in most of the private hospitals, also relive patients form side effects of allopathy medications, as most of the health care is through food  with low carbohydrate high fibre staple food (millets)  and leaf decoctions  and eating verity of fruits and vegetables and seeds and pluses which are  suitable for all age group all gender anywhere in India and World.

Detailed presentation of food-based health care and how Food and plant-based solutions can cure various health issues coupled with simple lifestyle changes were discussed with 100% scientific evidence, and this titled.

“Best Health from Farm Not from Pharma”

 covering issues like

                          ·        Health Care though Food and Plant based Simple Solutions

                          ·        Adopting Low Carbohydrate, High Fibre, Gluten Free Staple Diet

                          ·        Replacing Rice, Wheat, Oats with Millets - Whole Grain - Flour 

                          ·        Educating Function & Balancing Vitamins-Nutrients-Hormones

                          ·        Relacing Animal Proteins with Plant based Proteins, Nutrients

                          ·        Making Edible Oils-Flours-Batters-Milk Products at Homes/RWA

                          ·        Minimising Usage Refined-Processed-Packaged Foods-Oils-Sugar

                          ·        Maximizing usage Palm Jaggery Relacing White Sugar-Cane Jaggery

                          ·        Regulation Sugar-Salt-Fats-Refined Flour in Commercial/Home Food

                          ·        Addl. Tax on White Sugar for Household, Double Tax for Commercial Use

                          ·        Regulation of Manufacture Sale, Consumption of Alcohol

                          ·        Alcohol Served only in exclusive bars in limited quantity for Healthy people

      With Pre-Booking-Payment, Ban Sale in Wine Shops, Close All Wine Shops 

                          ·        Ban on Manufacture, Sale of Colas, Carbonated Drinks

                          ·        Regulation of Sale, Usage of Caffeine Containing Beverages-Foods

                          ·        Ban on Cooking, Sale of All Deep Oil Fried Foods in Commercial Outlets

                          ·        Ban Cultivation of Tobacco, Ban Manufacture, Sale, Use of Tobacco products 

                          ·        Regulation of Birth Control Pills, Promotion of Natural Birth Control

                          ·        Regulation of Fortification of Foods, only Water-soluble nutrients be fortified   

                          ·        Ban Iron Fortification, especially Staple Food (Rice) to prevent GENOCIDE 

                          ·        Promotion of Cooking, Storage in Mud, Steel, Cast Iron Vessels

                          ·        Discarding Aluminium, Non-Stick, Plastic in Cooking, Serving

                          ·        Discarding Plastic Usage-Tooth Brush-Water Bottle-Food Serving  

                          ·        Promotion of Plant Based Hair Cleaning Over Synthetic Products

                          ·        Promotion of Plant based Utensil, Cloth, Surface Cleaning Products  

                          ·        Measures for Clean Air-Safe Drinking Water-Cleanliness-Hygene

                          ·        Marginalising Use of Anti Biotics, Pain Killers, Steroids via Foods

                          ·        All Religious Places- providing Free leaf decoctions, cost to cost

                          ·        fresh vegetable-fruits salads, Millet porridges, Veg- Meals, Curd, Coconut Oil

                          ·        Daily Intermittent Fasting-Eat in less than 8 hours -16 hours No Food

                          ·        Promotion of Simple Home Cooked Food over Commercial Foods

                          ·        Growing Kitchen Gardening, Leafy Vegetables in Homes/RWA

                          ·        Planting Medical Value Trees, Plants in Homes/RWA Colonies

                          ·        Promotion of Daily Consumption of Fresh Green Leaf Decoctions

                          ·        Adopting Systematic Drinking Water- Breathing Air- Eating Food

                          ·        Eating Whole Grains, Sprouts, Nuts, Fresh Vegetables-Fruits

                          ·        Simple Exercises, Walking, Sleeping, Staying in Sun-Greenery

                          ·        Health through Self Care, Simple Lifestyle Changes

                          ·        Marginalisation of Need for Synthetic Medicines & Hospitals

And these  measures on impletion by GOI will help create  awareness in people and make people understand and adopt on their own  or by default, through GOI creating default settings, Some through GOI banning, restricting like GOI ban sale of deep try foods commercially to begin with ready to eat fresh make in restaurants, street foods, including sweet shops and foods in packaged made in factories with deep oil frying be manned completely to contain cancers and many health disorders, people are free to make deep fries at home. GOI advise them to not to make deep fries and use stir fry, thawa fry once in a while, however it is up to people to make the foods in the manner they like. All commercial foods should use air fries or thawa fry in place of deep fry where ever possible. This one reform will help in fixing several health issues like cancers, triglycerides, BP, heart issues, stomach issues in millions of people across India. this is what GOI can do for the health of people. Mandatory Use of Slow RPM extracted oils replacing Refined oils in all commercial use oils will further bring positive health, with GOI making it mandatory every RWA possess mini  slow RPM extraction oil machines (it is up to house hold in RWA to use this facility to get fresh extracted oils or not or use refined oils) GOI phase out refined oils manufacture sale in less than a decade. GOI ban manufacture, sale and use of colas and carbonated drinks will help in better health of millions of people. GOI impose additional tax on cane sugars and provide tax concession on palm sugars will help people adopt healthy sugars.  GOI fixing limit of sugar, salt fat per every commercial portion will further help in good health, like wise many default settings in the system will bring health for All naturally





Since Health is Wealth and people becoming un healthy due to eating un healthy foods and sober life style, as a result people has to  depend up on doctors, hospitals, and  even though 2/3 of the country primarily depend up on the traditional medicine, but GOI mostly promoting pharmacy driven health care i.e allopathy treatment, and  in the last 77 years of independence majority of the health care providers 2/3 are in private sector, and health care becoming a highly lucrative business and people re taken for granted and private hospitals are acting at their whims and fancies for amassing huge wind fall grains using the health ailments of people, encashing the old age, comorbidities, and family sentiments.. with irrational treatment and some indulging in sabotaged treatment with only aim for them is to get maximum money from any visiting patient, all this when majority of the patients visiting hospitals due to any health ailment including most emergency situations (mostly emergency situations are due to electrolyte imbalances which can be just corrected at home through  foods or in hospital with simple treatment, which can be avoided through foods) when they can get treated with simple treatments, but they try to make the case complicated to get maximum out of every visiting patient, and aged 65 + are more vulnerable to visit private hospitals, as most of the private hospitals  use aged 65+ as cash cows send by almighty to them to extract as much maximum as possible by way of irrational or sabotaged treatment to keep the patient in hospital to maximum extent, and take the case for surgery  to get maximum money in quick time, as every surgery is risky and brings in some side effects so that in case patient is alive then he became a permanent customer and recovering money, in case patient succumbs they keep the patient in Ventilator / critical care unit after surgery and try to extort maximum and leave the patient leaving misery to their family as they lost patient and money All these things are routine in most of the private hospitals, and it is an open secret that some of the honest doctors in all forms of treatment (Allopathy Ayush) are Afrid to keep their parents, family members in private hospitals  that what kind of sabotaged treatment the private hospital do for their parents or family members if they join for any emergency or any serious health issue / late detection of health issue, then one can imagine the condition of fear/ treatment common people get in private hospitals. All this due to lack of system to monitor activities happening in all hospitals, especially private hospitals, and lack of default settings in health care system to prevent contain happing of sabotaged treatment; and also lack of system that most of the health issues to be treated first with foods and vitamin supplements instead of chemical based synthetic allopathy medicines and lack of awareness in people regarding food and leaf decoctions as preventive health care and as cure and what are the side effects on health due to use of chemical synthetic allopathy medications and how they affect the body and health and how private hospitals indulge in sabotaged treatments.


GOI creating default settings in health system with central monitoring of all hospital admissions, separate central monitoring of all ICU admissions,  AI system cameras in ICU and third party audit of ICU patients will ensure no patient is kept in ICU unnecessary,  and prevent the hospitals from doing sabotaged treatment as ICU are not accessed to patients attendants or others and they become centres of sabotage as they become totally opaque and adequate time for the private hospitals to indulge in whatever treatment they want to do to keep the patient more time in hospital and build a case for surgery of the patient to get more money quickly and also and AI based system to suggest  best course of treatment for the particular condition of patient, with first line of treatment with foods and  leaf decoctions, Block chain system to suggest second opinion on need for surgeries that will contain un necessary surgeries performed in private hospitals and video record and assessment of diagnostics will ensure no case is unnecessary build up for surgeries by manipulating  the diagnostic reports like doppler tests  etc and all surgeries in operation theatre will ensure that all  surgeries are performed following standard operating procedures and no sabotaged treatment in operation theatres etc will help contain sabotaged treatments in hospitals, and people get health through foods and only in unfortunate emergency cases, accident cases  hospitals be used ; to help people adopt food based treatments and to switch from existing allopathy and other forms of treatment creating 24/ support system for switching from one form of medicine to other from, especially to food based treatment will relive patients of side effects of allopathy and other forms of treatments ; GOI promoting foods and leaf decoctions and life style changes, making people adopt them  will help people relive from getting health ailments. 


So high time GOI on war footing educate people  why they should eat healthy foods and adopt healthy life style to stay healthy, and make necessary measures like increase of availability of suitable staple diet (coarse grains-millets ) and palm sugars replacing rice wheat and cane sugar in the first place to contain maximum health issues, and also make sure people stay in sun for at least 20- minutes, people walk for 20 minutes of 10,000 septs / 2 km daily and sleep for 8 hours and complete dinner at least 8 pm in evening with at least 12 to 16 hours rest for stomach (intermittent fasting daily) to help get health and reduce occurrence of health disorders to a great extent.



This document titled “Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Technology in  Health Care”  covers all the issues, lacunas in Health care System and provided solution to the issues in a Win Win manner safe guarding the patients from exploitation by the vested interest Hospitals, vested interest Medical Fraternity  and safe guarding dignity and authority of doctors, Prevent self-medication  and on implementation Ensure Flawless Diagnosis & Conservative Treatment-Quick Full Recovery of Patients; Provide Best Solution for Health Ailment among Various forms of Health Treatments; Contain Deliberate Irrational-Sabotaged Treatments in Hospitals-Doctors-Diagnostics; Ensure Transparency & Accountability - Contain Frauds & Corruption in Health System Ensure Health Happiness Prevails among all Sections of people.





The Full Document can be Read from the Link Below



Artificial Intelligence & Blockchain Technology in  Health Care



Best Health (Preventive- Cure) from Farm not from Pharma


Simple Life Style & Behavioural Changes For Better Health (Preventive - Cure)




Note: This Work is for Education and Awareness purpose only not to denigrate and degrade  any profession or individual or institution, only intended to bring the facts and provide solutions to issues, ensure Equality, Justice Prevail I express my sincere Regrets  and apologies  if any of my work hurt any section of people or person or institution



Jai Hind


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